Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 648 Do You Need A Secretary?


Cai Shishi's leather bag hit the Ferrari door directly, and the violent impact made Chen Xingyu jump out in distress, pointing at Cai Shishi's face, he raised his arm and slapped it down.

"I beat you to death!"

When Chen Xingyu's slap was about to slap Cai Shishi in the face, Zhao Shanhe appeared in time, raised his hand and grabbed Chen Xingyu's arm, pushing him away.

"Chen Xingyu, you really opened my eyes. A big man beat a woman with his hands!"

"Zhao Shanhe, why are you here?"

Chen Xingyu couldn't help being surprised when he saw Zhao Shanhe who suddenly appeared.

"Why am I here and still need to report to you?" Zhao Shanhe said mockingly.

"I understand, I understand. Cai Shishi, you are such a shameless woman, you actually hooked up with Zhao Shanhe! Do you know that he is already a married man, are you ashamed of doing this?" Chen Xingyu slightly After thinking about it, he showed a suddenly realized expression, pointed at Cai Shishi's face, and slandered unceremoniously.

"You fart!"

Cai Shishi was so angry that his face turned pale, he pointed at Chen Xingyu's nose and shouted angrily: "Chen Xingyu, keep your mouth clean, who is seducing people! Get out of here quickly, if you don't get out, believe it or not I have done the things you have done Say it all out, and you will be ruined!"

Chen Xingyu was slightly taken aback, and immediately threatened: "How dare you?"

"See if I dare!" Cai Shishi met Chen Xingyu's gaze without giving in.


Seeing Cai Shishi's resolute and decisive expression, Chen Xingyu, who originally wanted to jump up and down, froze.

He really didn't dare to break skin with Cai Shishi casually, otherwise, those secrets that Cai Shishi possessed would really make him notorious.Although he also knew that Cai Shishi didn't dare to expose her casually, but in case he really pushed her into a hurry, with her personality, she might really be able to do so.


Chen Xingyu snorted coldly, jumped into the Ferrari, and drove away in a hurry.

"It's all right now, let's go!"

Zhao Shanhe started to leave as he said.

"Thank you!"

Who would have thought Cai Shishi gritted his teeth at this time, suddenly stopped Zhao Shanhe, and thanked him.

"No need." Zhao Shanhe shook his hand casually.

"I have to say thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd be picked up by Chen Xingyu. In addition to what happened on the plane last time, you've helped me twice. How about I treat you to dinner? " Master Cai said.

"Bring me to dinner? Then there's no need, go and do your business." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Zhao Shanhe!"

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe was about to leave again, Cai Shishi hurriedly yelled to stop.

"Anything else?" Zhao Shanhe turned his head to look over.

"Yes, there is something, I want to ask, do you need a secretary?" Cai Shishi pursed his lips and asked expectantly.


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's eyebrows moved slightly, and he looked over with deep meaning, "What do you mean? You failed the interview at Donghua Commercial and Trade, so you want to come to me to find a job?"


Cai Shishi did not hide his purpose, and said frankly: "I want to find a job, and I also think that I am fully qualified for the job of a secretary, so I want to ask you if you need it."

"And I also know that your Yile chewing gum has already begun to be exported to the United States. I think I have some understanding of the American market. If you say that you are willing to use me as a secretary, I believe I will be able to help you."

Export to the United States and open up overseas markets.

When Cai Shishi said this, Zhao Shanhe was already moved.

To be honest, he also wants to find a suitable secretary, he can't just remember everything by himself, can he?And it doesn't matter whether it's Li Xiangyang or Yang E, although they say they can help him, they all have a division of labor in the factory after all, so it can't be said that they are always used as secretaries.

In that case...

Zhao Shanhe's thoughts moved slightly, and he said calmly: "You just said that you want to invite me to dinner, right?"


"Then let's go." Zhao Shanhe pouted towards his car.

"it is good!"

Cai Shishi noticed that Zhao Shanhe was interested in him, and immediately stepped forward excitedly. After the two of them got into the tiger's head and ran, the car drove out like an arrow.

Half an hour later, the two came to a noodle shop in Zhongzhou City.

"You said you wanted to invite me to dinner, but did you just invite me to a bowl of noodles?" Zhao Shanhe looked at the simple layout around him and shook his head speechlessly.

"Yeah, I just want to treat you to a bowl of noodles. But don't underestimate this place, the noodles here are delicious. All the noodles are made of eggs and noodles, pulled out by hand, and the stewed ones are also selected by the boss himself Made of meat."

Speaking of this, Cai Shishi looked at Zhao Shanhe who was not moved at all, and suddenly smiled embarrassingly.

"Okay, I admit that I'm quite tight recently, and the only thing I can treat you to is a bowl of noodles. Director Zhao, you won't say that we have to eat Western food to be considered a treat?"

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person? Let me tell you, I prefer a bowl of authentic handmade noodles here than drinking red wine and eating steak."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the menu and said, "I want a bowl of beef noodles!"

"Boss, one bowl of beef noodles, one bowl of tomato egg noodles, two servings of noodle soup, thank you!"

Cai Shishi raised the menu and shouted at the boss with a smile on his face.


Soon two bowls of noodles were served, and while eating the noodles, Zhao Shanhe asked straight to the point: "Now give me a reason to use you as a secretary."

"it is good!"

Speaking of business, Cai Shishi immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks, raised his hand and handed over his resume.

"This is my resume, please read it first, and then talk while looking at me."


Zhao Shanhe flipped through his resume, not to mention Cai Shishi's resume is quite prestigious.Not only has she worked in Wall Street in the United States, but she has also worked in two large domestic companies. She is definitely experienced.

"Actually, I studied your information before going to Donghua for an interview. Of course, I also heard about you from Chen Xingyu before I did the research. I listened to it as a joke, but you don't know, Chen Xingyu How much do I know about you?"

Just such an opening sentence made Zhao Shanhe quite moved.

"How well does he know me?"

"It can be said to be very understanding and comprehensive."

Cai Shishi recalled the information about Zhao Shanhe that Chen Xingyu had said, and said slowly: "He told me that you started your business from selling shaved ice, and that your investment in selling shaved ice was decisive at that time. You have a good vision, and you made your first pot of gold by selling shaved ice, and then you started your entrepreneurial journey.”

"He will still praise me?" Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips in surprise.

"You should have heard a saying that the one who knows you best is not your friends, but your enemies. Chen Xingyu knows you like this because he just wants to beat you up and take away all your property, so He will desperately collect information about you. It is precisely because of this that I have heard about you from him."

Cai Shishi said frankly.

Zhao Shanhe flipped through his resume as if nothing had happened, nodded calmly and said, "Continue!"

"it is good."

Cai Shishi continued to speak, and Zhao Shanhe's expression couldn't help changing slightly.

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