Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 533 What do you want to do?

"Zhao Shanhe, who are you, dare to question me like this? Didn't you hear what I said just now? This is a private matter between me and Zhao Yongrui, between us and husband and wife. Apart from us, you Nobody cares."

"You are not qualified to manage!"

Pei Yingzhang sneered again and again with an arrogant expression.

"Besides, didn't you see it? Zhao Yongrui insisted on divorcing me, and I didn't insist on forcing her to leave. Even if you want to find trouble, you should find her trouble!"

"Pei Yingzhang, you are shameless!"

Zhao Yongrui, who hadn't spoken much, became angry.

She knew that what happened today was all because of her. If she kept silent like this, many people would be hurt.Most importantly, she was originally the kind of character who dared to love and hate.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have followed Pei Yingzhang when her family objected.

That being the case, she has to deal with her own affairs.

"Pei Yingzhang, why did I divorce you? Do you have no idea?"

"Do you think that no one knows about you and that bitch? Tell you, I know, I know everything. You actually raised women outside behind my back. "

"Just for this, I want to divorce you!"

What Zhao Yongrui blurted out immediately shocked everyone.

Pei Yingzhang is looking for mistress!

Now everyone suddenly realized.

Let's just say, if Pei Yingzhang didn't do something too much, with Zhao Yongrui's character, how could he say so strongly that he wants to divorce him.

"Pei Yingzhang, you bastard!"

Zhao Yong didn't even think about it, he rushed forward, raised his fist and smashed directly at Pei Yingzhang's head.With a low and dull bang, Pei Yingzhang's face was slapped straight, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth on the spot.


Pei Yingzhang covered his mouth in pain and backed away one after another.


At the same time, Zhao Xiuwu snapped the pipe stick in his hand into two pieces.You must know that this is his favorite thing, but now it is abolished like this.

Zhao Xiuwu stared at Pei Yingzhang angrily, his lips trembling.

"Pei Yingzhang, you bastard!"


In the midst of everyone's anger, Wang Guizhi suddenly felt the world spinning, he staggered, and almost fell to the ground.Fortunately, Zhao Yongrui supported her so that she didn't touch her.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Zhao Yongrui shouted anxiously.

"Mom, don't worry about it!"

"Grandma, drink some water."

"Get out of the way quickly, don't block grandma's breathing."

Li Qiuya and Zhao Shanhe hurried forward, took the initiative to embrace Wang Guizhi with concerned eyes.

Wang Guizhi, who woke up from the dizziness, looked at Pei Yingzhang with angry eyes. She raised her trembling fingers and said with trembling lips: "Okay, Pei Yingzhang, you wolf-hearted thing, how could you do this behind Xiaorui's back?" kind of thing?"

"Do you still remember how you promised us when you got married? You said you would only love Xiaorui for the rest of your life. That's how you promised?"

"Little uncle."

At this moment, even the way Zhou Angong looked at Pei Yingzhang became very complicated.

He wanted to stand by Pei Yingzhang's side, but when he thought that what Pei Yingzhang had done was really shameless, he swallowed the words as soon as he came to his mouth. He was really afraid that if he stood over, he would be the first The person who would scratch his face was Huang Yingying.

"I didn't expect you to play well!"

After Shang Wenzhi glanced at Pei Yingzhang, he thought to himself.

All the Zhao family looked at him with anger, and they all wanted to tear Pei Yingzhang to pieces on the spot.

"Zhao Yonghao, are you crazy? How dare you hit me? You poor, bumpkin, how dare you hit me? Believe it or not, I'll send someone to kill you every minute!"

Covering his mouth, Pei Yingzhang yelled in a leaky mouth, and he looked at Zhao Yonghao with cold eyes.

"To kill me?"

Zhao Yong seemed to be like a big mountain, standing in front of everyone. Under the influence of his power, even Zhou Yongjian subconsciously moved back a few steps and looked over in surprise, as if he was meeting Zhao Yong for the first time. forever good.

Could this be the real Zhao Yonghao?

"Pei Yingzhang, I think you remember eating but not beating."

"When you two got married five years ago, what did you say? In front of our whole family, you said that you would treat Xiaorui well and that you would only love her for the rest of your life. If your words don't count, you are willing to accept Any punishment from our Zhao family."

"Okay, now I'm going to punish you!"

Zhao Yonghao's eyes were awe-inspiring and his tone was cold.

"Do you think you are rich? Now you are a big shot? That's why you look down on our Zhao family and me. Let me tell you, you can look down on me, even if you don't look down on our Zhao family. It's okay. But you can't look down on Xiaorui, and you shouldn't do anything to feel sorry for her, because she gave everything for you."

"You can't bully her like this!"

"I'm going to beat you! Get justice for my sister!"

Saying that, Zhao Yonghao raised his fist and strode forward.

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you? If you dare to do anything again, I... I will call the police!"

Seeing Zhao Yonghao rushing over like this, Pei Yingzhang ran back in fright, and shouted to the side while running: "Zhou Angong, stop him quickly. Let me tell you, if you don't stop him, your contract It's useless!"

The contract is void!

Hearing this, Zhou Angong quickly stood up, stood between the two of them, stretched out his hand to grab Zhao Yonghao's shoulder, and said with all his strength, "Uncle, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, this is my family, don't tear it up." Broken face."

"My family?"

Zhao Yonghao, who was stopped, looked like an angry lion, glaring at Zhou Angong fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Who is your family with him? He has done such things, and you still want to be your family with him? If you do, you do, I don't! Zhou Angong, let me go, do you hear me? If you don't let go, I'll take care of you too!"

"Uncle, what you said is wrong, isn't it? Our An Gong is helping your family to mediate conflicts? How can you say that, even he will take care of it. If you really want this, you can do whatever you want. Whatever happens, we don’t care. An Gong, do you hear me? Why don’t you hurry up and let go?”

When Huang Yingying saw this, she quit on the spot and said in a strange way.

"What are you causing trouble here!" Zhao Yongduo glanced at him and shouted.

"Why did I just make trouble? Am I wrong? Mom, you don't love your son, I still love my husband. I can't let my husband be beaten like this. What's the matter? Kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs." ?"

Huang Yingying still yelled resolutely, as if she was afraid that the incident would not be big enough.


Zhao Yongduo looked over speechlessly.

The scene was very hot and chaotic.

At this moment, after Zhao Shanhe handed over his grandma to Li Qiuya, he strode forward, raised his hand, grabbed Zhou Angong's shoulder, and lifted him away on the spot.

"Zhao Shanhe, what do you want to do?" Zhou Angong was taken aback and asked anxiously.

"What do I want to do?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with a sneer and a cold tone.

"I still want to ask you, what do you want to do!"

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