Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 597 You Come To Settle It?

While waiting for Liu Wei'an, Zhao Shanhe started chatting with the two security guards on duty.He has no intention of underestimating these two. You must know that this means that the Jinlu Glass Factory has gone bankrupt. Before that, anyone can be a doorman if they want to. If you say you have no connections, how can you come here? Pension?

as predicted.

The two who were a little wary at the beginning, after Zhao Shanhe's insinuation, soon completely let go of their conversation.Amidst the bombardment of panda cigarettes, he spoke out what he knew in one go.

In fact, this is also because the two feel that there is nothing they can't say.

Anyway, the Jinlu Glass Factory has become history, and there is no need for me to keep my mouth shut for Jinlu.

"So many skilled workers in the Jinlu Glass Factory are resting at home and have no work to do?"


"Jinlu has already started researching tempered glass? Are you sure?"


"Many of Jinlu's workers are villagers from Jiangxia Village. I know that."


When Liu Wei'an arrived here, Zhao Shanhe already knew a lot of inside information.The two had just greeted each other, and before Liu Wei'an could say anything in depth, Liang Xuefeng also arrived.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries between the two parties, Liang Xuefeng said: "Director Zhao, Director Liu was in charge of the overall work of the Jinlu Glass Factory before. If you want to know anything, you can ask him. Director Liu, You must know everything without saying anything.”

"Definitely." Liu Wei'an said hastily.

Jinlu Glass Factory is a state-owned enterprise, and Liu Weian has always been very guilty of self-blame and guilt. He felt that he was very responsible for the bankruptcy of the glass factory, and he always wanted to do something for the glass factory to save it.

But he never made it.

Now that he heard that Zhao Shanhe, who was made by Hetu, was coming to contract the Golden Deer, he would of course be excited to act as a guide, and would say everything Zhao Shanhe wanted to know without reservation.

Liu Wei'an waved his hands forward respectfully: "Let's talk as we walk."

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "Good!"

Walking in the Jinlu Glass Factory, all the workshops are very quiet, and the machines are placed quietly like that, and no one opens them again.In its heyday, the Jinlu Glass Factory operated 24 hours a day.

Today is not what it used to be.

"Director Zhao, our Jinlu Glass Factory covers a total area of ​​about [-] mu. There are three production workshops in total. The supporting buildings include a cafeteria, dormitory, and library..."

"Director Liu, there is something I want to tell you." After Liu Wei'an's brief introduction, Zhao Shanhe didn't give him a chance to continue, but turned around and looked over, and said slowly.

"That is, before I came here, I just came out of Jiangxia Village. In the village, I heard something and met a man. His name is Wang Fakui. Do you know this man?"

"Wang Fakui!"

Liu Wei'an, who was going to continue talking, changed his face slightly when he heard the name. Then he glanced at Liang Xuefeng with an embarrassed expression, and said mockingly, "Of course I know who he is."

"Actually, even if you don't talk about it, Director Zhao, I'm going to talk about it later. Because if you really want to buy Jinlu Glass Factory without any worries, Wang Fakui is a hurdle that you must cross. Don't cross it. This Kaner, after you buy it, there will be endless troubles."

"Leader Liang, do you know who Wang Fakui is?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Liang Xuefeng.


Liang Xuefeng nodded, and couldn't help being a little annoyed when he thought of the troublesome things Wang Fakui had created.But he couldn't say that he directly ordered the arrest. After all, what Wang Fakui did was not up to the standard of criminal offenses, and this matter, if you say that it is not handled well, it will really cause a big disturbance.

Liang Xuefeng wanted Zhao Shanhe to acquire the Jinlu Glass Factory, but he also wanted to maintain social order and stability.

"Director Zhao, you don't have to worry about Wang Fakui. Let me tell you this, as long as you are willing to join Jinlu Glass Factory, then I will help you find a way to deal with him."

Liang Xuefeng made his promise.

"Are you here to settle it?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly.

"Leader Liang, may I ask, how do you plan to deal with him? You should know that what I need is to solve this matter once and for all. Any repetitions during this process will bring trouble to our future development. I am I'm not afraid of trouble, but I don't want to waste my energy all day on this kind of unreasonable disaster. So, do you understand?"


Liang Xuefeng nodded and said with a smile, "Of course I can understand. If I were you, I would think the same way. But if you ask me how to settle things, I happen to have something to discuss with you."

"Before, Jinlu Glass Factory was able to help Jiangxia Village to arrange employment for many villagers. If you can agree to this, those villagers will naturally not follow suit. In this way, if Wang Fakui dares to make trouble again, I can arrest him. .what do you think?"

"Of course there is no problem with this! I want to recruit people anyway, and it doesn't matter who I use."

Zhao Shanhe relaxed and smiled.

"To tell you the truth, I have also inquired about it before. There are many outstanding technicians in these villagers. Even if Leader Liang didn't tell you, I would have planned to do so."

Liang Xuefeng laughed loudly: "I knew it, you have to be so straightforward about this matter!"

"Since Jiangxia Village is not a problem here, let's talk about the topic. As far as I know, Jinlu Glass Factory is now under the supervision of the bank, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Liang Xuefeng glanced at Liu Wei'an, and he quickly stood up and said, "Let me explain this matter. Because of our various reasons, the Jinlu Glass Factory went bankrupt anyway. Before it went bankrupt, it borrowed a lot from the bank. At that time The signed contract is also mortgaged with the glass factory. So now after bankruptcy, the bank will temporarily supervise here.”

"Then if I buy it, should I talk to the bank directly?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I want to talk to the bank, but the leader Liang has to come forward. After all, you should also know that this matter is always a matter of Nanjue County." Liu Wei'an said with a smile.

"Director Zhao, if you are talking about the acquisition, don't worry about the negotiation, I will help you to complete it. Moreover, I believe the bank is willing to hand over the current development prospects based on Hetu. After all They also don't want to supervise the glass factory all the time, which is also a burden for them," Liang Xuefeng said.

"In that case..."

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently, and said slowly: "Leader Liang, please say hello to the bank first, and find out what their bottom line is. After all, if we are talking about acquiring a glass factory, the acquisition fee can be saved. The point is the point, otherwise, even if we acquire it, it is impossible to say that it is operating normally.”

"No problem! I'll discuss this with the bank." Liang Xuefeng was overjoyed.

What he wants is Zhao Shanhe's words, as long as Zhao Shanhe is willing to buy, other things will be discussed later.

"Then let's move on."

"it is good."

Half an hour later, Zhao Shanhe and the others probably completed the entire glass factory, and he knew it well.After he sent Liang Xuefeng away, he smiled at Liu Wei'an who hadn't left, and asked a question slowly.

Liu Weian was shocked on the spot.

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