Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 509 Didn't you hear clearly?

"What should I do?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly, as if nothing had happened.

"It's these people!"

Shen Wu was a little dazed, and pointed at Li Bingyi and the others, "Don't you think this matter should be resolved quickly? Otherwise, something will happen to your Zhao Xiaobai."

"An accident? Just rely on them?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head casually, and said casually: "Mr. Shen, if you worry about them, there is no need at all, because they are nothing more than a bunch of fleas in my eyes."

"Let's continue signing!"

Shen Wu was stunned on the spot.

Continue to sign?

Zhao Shanhe, you have such a big heart, you have been beaten up by the president of the anti-counterfeiting association, but you are still so indifferent.Are you really relying on something, or are you pretending to be calm?Are you really not sure, or are you pretending not to know Li Bingyi's energy?


The moment he heard this word, Li Bingyi's face flashed with anger, he raised his arm, pointed at Zhao Shanhe and shouted angrily: "Good Zhao Shanhe, you dare to insult us, you..."

"What are you?"

Zhao Shanhe turned around abruptly, stared at Li Bingyi's face, and said in a cold tone: "Li Bingyi, did you give me a face? You haven't finished yet? If you didn't understand what I said just now, I can say it again." once."

"You and your anti-counterfeiting association are just a civil organization. You don't have any law enforcement power at all. You don't have any right to yell at me! Let alone give orders to me!"

"I'll give you one last chance. The people who brought you get out of here. If you don't get out, I'll call the police and arrest you!"

Zhao Shanhe looked awe-inspiring.

"Zhao Shanhe, how can you be so reasonable!"

Li Bingyi's face turned pale with anger, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Jumping clowns, they don't even know they're pushed out to be swordsmen."

Zhao Shanhe didn't bother to pay attention, turned to Guo Kaiduan and said, "Section Chief Guo, continue to do your work and send someone to watch them. If they dare to say anything more, call the police and arrest them immediately!"

"Yes!" Guo began to cheer up.

All the people from Zhao Xiaobai Winery also stood in a row, staring at the people from the anti-counterfeiting association in front of them.

"President Shen, shall we continue?" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"it is good!"

Shen Wu took a deep look at Zhao Shanhe, and found that he was not bluffing, but really fearless, he couldn't help letting go of his hanging heart, and said modestly with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Then let's continue sign."

Continue to sign?

You cannot sign!

I have come here, and I have spoken out. Under such circumstances, if you continue to sign the contract, what face will I have?And if Liang Chaohui knew about this, I would definitely be punished.He took other people's money but failed to accomplish anything, and he had nothing to say when he was cleaned up.

But as soon as he met Guo Kaiduan's playful eyes, Li Bingyi quickly swallowed back the words that came to his lips. He could sense that Guo Kaiduan was just waiting, waiting for him to open his mouth to provoke.If he dared to say a word if he was serious, Guo Kaiduan would definitely call the police without saying a word.

The counterfeiters were taken away by the police!

If this is on the news, it will be a big joke!

Li Bingyi, who was in a dilemma, suddenly found himself in an embarrassing situation.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of urgent footsteps outside the door, and then the figures of Du Heng and Liang Chaohui appeared one after another, followed by several reporters who hurried over.Seeing this group of people show up, Li Bingyi suddenly became happy.

"It's Liang Chaohui from Jinxu Electronics!"

"That's Du Jiachun's boss, Du Heng. He's not at his baijiu fair, why did he come here?"

"Director Zhao, it seems that you are in trouble."

After scanning the past to see who came in, Fan Yuan said to Zhao Shanhe in a low voice.

And after seeing the two people who showed up, Zhao Shanhe sneered and sneered.

"The lord has finally come, and it's really timely. Is this the one who couldn't wait to come and support Li Bingyi?"

"Director Zhao, are you not afraid?" Fan Yuan asked.


Zhao Shanhe smiled unmoved, and said calmly: "Mr. Fan, you are asking such a strange question. Why should I be afraid? I am doing what I should do in my territory. They are intruders. It's the invaders, if we really talk about fear, it should be them, right?"

"Intruder? Invader?"

Hearing the qualitative words given by Zhao Shanhe, the corners of Fan Yuan's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Zhao Shanhe, you are going to punish them to death!It's not a big deal, you just say that they are invaders, such a big crime, do you think the two of them can handle it?

Come on, since you're not afraid, let's wait and see what happens.

"Isn't this President Li? Why are you here? Are you going to crack down on fakes?"

After Liang Chaohui saw Li Bingyi, he pretended to be surprised and asked.

"Mr. Liang, that's right, I'm here today to crack down on counterfeits. Let me tell you, just this Zhao Xiaobaijiu, I now suspect that they are counterfeit and shoddy wines, and I want to expose their true colors!"

Li Bingyi made an excited look.

"It just so happens that Mr. Liang is here, you can be a witness for me."

"Witness? Witness what?" Liang Chaohui asked pretendingly.

"Witness how I cracked down on fakes."

Li Bingyi pointed at Zhao Shanhe, and shouted inexplicably with grief and indignation: "Mr. Liang, you don't know that I just wanted them to take out Zhao Xiaobaijiu and inspect it on the spot, but they not only refused to cooperate, they even threatened to call the police and arrest him." Me. How dare you say they are so arrogant? Who gave them the guts to do this?"

"It just so happens that you're here. You have to be my master and my witness. I want you to prove that I didn't have any selfish desires in doing this. I just wanted to expose their hypocrisy!"

"That's it!"

Liang Chaohui looked up to the front, put on a sincere attitude, and said to Zhao Shanhe: "This is the director of Zhao Shanhe, right? You have also heard President Li's words. I think you should cooperate no matter what. He does things. He does this for your sake, don't you think?"

The business room was silent.

Everyone looked at Zhao Shanhe, waiting for his reply.

"Liang Chaohui, Mr. Liang, according to you, don't you know me?"

Hearing Liang Chaohui's question, Zhao Shanhe's mouth showed a playful arc, and he asked without haste.

"Of course I've heard of your name, Zhao Shanhe, but we haven't met, right?" Liang Chaohui said without blushing and without heartbeat.


Zhao Shanhe couldn't help snorting, and said disdainfully.

"What? What did you say?" Liang Chaohui's expression darkened.

"Didn't you hear clearly? If you didn't hear clearly, I'll say it again. I said you Liang Chaohui is really hypocritical! Hypocritical to death! Hypocritical, do you wear a mask every night when you sleep?" Zhao Shanhe sneered said.


Liang Chaohui's eyes rolled coldly, and he suddenly walked forward.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

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