Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 702 It's over this time!

As soon as the press conference ended, Dong Peifeng left Nanjue County quickly. His purpose was very simple, that is to go to Handong City to see Huang Weile as soon as possible, and he wanted to tell the matter quickly.

In fact, when he was on the road, Huang Weile already knew what happened at the press conference.

When he knew it, Huang Weile was stunned on the spot.

"Did something happen?"

Miyai Saburo, who was sitting not far away, couldn't help asking curiously when he saw Huang Weile's look of despair.

That's right, as you can see, the backstage boss of Sanjiang Trading is Sakura Club.

The Cherry Blossom Club not only took over the shares of the Nanjue County Cement Plant, but before that, there were many industries such as Sanjiang Trading.It is also because of this that Huang Weile dismissed Zhao Shanhe when he heard Chang Shanhu from Feihuang's car dealership tell him about tempered glass.

With his back against the Sakura Club, he naturally knew that Saburo Miyai had asked Zheng Nanrun to deal with Zhao Shanhe, so he was always confident.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zheng Nanrun would fail, and what he didn't expect was that Zhao Shanhe would suddenly announce this extremely fatal news today.

"Mr. Miyai, Zhao Shanhe did something at the just-concluded press conference. He compared the windshield of Sanjiang Trading with his tempered glass..."

After Huang Weile finished talking about this matter, Saburo Miyai's originally calm expression also instantly became angry.

"What? Are you telling the truth?"

"It should be true. There are so many reporters at the scene, it's impossible to fake this." Huang Weile said dejectedly.

"No reason!"

Saburo Miyai flew into a rage, slammed the table and shouted.

"This Zhao Shanhe is just a shit-stirring stick. Isn't it good for him to make his own hardware products? If he insists on developing toughened glass, isn't this clearly against us?"

"What's even more hateful is that he even managed to develop it!"

"What do you think we should do now?" After speaking, Saburo Miyai frowned and looked at Huang Weile with a livid face.

"Mr. Miyai, more importantly, Jade Bird Glass is of high quality and low price. The price alone is 3000 yuan cheaper than ours! This is a great temptation, and those partners will definitely go to him for cooperation." Huang Weile was anxious shouted.


Miyai Saburo snorted coldly.

"Is it possible that we can also sell at a lower price?"


Huang Weile shook his hands, and said decisively: "It is impossible to sell our tempered glass at a reduced price. Even if the price is really reduced, it is impossible to reduce the price to the level of Zhao Shanhe. If that is the case, including shipping costs and so on, we But you will lose money."

"Losing money?"

"We have to study this matter carefully."

Saburo Miyai got angry all of a sudden, and walked back and forth in the office in a hurry.

It’s fine if you don’t make money, but you can’t lose money!

"What you have to do now are two things." Saburo Miyai walked to the table and stopped, raised a finger at Huang Weile and said, "First, keep an eye on Zhao Shanhe, and if he has any troubles, we will Hold them all!"


"Second, hurry up and contact our partners and try to sign a long-term contract with them. Let them know that even if there is Jade Bird Glass, our glass is the best."


After Huang Weile agreed respectfully, he asked respectfully: "Mr. Miyai, I will do all these things, but I want to know how Zheng Nanrun is doing? Hasn't the public opinion been exaggerated? Didn't Zhao Is the tax evasion of Shanhe going to be settled? How come there is no news yet?"

"I'll ask about this matter, you just go and do your own thing well." Saburo Miyai said with a gloomy face.



Feihuang car dealership.

The news from the press conference also came here immediately, and Chang Shanhu was furious when he heard the news, he went directly to Wei Hong and said angrily: "Mr. Wei, did you see that?" ? Does Zhao Shanhe do things like this? What is he?"

"Using the video shot by our Feihuang car dealership to attack Sanjiang Trading, if Huang Weile finds out about it, what will he think of us?"

"I think we should warn Zhao Shanhe about this and ask him to destroy all those videos on the spot!"

"Old Chang, calm down first, don't get excited."

Wei Hong brought over a cup of green tea and said with a smile, "Come on, drink some green tea to defeat the fire."

"Mr. Wei, what time is it? How can I be in the mood to drink tea!" Chang Shanhu said indignantly.

"When is it? I don't think there is any time."

Wei Hong sat on the opposite sofa indifferently, and said slowly: "Old Chang, there is something wrong with your mentality, don't you think this matter has no big impact on us?"

"Mr. Wei, Zhao Shanhe has already used us like this, and you still say that it has no effect?" Chang Shanhu shouted anxiously.

"How did he use us? I agree with this matter." Wei Hongbo said calmly.

"You agree? Why?" Chang Shanhu was taken aback and asked hastily.

"Because our Feihuang car dealership will cooperate with Jade Bird Glass Factory in the future. As for Sanjiang Trading, let's just stop it!" Wei Hong said nonchalantly.


Chang Shanhu froze for a moment.

"No, Mr. Wei, no matter what, we have a cooperative relationship with Sanjiang Trading for many years, and the quality of the tempered glass of Sanjiang Trading is also very good, we..."

"I said stop, didn't you hear?"

Wei Hong suddenly interrupted Chang Shanhu's words, and his attitude suddenly became serious.

"Boss Wei, me!"

Changshan Lake froze for a moment.

"Old Chang, you are the first person to follow me, and you are my confidant. I treat you well, but do you dare to say that you have not received any benefits from the cooperation with Sanjiang Trading?"

"Boss Wei, me!"

"You don't need to say anything!"

As soon as Wei Hong raised his hand, he directly interrupted Changshan Lake with an anxious expression, and said calmly: "I already know your matter very well. I also know the reason why you obstructed the cooperation with Qingniao Glass Factory like this. .”

"You can take two days off recently. When you can come back, I will inform you."

After hearing these words, Chang Shanhu looked mournful.

He knew he was screwed this time!


The people in Sanjiang Trading are anxious and panicked.

Compared with their anxiety and panic, some people are pleasantly surprised and excited.

Because when the press conference was over, when those reporters started scrambling to report the news frantically, the publication of each article directly brought unprecedented shock to the Eastern Province.

No one expected that in the field of tempered glass, a little-known private enterprise in Eastern Province would go to the forefront of the country, relying on its own technical strength to overcome this difficulty.

The overcoming of this difficulty will bring an unimaginable impact to the national tempered glass field.

So the Jade Bird Glass Factory caught fire in no time.

Zhao Shanhe is also famous throughout the province.

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