Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 567 Can't Miss One

Is this the legendary Xueba?

Zhao Shanhe was really surprised.

He knew that Zhao Lin's academic performance was good, but he didn't expect it to be so good.At the parent meeting just now, I heard that Zhao Lin was the first in the school every time, which was enough to surprise him, but I didn't expect to be even more surprised.

You must know that Zhao Lin, who can make those schools in the city come to poach people like this, her academic performance is not simply first-class, but really extremely good.

And such a result has never appeared in him.

Zhao Shanhe is able to have everything he has now, nothing more than the advantage of rebirth, but if he is really compared with Zhao Lin, he is not qualified, far from enough.

"Tell me how good your grades are?" Zhao Shanhe pulled Zhao Lin aside and asked.

"Brother, in fact, I have never told my family that I have participated in many competitions and won many honors."

"When I was in the second year of high school, I did all the test papers in the third year of high school. At that time, my score was only [-] points away from the full score of all subjects. I believe that if I give me another year, I can surpass this score. I will become We are the number one student in the college entrance examination in the Eastern Province."

Zhao Lin's tone was firm and her eyes were steady.

After Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned, he was ecstatic in his heart.


Wang Zhitao, Niu Junchang, Yang Meijuan, have you all seen it?How good my sister is!My sister is such an excellent person, how could she be ruined by you.

"Xiaolin, don't worry, I'm here, nothing will happen." Zhao Shanhe said excitedly.

"Brother, I also know that nothing will happen. If something happens, not only I will go, but the mountains and rivers will follow me."

"Do not worry!"

While the siblings were talking, Yang Meijuan also said indignantly to Fu Jihai: "Principal Fu, are you really going to pamper them?"


Fu Jihai looked over with a serious expression.

"Yang Meijuan, I know that Wang Fugui of your family is a rich man, and I also know that he is related to some leaders of our Nanjue No. [-] Middle School. But I want to tell you that your so-called relationship sometimes does not work well. , Your so-called rich may not be able to accomplish anything."

"As far as today's matter is concerned, my suggestion is to turn major issues into minor ones. If you insist on entanglement to the end, not only will you not get any advantage, but you may also be in bad luck."

"Will I be unlucky?"

Yang Meijuan pointed to her nose and said angrily: "Principal Fu, did you make a mistake? I was slapped in the face by Zhao Shanhe, and now you say I will still be unlucky, why?"

"You were beaten, but don't you know why you were beaten? And if this matter really becomes a big one, it won't do Wang Zhitao any good."

"Let me tell you this. Wang Zhitao is a devil in the school. It's okay if no one is holding on to this matter. If someone really wants to sue your Wang Zhitao, he will be sure." Fu Jihai said seriously. Said.

"Principal Fu, don't scare me with these things! I don't want to do that!"

Yang Meijuan waved her arm vigorously, and said harshly, "I'll just wait here, waiting for our Fugui to come over, but I want to see what will happen to Zhao Shanhe when our Fugui comes over."

"As you please!"

After Fu Jihai saw Zhao Shanhe also entered the office, he came towards him.

"Brother Zhao Lin, what are you going to do about today's matter?"

"I've already said it!"

Zhao Shanhe slowly raised three fingers.

"One of my three conditions must be fulfilled."


Fu Jihai didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to be so strong, so he called Dong Peilang over with all kinds of desperation in his heart, and said to him: "I'm going to work for Yang Meijuan, and you are here for Zhao Shanhe. You know, the county leader will come to our school to inspect the work of the Parents Association in a while."

"Yes, I'm going to do Zhao Shanhe's work right now."

Dong Peilang was shocked.

Yes, how did you forget about this?

Today is the day when Nanjue No. [-] Middle School holds a parent meeting, and it is also the day when the county leaders are coming to inspect.

The county leaders came for this parents' association. If they found out what happened here, it would be terrible.At that time, even if Nanjue No. [-] Middle School can explain the past, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the county leaders.

With this anxiety, Dong Peilang began to talk to Zhao Shanhe.

Fu Jihai continued to work on Yang Meijuan.

After a few minutes.

Just when Yang Meijuan was extremely dissatisfied, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, before the person arrived, the sound came first.

"Who dares to beat my son and bully my wife? It's against the heavens. Are you tired of working?"

As soon as the words fell, a tall and thick man rushed in. He was wearing casual clothes, with a gold necklace around his neck, and a briefcase under his arm. He rushed in and shouted angrily.

He is Wang Fugui.

"Old Wang, you are finally here. If you don't come again, our mother and I will be beaten to death!"

Yang Meijuan seemed to have found the backbone at once, and she choked up as she stepped forward and took Wang Fugui's hand.

"Stop crying, what's going on?" Wang Fugui asked.

"it's him!"

Yang Meijuan pointed at Zhao Shanhe and said angrily: "His sister wanted to seduce Jia Zhitao, but after she failed, she started to make trouble. I just said a few words of justice, and he slapped me in the face. Old Wang , you must decide for me, when did I suffer from such uselessness!"

"It's him!"

Wang Fugui followed Yang Meijuan's fingers to look over, and the moment he saw Zhao Shanhe, his pupils shrank slightly, and the anger that was still invincible just now suddenly died down.

How could it be Zhao Shanhe?

Wang Fugui knew Zhao Shanhe because he was with Zheng Nanrun, the director of Nanjue County Cement Factory, and they were brothers-in-law.Zheng Nanrun had dealt with Zhao Shanhe before, so he naturally knew him too.

Because he knew each other, he knew how terrifying Zhao Shanhe's energy was.

Unexpectedly, this matter would have something to do with Zhao Shanhe.

"Boss Wang, this matter is not what Yang Meijuan said, there is something else hidden."

Hearing Yang Meijuan's nonsense here, Fu Jihai hurried forward and said seriously: "This matter, it's like this... I hope you can calm down and deal with this matter properly."


Wang Fugui rolled his eyes slightly, and soon he had an idea. He looked at Fu Jihai coldly, and said with resentment: "Principal Fu, do you think I mean enough to you Nanjue No. [-] Middle School? If you say you don't have money, I will I haven't urged you, just give me the final payment of the project whenever you have it."

"But I didn't expect that you Nanjue No. [-] Middle School would be so partial."

"My son was bullied! My wife was beaten! This all happened to you Nanjue No. [-] Middle School, but you didn't make decisions for them, but you are still here trying to persuade me to calm down. Don't you think that's the way to do this?" Is it too much?"

"Boss Wang, there is really a misunderstanding about this matter."

"Don't give me any misunderstandings!"

Wang Fugui waved his hand, interrupted Fu Jihai's words, turned to look at Zhao Shanhe, and said indifferently: "Since your school won't give me an explanation, then I'll come here to ask for an explanation in person."

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