Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 686 Is this still using names?

"But this possibility is not ruled out."

Zhao Shanhe's words made Li Qiuya nervous.

"Are you saying that the formula is really likely to be leaked?"


Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Although our milk tea formula is said to be well protected, there is no impenetrable wall in this world, and many things are not afraid of being stolen or missed by thieves. It worked."

"Then what should we do?" Li Qiuya suddenly became anxious.

"Don't be nervous. It's fine if you don't know about it. Now that you know it, I'll take care of it. You can do whatever you want. I'll do it." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Can it be done?"


Zhao Shanhe said confidently: "Don't forget, he hasn't succeeded in this matter yet. Besides, since someone reported it, it means that this matter is not so easy to succeed."

"But!" Li Qiuya was still a little worried.

Zhao Shanhe smiled: "Just relax, and what if he succeeds in this matter? It's nothing more than selling it. Some people copy and pirate our milk tea, don't you think so?"

"Yes!" Li Qiuya nodded after thinking about it.

"As for those pirates, are we afraid? Not afraid." Zhao Shanhe said.

"I can rest assured that."

After the two talked a few more words, they hung up the phone. Zhao Shanhe made a call after pondering for a while, hung up after giving a few instructions, and then didn't bother with the matter.

At this time, the atmosphere of public opinion in Nanjue County has begun to ferment continuously.

The spearhead is directed at Zhao Shanhe.

"Why don't you say that this Zhao Shanhe didn't come out to refute the rumors!"

"Are you sure it's a rumor?"

"Maybe the news in the newspaper is true, otherwise why would Zhao Shanhe be so guilty and dare not stand up and clarify?"


Arguments like this are being made everywhere in the streets and alleys.

There is no way, who made Nanjue County so big, as long as there is a little trouble, the city will be full of trouble immediately.What's more, Zhao Shanhe is still a celebrity in Nanjue County, so it's hard not to pay attention to him.

The news reached Huang Dashan's ears immediately.

The moment he heard this, he danced with excitement.

"See? It's called the evil will be rewarded with evil. You said that he borrowed my money early, but he should not borrow it. It's better now, and he deserves it! Hehe, with such news, he can't even think about being safe. "

"Dad, do you think this can defeat Zhao Shanhe?" Huang Yingying asked.


Huang Dashan said confidently: "Let me tell you, there must be a big shot in this matter, otherwise how could such a news be published in the daily newspaper, now Zhao Shanhe has no chance to escape!"

"That's good, he deserves to be unlucky." Huang Yingying also said viciously.

"By the way, what did your husband's family say? Do you want to borrow money? Do you want shares? Does Zhou Yongjian really care about his son's life?"

"Also, Zhou Angong has been busy these two days, and he doesn't come to work in the factory. Does he really treat my place as a nursing home? He comes and leaves whenever he wants." Huang Dashan asked irritably.

"Dad, just as I was about to tell you about this, the Zhou family agreed to borrow money." Huang Yingying smiled.

"Really? Where did they get the money?" Huang Dashan was taken aback.

"I don't know about this, but I don't care about them, as long as they are willing to pay for it, don't you think so?" Huang Yingying said while sitting on the sofa proudly, fiddling with her manicure.

"Yes, yes, I don't care what they do with the money. I just need them to give me money. It seems that their family still cares about you very much. As soon as they said they wanted a divorce, they immediately compromised. Girl, remember, Their family will use the divorce as a trump card, so that you will not be bullied by their family in the future." Huang Dashan said.


Huang Yingying smiled triumphantly.

Just when the Huang family father and daughter were gloating, the Zhou family also knew about it.


Zhou Yongjian slapped the newspaper on the table, and said excitedly: "See? Zhao Shanhe must have been punished. Let me just say, how could a person like him earn so much money? It's all tax evasion." Tax evasion, he is a law-breaker. Huh, a black-hearted businessman like him should have been arrested a long time ago."

"Is there any misunderstanding here?" After Zhao Yongduo came over and picked up the newspaper to read it, he couldn't help but asked in a low voice worried.


Zhou Yongjian snorted and said, "Didn't you see it? This is the news published by Nanjue Daily. Do you think there is a misunderstanding? Zhao Shanhe is completely finished."

"But there is no name on it, so it is called Shanhe!" Zhao Yongduo retorted.

"Is this still called by name?"

Zhou Yongjian picked up the newspaper, pointed at it with a smile, and said, "A food factory, a hardware factory, a winery, and now a glass factory, and the profit just announced is 8000 million. Which of these is not about Zhao Shanhe? , do you need to think too much?"

As he said that, he asked with some displeasure: "I said what's wrong with you? Why have you been protecting him all the time. Do you still want to speak for him? Don't forget, it was he who didn't lend us money, so we just had to You can sell this house!"

"I'm not protecting him!"

Zhao Yongduo wanted to explain, but after seeing Zhou Yongjian's cold expression, he swallowed all the explanations back and said calmly: "Then let's not talk about him, let's talk about our money?"

"Are you sure you want to give it to Huang Dashan? I always feel that this is a bit unreliable. Huang Dashan is not a good person. What if he takes our money and refuses to accept it?"

"Don't admit it?"

Zhou Yongjian raised the corners of his eyes mockingly.

"You, you keep thinking about things you shouldn't think about, but you don't think about things you should think about. Can Huang Dashan cheat on our money? Don't forget, Huang Yingying is your daughter-in-law, he is our in-laws, What's more, the money is used to buy shares in the factory, and if he doesn't give us the shares or the letter of transfer, we don't have to give it to him."

"That's fine, I'll listen to you."

Zhao Yongduo turned to Zhou Angong and said, "An Gong, you are very clear about how the 100 million came from. You must earn the money back within a year, otherwise we will not be able to pay back the debt."

"I know Mom, don't worry, I will be able to earn back the money within a year." Zhou Angong said excitedly.

I know that this money is hard-won, and my parents threw away their homes and businesses to get it together, but it doesn't matter, as long as you give me time, I can earn back several times the money. I still have a lot of money for Huang's factory. Confidence.

At this moment, Zhou Angong seemed to have seen countless banknotes flying towards him with wings covering the sky.



Zhao Yonghao, who was just about to go to the back mountain to do some farm work, was picking up tools in the yard when a figure hurried in from the outside, shouting anxiously as soon as he entered.

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