Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 528 Villain!Shameless!


With a calm face, Zhao Shanhe ate melon seeds indifferently, and said lightly, "I've heard of it."

"Have you just heard of it? Let me tell you, you shouldn't be too rigid or introverted in your behavior, otherwise you won't have much success. You said that you were in Zhenghe County anyway, how could you just hear about it?" How about it? You should be familiar with Jiuquan Manufacturing."

Zhou Angong said proudly.

"Nowadays, who doesn't know that Jiuquan Manufacturing is a big factory, and the monthly output value has to catch up with some factories for a year. If anyone says that they can cooperate with Jiuquan Manufacturing, it is definitely a great ancestor. There is also Jiuquan Manufacturing. Not to mention, the most important thing is that people never owe money, and the transfer of money and goods is settled face to face."

Zhou An boasted that Jiuquan was made.

Zhao Shankai looked dull.

Li Qiuya also tried not to laugh.

Zhao Shanhe continued to eat melon seeds with a nonchalant expression. He took out all the melon seeds he had eaten and handed them to Li Qiuya who was next to him to eat.


Listening to Zhou Angong's eloquent words, when he paused for a while, Zhao Xiuwu put the cigarette on the table and said happily: "I have long said that An Gong is a very smart child, and he will definitely achieve something in the future. Now Look at it, isn't it so?"

"He can do business now. Tell me, when did our old Zhao family have such a businessman?"

"He's not our Zhao family."

Zhao Shankai murmured in a low voice.

Zhao Xiuwu's old face suddenly turned red in embarrassment.

"shut up."

Zhao Yongjun gave him a hard look.

"I'm going out to get some air, An Gong, come out with me, I have something to tell you." Zhou Yongjian heard Zhao Shankai's words, stood up and walked out with a gloomy expression.

"it is good!"

"I'll follow you out too!"

Huang Yingying also stood up and chased Zhou Angong out.She didn't want to stay here for a long time, and she would feel uncomfortable if she stayed in this narrow and dark room for a second.

"Sister, Shan Kai is still a child, he's just talking nonsense, don't think too much about it." Zhao Yongjun turned his head and said to Zhao Yongduo.


The corners of Zhao Yongduo's lips slanted, and he said with a sneer: "Can the child say such a thing? It seems that you usually teach the children these rules at home, third child. Otherwise, why would he say that An Gong is not the old man?" What about the Zhao family?"

"Sister, what do you mean by that?" Zhao Yongjun was a little at a loss.

"What did I say?"

Zhao Yongduo was on the spot, she pointed at Zhao Shanhe and said, "Isn't it because of what An Gong said to Zhao Shanhe? Zhao Shankai, why are you talking so eccentrically? It's because I'm here. If I'm not here, wouldn't you? Are you ready to hit your cousin?"

"Auntie, I didn't mean that." Zhao Shankai hurriedly explained.

"Then what do you mean? You and Zhao Shanhe both have the surname Zhao, and An Gong's surname is Zhou, so this is a gathering of your Zhao family. His surname Zhou shouldn't come, right?"

Zhao Yongduo shouted angrily.

"Sister, what are you talking about? Sit down and calm down."

"That's right, elder sister, you don't want to be as familiar with a child."

"Shanhe, why don't you bring water to your aunt?"

Zhao Yonghao and Lin Chunyan hurried over to appease Zhao Yongduo.

They all knew that Zhao Yongduo had always been a high-spirited person, and it was no wonder she could bear it when encountering such a thing.Shan Kai, Shan Kai, you said you are fine, why poke this hornet's nest?

Looking at the somewhat chaotic situation in front of him, Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

Is what Zhao Shankai said wrong?


He also knew that Zhao Shankai was speaking for himself, who made Zhou Angong's expression and tone just now sound so harsh.Just for this, even if Zhao Shankai is wrong, Zhao Shanhe will not blame him.

Even so, Zhao Shanhe still poured a glass of water, brought it to Zhao Yongduo respectfully, and said respectfully: "Auntie, drink some water to calm down."


After a burst of commotion, the birthday banquet soon began.

A group of people sat at two tables.

Men drink at one table, and women eat at one table.

Huang Yingying, who was sitting on the woman's table, lived like a year, and she really wanted to leave. As for the delicious food on the table in front of her, she didn't even want to move her chopsticks.

"A group of country bumpkins who have never seen the world. This kind of wine and food is only suitable for feeding pigs in our house. You are enjoying yourself. Look at you, are you ashamed?"

Huang Yingying thought with disgust in her heart.

After drinking half a round, Zhao Shankai raised his glass.

"Brother, I respect you."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe also toasted and clinked, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing the two drinking wine happily, Zhou Angong and Shang Wenzhi looked at each other with a look of disdain on their faces.They look down on Zhao Shanhe from the bottom of their hearts, a person who earns a dead wage, if you are not the eldest grandson of the Zhao family, what right do you have to sit here?You don't deserve to eat at our table at all.

The two people who thought this way didn't even realize that this was the Zhao family.

As for the two of them, one surnamed Zhou and the other surnamed Shang, if you really want to talk about outsiders, one of them is the grandson and the other is the grandson-in-law, and they are the least qualified.

"Zhao Shanhe, have you ever thought about going back to work in our Nanjue County? If you want to, I can help you with this matter." Zhou Angong said suddenly with his eyes rolled.

"Back to Nanjue County?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised that Zhou Angong would say this, he shook his head and said lightly: "No, I think it's good to work in Zhenghe County, I don't want to go back and forth."

"It's good? You said that wrongly. After all, Zhenghe County is Zhenghe County, and it's not your hometown. How can you do well there? Let me tell you, you should come back."

"After all, Nanjue County is your hometown. It is better to stay at home and go to work. In this way, as long as you want, I can call the director of Shanqiu Food Nanjue Branch and ask them to transfer you Come here." Zhou Angong said slowly.

"Really? Brother An Gong, you actually know the director of the Nanjue branch?" Shang Wenzhi asked in surprise.

"Of course!"

Zhou Angong raised the corners of his lips proudly.

"Who am I? Isn't it the director of the Shanqiu Food Nanjue branch? I know several! Wen Zhi, do you know the director Yu Fengyu who is in charge of personnel? We've had drinks together several times .On this matter, I only need a phone call, and it can be done in minutes."

Shang Wenzhi couldn't help giving a thumbs up and exclaiming: "Brother An Gong, you have a wide range of connections."

As he said that, he looked sideways at Zhao Shanhe: "Zhao Shanhe, did you hear what Brother An Gong said? Why don't you hurry up and beg Brother An Gong to transfer you back?"

It turned out to be the case.

Let me tell you, how could Zhou Angong tell me about the transfer with good intentions? It turned out that he wanted to use this to show his energy and let the Zhao family see how powerful he is. He clearly wanted to step on my shoulders and take the position. .



You said that you want to express yourself, so just say so, why are you taking my word for it?Aren't you well fed and doing nothing?

Is it...

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