Facing Zhao Shanhe, who refused to give up, Song Yuncheng and his gang had no choice but to leave in despair.

Although they are unwilling, they also know that if they continue to make trouble, they can only be ashamed of themselves.There is no way, who told them that they were the ones who wanted to leave Shanqiu at the beginning, it is normal for them not to want them now.

What Zhao Shanhe didn't expect was that this group of people beat Song Yuncheng after they walked out of Shanqiu's gate.

The reason for their beating is also very simple, who told Song Yuncheng to fool them, if it wasn't for Song Yuncheng, would they be able to leave Shanqiu?

It was you who caused us to lose our jobs, so if you don't beat us, beat someone else.

Although Song Yuncheng said that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he didn't call the police.

When this matter was reported to Zhao Shanhe, he didn't care at all.Song Yuncheng had nothing to do with him from the day he left.

"Song Yuncheng's business is like this. If this happens again in the future, use this as an example."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly after scanning the audience.

"Understood, director."

Li Xiangyang and the others nodded in agreement.

It can't be said that you have betrayed us and still want us to take you in, right?

Where in the world is there such a good thing.

"Director, what are you going to do with Fengfan Cannery?" Li Xiangyang asked, since he bought it, he must not be idle.

"Well, I already have a plan, but it will take some time to prepare, so let's let it go for now." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Factory Manager, it's okay to let it go first, but we must protect it. If we don't send people to patrol there, maybe some people with dirty hands and feet will steal things from it." Li Xiangyang said.

"Yes, what you said is a problem."

Zhao Shanhe turned his head to look at Chen Jianfei.

"Old Chen, you should take care of this matter. First, from our beverage factory, arrange a few security guards to go to patrol. If there are not enough manpower, then recruit more people, and give priority to veterans."

"In short, make sure that the production line and basic equipment at the cannery are intact." Zhao Shanhe urged.

"Understood, factory manager, don't worry, I guarantee that there will be no missing parts." Chen Jianfei respectfully accepted the order.

"Director, are we saying that we don't produce canned food? We must know that there is a ready-made production line there, and the canned food industry is not bad, at least it won't lose money." Wu Jianjun asked curiously.

"Don't think about it for the time being. The canning industry is not as simple as you think. We don't need to compete with those three companies for the market."

"I've been thinking about new products for the past two days, so please wait patiently." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said.

"Well, let's listen to the factory manager!"

A farce was handled lightly by Zhao Shanhe.

Looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar man in front of her, Li Qiuya felt very happy not far away.

What she likes most is this most pragmatic feeling, which will make her very down-to-earth.

Moreover, Zhao Shanhe's aura of pointing Jiangshan made her intoxicated, and she felt particularly masculine.

Everything went right after that.

Shanqiu Beverage continues to produce popsicles in full swing, and sales are rising steadily.

Xikou Village.

As soon as Li Jianguo returned home after finishing his day's work, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Thinking of what happened today, he is still a little dazed, with a face full of disbelief.

"I said, Lao Li, what's the matter with you? You don't look right, please sit down and rest for a while."

After seeing Li Jianguo's appearance, Tian Lihua handed over a Maza anxiously.

"I'm fine!"

After Li Jianguo sat down, he picked up the big tea mug next to him and drank it for a while, which was enough to extinguish the depressed fire in his heart.

"Can you call it okay? Tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

Tian Lihua asked with a stare.

"Just when we were about to get off work, Wu Hengdu, the director of our winery, called me over. He didn't know where he heard that Zhao Shanhe was our daughter and son-in-law. He insisted on asking me to invite Zhao Shanhe over, saying that he wanted Invite guests to drink."

"You said that this is not embarrassing me? How can I call that kid Zhao Shanhe?"

"What? What's the matter?"

Tian Lihua couldn't help being stimulated by the news, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

"You factory manager Wu wants to meet Zhao Shanhe, a pickle? It doesn't make sense. Why does he want to see Zhao Shanhe? And how did he know Zhao Shanhe?"

"I said I wanted to ask Zhao Shanhe a few questions, but I don't know how I got to know him."

Li Jianguo said with some embarrassment.

"What? Ask Zhao Shanhe a question?"

Tian Lihua was dumbfounded on the spot.

no?Are you kidding me?Just like Zhao Shanhe, you still want Wu Hengdu to ask for advice?Does he have the qualifications?

Who is Wu Hengdu? He is the factory director of Gushun Winery in our county. Can Zhao Shanhe give advice to such a big factory director?

Zhao Shanhe should not even be qualified to carry Wu Hengdu's shoes.

"I said, Lao Li, you don't have a fever, do you?" Tian Lihua touched Li Jianguo's forehead while speaking.

"What's the fever? I don't have a fever. You'd better help me think about how to solve this problem." Li Jianguo knocked off Tian Lihua's hand and said upsetly.

"Is that trash"

"Stop talking nonsense. He is your daughter's son-in-law. If you say that about him, what do you make others think?"

Before Tian Lihua finished speaking, Li Jianguo interrupted him, who shouted sullenly.

In the past, with Zhao Shanhe's kind of virtue, Li Jianguo would never speak for him, but it's not different now.

Not to mention that Zhao Shanhe has changed, he has even become so important to Wu Hengdu.

Where does this make sense?

I can ignore Zhao Shanhe, but I can't deal with Wu Hengdu in a daze, otherwise the factory won't be able to wear small shoes for me.

"Could it be that Zhao Shanhe is really capable?" Tian Lihua asked Li Jianguo with a sharp look.

"I don't know, but it looks like it should be."

Li Jianguo, who has never paid attention to Zhao Shanhe seriously, is now a little curious. Could it be that the popsicles he made are selling well?

"By the way, Cui Huan has come to Cui Xiaoju's house. Doesn't she work in Shanqiu Beverage Factory? Call her over and ask, and it will be clear. I also have something I want to talk to her about."

Tian Lihua slapped her forehead and said.

"What do you want to tell them?" Li Jianguo couldn't help asking.

"It's Tian Jun's business. Didn't Tian Jun ask me to introduce him to someone? I think Cui Huan is pretty good. Do you think the two of them can do it? Will Tian Jun dislike Cui Huan and bring a child?"

Tian Lihua glanced at the courtyard wall next door and asked in a low voice.

"Hate Cui Huan?"

After Li Jianguo heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head speechlessly, "What are you thinking? It's good that Tian Jun dislikes Cui Huan, and Cui Huan doesn't dislike your Tian Jun."

"Forget it, don't worry about it, you should hurry up and ask Cui Huan about his business."

"Okay, I'll go find Cui Huan now!"

Tian Lihua walked out after speaking.

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