"Yang E, don't you sleep this early in the morning?"

Zhao Shanhe opened his dazed eyes, walked over and opened the door and asked helplessly.

"problem occurs."

Yang E glanced at the room and saw that Li Qiuya also got up when she heard the movement, so she waved her hand and greeted her.

"Come in and talk."

Zhao Shanhe shifted his body slightly, and after letting Yang E in, he yawned and asked in surprise, "What happened?"

"Qiuya, I'm sorry I made you rest." Yang E said apologetically.

"Yang E, what is the relationship between us? Don't be polite. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. You said something happened, what happened? Is there something wrong with the bell tower?" Li Qiuya combed her hair. asked the hair.

"It's not Yu Bell Tower, but something happened in Nanjue County."

As Yang E spoke, she handed over a stack of papers.

"Look, this is just received today. It is said that small newspapers like this are posted everywhere in Nanjue County. That's not counting, these are issued in the city."

Zhao Shanhe took it over and took a look, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

The headline of this newspaper was even more provocative, and there was no intention of covering it up. It just cut to the chase and declared war on Zhao Shanhe by name.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are not a man! "

"It is said that Zhao Shanhe made by Hetu is an accomplished entrepreneur, but none of you would have imagined that such a person is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing. You would never have imagined that he would beat women, And the beating was still so fierce. Let me tell you, I was at the scene at the time and witnessed his murder process with my own eyes."

"It's unlawful for a man to beat a woman."

"What's more, he is a successful person like Zhao Shanhe. He doesn't think that he can do things recklessly with a little money, right? Zhao Shanhe, you must stand up and apologize unconditionally to the victim, and I suggest that the victim pursue your criminal responsibility , let you, a public figure, pay the price you deserve."


"Isn't this about the incident at Nanjue No. [-] Middle School? Isn't that incident already over? Why is there still someone retrieving old accounts? And who wrote this article? He was right there, Could it be that teacher Niu Junchang?" Li Qiuya said angrily as she held up the rough-printed newspaper with a gloomy face.

"It should have been written by Niu Junchang, but I don't think he did it, and he can't do it. Besides, he probably doesn't have the guts." Yang E said calmly.

"Yes, Niu Junchang probably doesn't have the guts yet."

Zhao Shanhe crumpled up the newspaper in his hand, threw it directly into the trash can, and smiled indifferently.

"It seems that Wang Fugui has a wicked heart and insists on expressing the evil spirit in his heart."

"Yeah, Wang Fugui's son, Wang Zhitao, has transferred to another school. Besides, his wife was indeed slapped by you. I guess he's always filled with anger."

"It's just that I didn't expect him to post it sooner or later. He chose to post it at this time. It seems that he did it deliberately. He wanted to cooperate with Jinyang Machinery Factory to discredit you." Li Qiuya said calmly.

"What should we do now? Should we continue to remain silent or choose to fight back?" Yang E asked.

"remain silent?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said with sharp eyes: "This matter should not be confused with the Jinyang Machinery matter. I am waiting for the Jinyang Machinery matter, waiting for the evidence collected by Cai Qian. As long as the evidence is in hand, the They were killed with one blow. So no matter how vigorously Yu Zhonglou is making noise now, I don't care, the more violent he is now, the more painful his fall will be."

"But Wang Fugui's matter is different! This matter is obviously deliberately turning black and white, and wants to disgust me. If this is the case, it must be resolved quickly!"

"Didn't he, Wang Fugui, want to use this to discredit me? Didn't he say that I am an arrogant rich man? All right, I'll let him take a good look at what real arrogance is!"

As Zhao Shanhe said, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

After the connection was made there, Zhao Shanhe said with a stern expression: "Cai Qian, you can do what I told you about Wang Fugui's side before, remember, and deal with it to death."


"Director, have you already made arrangements?" Yang E asked in surprise.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Shanhe stretched lazily, and said slowly: "Do you know what it means to plan ahead? This is it. People like Wang Fugui, do you think I will believe that he will willingly swallow his anger? Certainly not. "

"Not to mention who is his brother-in-law? Zheng Nanrun from the cement factory, a ruthless person who has been trying to kick me out of Nanjue County. Dealing with people like them, do you think I can hold back?"

Zhao Shanhe picked up the water glass on the table and drank it down.

"You guys, don't worry. I originally wanted to say that it's fine if they don't make a fuss about it, and I won't keep an eye on it. But since they really want to make a fuss about it now, then Don't blame me for being cruel."

"Come on, it's useless to worry about it. I didn't expect our factory manager Zhao to have planned it long ago."

Yang Ebai glared, then yawned, and walked out slowly.

"I'll go back to catch up on sleep, you guys continue to rest."

After Yang E left, Li Qiuya asked nervously, "Shan He, are you really alright?"

"Can something happen."

Zhao Shanhe patted the back of Li Qiuya's hand calmly, and said with a gentle smile: "The matter of Yu Zhonglou was an accident, so I have to find a way to solve it."

"But Wang Fugui's matter has long been guarded against him, and I have already made arrangements. What can happen? He just wants to fish in troubled waters and kill people with a knife. I will not give him a chance."

"That's fine."

Li Qiuya also yawned.

"I'm going to sleep too."

"Let's sleep together." Zhao Shanhe hugged Li Qiuya from behind.

"Fuck you, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, no!"


Hilton Hotel.

Saburo Miyai, who likes to sleep late and wake up late, saw Yu Bell Tower who came to report to work as soon as he woke up.It's just that compared with the unlucky decadence of the previous two days, Yu Zhonglou is actually in good spirits now.

"Yu Zhonglou, is there any good news?"

Miyai Saburo walked to the front of the wine cabinet, randomly picked up a bottle of red wine and unscrewed it. After pouring himself a glass, he poured another glass for Yu Zhonglou and handed it to him.

"Mr. Miyai, great news, please read this first."

Yu Zhonglou said with a smile on his face and handed over a small newspaper.

Miyai Saburo, who was originally very casual, cheered up the moment he saw the title, and hurriedly read it from beginning to end.After reading it, I couldn't help laughing.

"Good news, it's really great news. Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect you to do such a stupid thing. Yu Zhonglou, you have to use this to make a good article!"

"Mr. Miyai is right, I just want to use this to make a fuss."

When Yu Zhonglou said this, his expression suddenly became a little sinister.


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