Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 656 1 Step 1 Footprint

"An Gong!"

Seeing Zhou Angong with a gloomy face, Huang Yingying stepped forward, and took his arm obediently. Just as she was about to continue talking, she was thrown away by Zhou Angong.

"What are you doing?" Huang Yingying was shocked and angry, shouting with frost on her face.

"You still dare to shout at me?"

Zhou Angong looked angry.

"Why don't I dare to shout at you? Zhou Angong, don't think that this factory is only owned by our Huang family. You have also heard what my father said. As long as you can borrow money, it will give you shares. This It means that this factory also has your share, so you can’t just stay out of it and ignore it, can you?”

"I tell you, you have to borrow money from me today, if you can't borrow money, we will divorce!"

Huang Yingying yelled fiercely.

"Divorce? It's divorce again. What do you think you know besides divorce? If you didn't keep threatening me with this, would our family be able to get to where we are today?" Zhou Angong shouted angrily.

"It's useless for you to talk less, just say whether you are going to borrow money? If you don't, I will go!" Huang Yingying said with her neck raised.

"You go?"

Zhou Angong laughed back in anger.

"Okay, you can go, if you say you can borrow money, I will convince you!"

"Go, go, who's afraid of who?"

Huang Yingying really picked up the small leather bag and walked out after speaking.

Seeing her receding back, Zhou Angong sneered dismissively.

"I'm waiting for you to come back and beg me!"

"But Huang Dashan said just now that 20.00% of the shares is quite attractive. If it is possible, I can do it. But 20.00% is not enough, at least 25!"

Zhou Angong secretly calculated in his heart.


Nanjue County Cable Factory.

Like Zheng Nanrun, in this factory, there is also someone who is depressed, and this person is Chen Lifeng, the deputy director of the factory.He was really going crazy these two days, because he never dreamed that those ten trucks would not be sold no matter what!

Not to mention that he set the price himself, even the price that Xu Weidong set before, no one is willing to accept this at all.

You said that it is not impossible for him to lower the price again, but the problem is that if he really lowers the price to sell at a lower price than Xu Weidong, then his prestige will be completely wiped out.

Didn't you aim at weakening Xu Weidong's prestige at the beginning, can you still sell as high as others?

But with this matter in front of him now, he really had nothing to do.

"Director Chen, you have to think of a way. The Finance Department has urged us many times, saying that if we don't take out the money, the workers will make trouble. At that time, the Finance Department will not be responsible. .”

Chen Lifeng's confidant, Cui Yelong, the workshop director of the cable factory, said anxiously that he was also very depressed when he thought of the face of the financial department.But no matter how depressed he was, there was no one who let this matter be arranged by Chen Lifeng.

You go to Xu Weidong, he doesn't care!

"Old Cui, can't you find a suitable buyer?" Chen Lifeng asked.


Cui Yelong shook his head, sighed and said: "Director Chen, let me tell you the truth, as far as our ten trucks are concerned, Zhao Shanhe is really the most suitable one. Because the price they give is still fair. .”

"If you buy it in such a single way now, you will definitely not be able to sell it. Because there are four third-hand cars in it. For these four cars, let alone [-] for one, I am afraid no one will want it even if it is [-]." .”

"Besides, these four cars often have problems. You said that if they are really sold, and something happens in the future, what should they do if they come to find them?"

Chen Lifeng frowned: "Is there really no other way?"

"No!" Cui Yelong said helplessly.

"In that case!"

Chen Lifeng stifled the cigarette in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "You can talk to Zhao Shankai about this matter and see what he thinks. You'd better find out his tone. If you can sell it at the previous price, we will Just sell it!"

"it is good!"

Cui Yelong hesitated to speak, and finally turned and walked out with a sigh in his heart.

If I had known today, why bother? Do you think Zhao Shankai would be paid the same price as before?impossible!You just wait to be slaughtered!It's good to be slaughtered, I'm afraid they won't want our car at all!


Around noon, Zhao Shanhe returned to Zhenghe County. He went directly to Shanqiu Foodstuffs. After meeting Li Qiuya, he introduced Cai Shishi to him.After seeing that Cai Shishi turned out to be Zhao Shanhe's newly recruited secretary, Li Qiuya couldn't help showing a surprised expression on her face.

She knew Cai Shishi because Zhao Shanhe had told her about it, but what she never expected was that Cai Shishi would be so beautiful.

"Master, hello, come to me if you need anything." Li Qiuya said generously.

"Then thank you, Manager Li."

Cai Shishi smiled.

"I've heard that my sister-in-law is a beautiful woman, but now I see that she really deserves her reputation."

sister in law!

Hearing this title, Li Qiuya immediately laughed happily.

"Let's go, I'll arrange accommodation for you."

"it is good!"

After the two left, Zhao Shanhe began to read the work briefing.

Although Shanqiu Foods, Hetu Manufacturing and Zhao Xiaobai Winery are all in orderly production and orders are coming in a steady stream, but he knows that the more he can't take it lightly, the more he must be cautious.

The bankruptcy of any factory will not drag on for ten or eight years, and many of them often happen in an instant.

Therefore, he must guard against the passing of time and ensure that the three factories are all in good development.It is also for this reason that Zhao Shanhe does not seek unlimited expansion of the three factories, and does not even build a large number of branch factories, in order to seek development in a stable and orderly manner.

One step at a time.

Make every step solidly.

When he was about the same, the phone on the desk rang suddenly, and it was Zhang Jing's voice that came from next to his ear.This made Zhao Shanhe smile involuntarily. You must know that he wanted to contact Zhang Jing when he was in Zhongzhou City, but he didn't expect this guy to contact him now.

Could this be a tacit understanding?

"Hello, Director Zhao, I'm Zhang Jing."

"Director Zhang, you have been very busy recently. I haven't heard from you for a long time. I thought you had forgotten me, but I didn't expect you to remember me." Zhao Shanhe said jokingly.

Hearing this, Zhang Jing said quickly: "Director Zhao, look at what you said, who is the busy person between the two of us? I'm just busy, and you are really busy."

"Ha ha!"

After the two casually chatted for a few sentences, Zhao Shanhe changed the subject.

"Are you looking for something for me? Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Director Zhao, I did come to you for one thing, and I wanted to ask your opinion." Zhang Jing restrained his smile.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe also became serious.

"It's like this..."

After Zhang Jing said this, Zhao Shanhe's expression became strange.

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