"My bargaining chip is the market in Handong City."

Miyai Saburo said proudly: "As long as you can win, I will give up the auto glass market in Handong City with both hands, and make blue bird glass for you. How about it? Is it enough?"

"not enough!"

Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would shake his head vigorously on the spot after hearing this.

"Not enough? Zhao Shanhe, don't be too greedy!" Saburo Miyai was a little surprised and shouted angrily.

"The market in Handong City, I will fight for it myself! You don't need to give it to me, I don't care about the market you give me!"

"Miyai Saburo, if you really want to bet with me, let's hurry up. My Blue Bird Glass Factory is priced at 1000 million. If you lose, just give me 1000 million in cash. If you dare to bet, let's do it right now." Go to the notary office for notarization."

Zhao Shanhe glanced over coldly.


Miyai Saburo suddenly pondered.

The people watching around heard the bet, and they all let out a burst of exclamation in unison.

Although they say that they are not short of money, it is unrealistic to ask them to spend 1000 million at once.The most important thing is that Zhao Shanhe is so courageous, and he can play so big when he comes up.

"Bet him!"

At this moment, Kato Noheira came over, stood beside Miyai Saburo, and said mockingly: "What are you afraid of, do you really think he can win? You know, if he loses, the whole Aoi Bird Glass Factory will be destroyed." It's yours."


Kato Noheira's words immediately made Saburo Miyai's eyes shine.

will i loseimpossible!

Since I am sure to win, what else can I not dare to do?And you must know that the Jade Bird Glass Factory has always been on my mind. If I can get it so effortlessly, I will make a lot of money.

"Zhao Shanhe, just follow what you said, I bet!"

"Okay, there is a notary office here, let's go to the notary!" Zhao Shanhe said, turning his body slightly.

"no problem!"

Then, under everyone's gaze, Zhao Shanhe and Miyai Saburo notarized the bet.Now, neither of the two parties can repent, and no one can bear the price of repentance.

"Hey, Zhao Shanhe, I want to say thank you to you now, thank you for giving me such a great gift." Saburo Miyai said triumphantly.

"Really? That's what I want to tell you too."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"1000 million cash, please get ready, I will pick it up in person when the auto show ends five days later!"

"Dream!" Miyai Saburo said disdainfully.

"Then let's wait and see."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Now the crowd is completely hot, and everyone is talking about it.You must know that before this happened, not many people knew about Zhao Shanhe and his Jade Bird Glass Factory, but now everyone knows about it.

"Have you heard? Saburo Miyai of Sanjiang Trading has made a bet with someone."

"Who do you think will win?"

"If you want me to say that it must be Saburo Miyai, do you even need to think about it?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Let me tell you, don't underestimate Zhao Shanhe. Although he said he has just set foot in the field of tempered glass, he has done very well in food and hardware before. He is a very business-minded businessman."

"Don't be funny, can food and hardware be compared with tempered glass? Is that the same thing? As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain, just wait and see, Zhao Shanhe will definitely lose everything this time."


During this heated discussion, Huang Weile said with a serious expression: "Mr. Miyai, that's 1000 million. Are we really going to confront Zhao Shanhe?"

"What? Do you think we will lose?" Saburo Miyai raised his eyebrows, raised his chin and glanced.


"Mr. Huang, you think too much, you Sanjiang Trading will never lose. Let me tell you, with the support of our Toyota, your order quantity will definitely crush Zhao Shanhe, let alone you dare to say that he Will there definitely be an order?" Kato Noheira said proudly.

"Yes, with Mr. Kato coming forward, I believe we will win." Huang Weile said quickly.

"Go and watch Zhao Shanhe and see what he's doing." Saburo Miyai ordered with his eyes narrowed.



Zhao Shanhe was quickly stopped by Wei Hong, followed by Fang Shijun and Luo Fenghua, the three obviously knew about the betting agreement, so they rushed over to inquire.

"Director Zhao, you don't really agree to bet with Sanjiang Trading, do you?" Fang Shijun asked anxiously.


Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "What you heard is true, I have made a bet with Miyai Saburo of Sanjiang Trading, his chip is 1000 million cash, and my chip is the Blue Bird Glass Factory. "

"Is it true? You are too hasty!"

Fang Shijun looked over complainingly, and muttered: "No matter what, Sanjiang Trading is a regular customer of the station, and they have Toyota as their backing. The two of them have always worked closely together. If you do this, you are hitting a stone with a pebble. , looking for a dead end."

"Old Fang."

Wei Hong glared.


Fang Shijun smiled awkwardly.

"Director Zhao, don't think too much, I have no other intentions."

"I know that Fang is always thinking about me, because he is afraid that something will happen to me. If something happens to me, it will definitely affect our cooperation. This is normal."

Zhao Shanhe shrugged indifferently.

"If it were me, I would definitely think so."

"Then why do you still do this? Could it be that you have some hole cards that we don't know about? But I really don't understand how strong your hole cards can make you come back within five days. If you can't come back A glass factory of that size will be given away to Sanjiang Trading for nothing." Luo Fenghua asked with a frown.

"Mr. Luo, we just met, so you are not familiar with my style of doing things. Mr. Wei should know that I always plan ahead when I do things. If I am not fully sure, I will never do this of."

"Don't worry, this time I will not only win Sanjiang Trading, but also include Shengjia Company."

Zhao Shanhe's calm tone reveals a kind of arrogance and domineering.

"What? You even plotted against Shengjia Company?"

This time even Luo Fenghua, who was always calm, was a little surprised, he looked over speechlessly.

"You don't really plan to do this, do you? One Sanjiang trading company is enough for you. You don't need to make too many enemies at this time. I still think that you should focus on our car dealers, after all Compared with car dealers, we are more reliable, and we are willing to use the windshield produced by your Jade Bird."

"Mr. Luo, we have discussed this issue before, so there is no need to talk about it. Don't worry, I have already arranged it. If there is no accident, this matter will definitely ferment within today. By then , I bet he Miyai Saburo will never laugh again." Zhao Shanhe said confidently with the corners of his lips curled up.

"Really?" Luo Fenghua's eyes were full of suspicion.

"It's absolutely true, if you don't believe it, go to the Liunianhe Square opposite to have a look."

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