On this day in late November.

Hetu Manufacturing is bathed in the warm sunshine in the morning. Although the temperature is a little low at this time, you will feel warmer or less when you see the sun.In the conference room, all the senior executives of the factory were happily chatting.

When they talked about the farce that happened yesterday, they all showed dismissive smiles on their faces.

"The current Jinyang Machinery should be too busy to take care of itself, and it is estimated that it will never dare to trouble us again."

"That is to say, they are purely full and have nothing to do."

"This shows that product quality is always the first priority, and any favors or backdoors are useless."


In this warm atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe walked in.

Li Xiangyang and Yang E followed on the left and right respectively.


Zhao Shanhe walked to the middle position, pressed down his hands, and the venue quickly fell silent.As soon as he sat down, the meeting officially began.

After several established topics were finished, Zhao Shanhe listened to the work reports of each executive here, especially when it came to mining pumps, he listened very carefully.And instructions are given at the end.

"Currently mining pumps are a focus of development for our Hetu manufacturing. In the future, mechanical pumps like this will continue to be developed in the laboratory, and new products will appear by then. But for now, the most important thing is It is to tamp the foundation of mining pumps."

"I believe you all already know that we have signed a contract with Jiandu Mining for [-] units. These [-] units must be delivered within the specified time period, even if it is less than a day away. At the same time as this production and manufacturing, the sales department We can’t be idle either, we must continue to open up our new markets.”


There was no nonsense in what Zhao Shanhe said, and everyone listened with relish.

The meeting lasted for two full hours before it was declared over, and after the meeting ended, everyone knew and clarified their current work goals, and rushed forward with all their energy.

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips slightly, and scanned the audience: "Also, what I want to remind everyone is that don't forget the military order you made before. It seems that the Chinese New Year is coming, and you are going to hand over to me This answer sheet."

"Won't forget."

Chen Duo smiled gently.

"We at Zhao Xiaobai Winery will definitely be able to accomplish our goal!"

"It seems that our Shanqiu Foods can't finish it."

"It's okay to make Hetu!"

Feeling this warm atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe smiled with satisfaction.

"Finally, before the meeting ends, I want to say something. I haven't said this thing just now, but I believe you are all interested in listening." Zhao Shanhe put down the pen in his hand.

Everyone looked over at the same time.

"what's up?"

"I want to praise all the workers made by our Hetu!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled all over his face.

"Although I wasn't at home yesterday, I already knew what happened in front of our house. To be honest, I was very happy and excited when I heard it."

"I'm glad that you can solve this matter without me. I'm excited because I see your unity. I always said that we should take the factory as our home. I used to feel that something was missing. But yesterday I knew , I'm not bad at anything."

"Comrades have really made the factory their home, and really put our Hetu manufacturing in their hearts, and let me see what unity is strength. This is our corporate culture, and it is what our company should do. all the way through.”

Zhao Shanhe paused and waved his hand.

"So I decided that by the end of this year, the wages of all workers will be increased by [-]% on the current basis!"

"The factory manager is mighty!"

After a short period of silence, it is unknown who yelled first, and then all the executives present became excited.

"Ten percent, my gosh, that's another lot of money."

"People outside here are envious of us to the point of madness. If they hear about this, they will probably die of envy."


In this cheerful atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe cheerfully announced: "The meeting is over!"


When the meeting ended and the news spread throughout the factory, all the workers who heard it were even more excited.You must know that even if there is no increase, their wages are the highest in Zhenghe County. Now that their wages have been increased, even if they are placed in the entire Handong City, they are still in the forefront.

"Director Zhao is particular about it!"

"Following Factory Manager Zhao, we will eat hot food and drink spicy food."

"As far as Jinyang Machinery Factory still wants to fight us, do they have the qualifications?"


And when the news reached the Lvyuan Branch Factory, the workers of the original Gushun Winery there were even more excited.

Each of them secretly thought in their hearts, fortunately they came here after listening to Zhao Shanhe's words.If it is like some people who leave in a fit of anger and don't listen to Zhao Shanhe's words, they will probably regret it now.

And you must know that next month will be the end of the year, and what Zhao Shanhe said before is that there will be bonuses.When the time comes, how much will it cost?If we follow this trend, will our family be able to become a million-dollar household next year?

The workers get excited just thinking about it.

For a time, the workers in all factories became more motivated.

And in this atmosphere, someone approached Zhao Shanhe. He had something to say. This person was Changjiang Haichao, the factory made by Jiuquan.After the two met, Zhao Shanhe greeted him and sat down on a chair in the reception area.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Zhao Shanhe asked, "Do you need me?"


Jiang Haichao immediately sat upright, looking over with a serious look.

"Director, I received a message two days ago about Hongxing Machinery Factory. I think you should be interested in this news."

"Speak." Zhao Shanhe looked at Jiang Haichao calmly.

"Didn't Hongxing Machinery Factory merge Longzheng Machinery? They installed a production line in Longzheng, saying that they want to produce automobile engines. You know this, right?" Jiang Haichao said.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, this is nothing unusual, right?Not only me, but many people know this too.You, Jiang Haichao, wouldn't tell me such old-fashioned news, would you?

"Director, what I want to talk about is this car engine. They are going to put it into production in the past two days, but the problem is that many problems have occurred during the production process."

"That production line will stop running frequently and break down, and then they will find someone to repair it. But every time it is repaired, it doesn't take long at all, and it will break down again soon." Jiang Haichao said.

"What? And this?" Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"Yeah, because of this production line, the people in Hongxing Machinery Factory are going crazy. Liu Yunze just stares there all day, but he doesn't care about it. It should be broken or it will be broken, and he has nothing to do."

Jiang Haichao shook his head, sighed and said, "Redstar Machinery Factory is trapped now."

"The covenant group? Didn't they say they would be responsible for the maintenance? Could it be that they can't fix it?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise.

"Don't mention this, mentioning this will make people even more angry."

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