Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 563 Are You Convinced?

"Mr. Dong, who is No.1 in our class this time?"

"That's right, can we announce the results now?"

"Yes, let us see who is qualified to sit on this golden chair this time."


Following the questioning of several parents, Dong Peilang scanned the audience and said with a smile: "The test results of the students have been announced to you before, and all you know is the results of this time."

"As for who is No.1 this time."

Dong Peilang paused and said, "Actually, you should know it well? Can you guess it?"

"It's not Zhao Lin, is it?"


Dong Peilang said with a smile: "You guessed it right, this time No.1 is still Zhao Lin, there is no suspense, so now invite Zhao Lin's parents to sit in our chair."

"Sure enough, it's Zhao Lin again, brother, I told you right, this Zhao Lin is really too powerful, and I don't know who is her parent, it's too embarrassing!" Wu Kai said excitedly.

"Hmph, it's not your child, why are you so excited." Yang Meijuan snorted coldly.

"It's true that it's not my child, but I'm also happy. People like you can't understand my feelings at all." Wu Kai glanced at him and said proudly.


Yang Meijuan's face turned red with anger.

"Brother, get out of the way." Zhao Shanhe said.

"What are you going to do? Go out? Let me tell you, this parent meeting has just started, so you can't go out right now." Wu Kai hurriedly grabbed Zhao Shanhe's arm and said anxiously.

"Who are Zhao Lin's parents? Are Zhao Lin's parents here?"

Dong Peilang shouted again.

"Listen, call me that!"

Zhao Shanhe pointed to Dong Peilang and smiled.

"Call you that?"

Wu Kai glanced at Dong Peilang, and when he looked at Zhao Shanhe again, he let go of his hand in surprise.

"You mean you are Zhao Lin's parent?"

"Yes, I am Zhao Lin's parent, so please get out of the way now." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

Wu Kai quickly stood up and made way for him.

Then Zhao Shanhe walked forward with a gentle smile, and all the parents followed suit. They looked at this man in surprise, their faces were full of surprise. This man caused a commotion when he came in just now.

"It turned out to be him! He is Zhao Lin's parent!"

"Isn't it? I've met Zhao Lin's father, it's not him. Who is this person? At most, he looks a few years older than Zhao Lin, right?"

"Could it be her brother?"

Dong Peilang was also a little surprised. You must know that Zhao Yonghao came to the parent meeting held before.He knew Zhao Yonghao well, but this was the first time he saw Zhao Shanhe.

"Mr. Dong, I'm Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Lin's elder brother. Nice to meet you. Thank you for your tireless teaching to Zhao Lin."

Zhao Shanhe stood at the front and said neither humble nor overbearing.


Dong Peilang quickly woke up from the surprise, and said with a gentle expression: "I didn't expect you to hold the parent meeting for your father this time. Since you are Zhao Lin's parent, please sit in our chair. "

"Thank you!"

Zhao Shanhe was not hypocritical, and sat down naturally.

This is not another place, this is a classroom, he can't just stand like this all the time, can he?

You don't sit, standing is the most embarrassing thing.

With Zhao Shanhe seated, Dong Peilang started the parent meeting.He is a teacher with strong ability to control the field, and he didn't say that Zhao Shanhe's special will affect the progress of the meeting.

"Parents, I believe that I don't need to say more, you should all know what our top priority is now, and that is the children's college entrance examination."

"Now has come to the most critical time. We must not relax, and we must not delay the children. You know, the children have studied for so many years in order to test themselves and prove themselves in the college entrance examination..."

Dong Peilang said excitedly.

The parents sitting below listened carefully.

No one would think of hasty handling of important matters related to their own children.

When he was about to speak, Dong Peilang looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"Zhao Lin's parents, Zhao Lin's grades are obvious to all, and she is always the first in the grade. You see, it was your father who came here before, and your father didn't mention any experience worth learning. Can you tell me Let's talk about how Zhao Lin usually learns, and if there is any good experience that you can share."


All eyes were on Zhao Shanhe.

No matter who they are at this moment, they really want to hear what Zhao Shanhe has to say, and want to get some dry goods from him.After all, every time Zhao Yonghao holds a parent-teacher meeting, he sticks like a stick. He will always say the same thing when you ask me anything. I have never cared about it. Zhao Lin learned it all by herself.

Can this also be called experience sharing?

"May I speak?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised, he didn't expect such a paragraph.It's just that he has experienced strong winds and waves at any rate, so he will naturally not panic when encountering such a thing.

Just say it.

"Parents, since Teacher Dong asked me to talk about Zhao Lin's learning experience, I will just say a few words."

"I won't talk about it in a long way. I will share with you two points I know. The first point I want to say is the importance of basic knowledge."

"I don't know what kind of situation your child is in, but I dare say that my Zhao Lin's basic knowledge is solid. One of the important reasons why her academic performance is not bad is that she has a comprehensive grasp of basic knowledge. It is very profound, so that when doing the questions, we can draw inferences about other cases from one instance and be able to do so with ease.”


As soon as Zhao Shanhe said this, Dong Peilang's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, I didn't choose the wrong person!

Zhao Shanhe is much stronger than Zhao Yonghao. Zhao Yonghao can't say anything every time he comes, but you can see that Zhao Shanhe comes with his mouth open, and the experience I want to tell every parent the most Listen.

What is the college entrance examination?

The test is the mastery of basic knowledge.

As long as you can master the basic knowledge well, as for the other extended problems, it will not be difficult.

I'm afraid that some students are always so ambitious, they obviously have no skills, and their basic knowledge is so loose, but they always put on an arrogant look, thinking that if they can solve a few Mathematical Olympiad questions, they will be awesome.

Such a person is actually not good.

"It seems that this Zhao Shanhe is not simple. He looks like a big man with some status. Otherwise, how could he be so calm and able to talk like this."

Dong Peilang thought to himself.

"The second point I want to say is that hard work can make up for one's weakness."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience with a smile.

"Do you think Zhao Lin is smart? I don't think she's that smart. She doesn't belong to that kind of genius. Her current grades are all because of her hard work and hard work."

"Let me give you an example. When your children are playing football, my sister recites Chinese books at home; when you take your children out for a trip, she does homework; She's still listening to English over and over again."

"I just want to ask, if you say that such students can't get good grades in the exam, but those students who have nothing to do all day will get the first place in the exam, are you convinced? Do you think it should be?"

The whole classroom was silent.

Everyone is seriously reflecting on what Zhao Shanhe said.

Even Dong Peilang was touched. Just when he was about to speak, who would have thought that Yang Meijuan would suddenly stand up.

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