Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 505 Exposing the old story?

"Zhaohui, do you want to kill that bastard Zhao Shanhe?"

Liang Chaohui was stunned on the spot.

He looked at Du Heng dumbfounded, swallowed hard and said, "Brother, what did you say?"

"I said, do you want to kill Zhao Shanhe?"

Du Heng's eyes were indifferent.

"Don't you hate him? If that's the case, then you must really want to kill him, right? If you want to, I will support you on this matter. Go ahead and do it boldly!"

Fuck you!

Liang Chaohui woke up from his stupor, cursing crazily in his heart.

Du Heng, oh Du Heng, are you talking in human language?Do I want to kill Zhao Shanhe?Obviously it's you!I have some grievances with him, but it was all caused by Guo Kaiduan. Have I reached this point of life and death with him?no!

Instead it is you.

You can't wait for Zhao Shanhe to die now!

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhao Xiaobai's rise is unstoppable.

However, in just five days, Zhao Shanhe was able to make such a big fuss about Zhao Xiaobai. If he was given enough time, he might not know how it would turn out.By then, I'm afraid there will be no place for you, Du Jiachun, right?

You look angry now, but you are actually panicked to death, right?

Don't think that I don't know the details of your Du Jiachun. Your extravagant actions over the years have already hollowed out Du Jiachun's foundation.

Your seemingly glamorous appearance now is actually living on loans.That is to say, the bank doesn’t dare to push you too fast now, for fear of forcing you to go bankrupt. Otherwise, do you think you can still hold this kind of expo with great fanfare?

You are like this, you still dare to boss me around, and you still want to encourage me to kill Zhao Shanhe.

Am I stupid?If I did this, I would have to risk my life.

Du Heng, everyone says you are a cruel person, and it is true.

In order to achieve your goal, you even wanted to sacrifice me, and you used a knife to kill people. Is this what you often said to me, "A brother is better than a brother"?It's a pity that I have been foolishly treating you as a big brother from the bottom of my heart, you are so cruel.

"Brother, are you joking? It's against the law to kill people." Liang Chaohui smiled mischievously, rubbed his head and began to pretend to be stupid.

Du Heng glanced at it with deep meaning, and smiled lightly.

"You, I was just joking with you. Why are you so nervous? How can I not know that killing is illegal? Now it is a society ruled by law, how can you kill and kill at every turn?"

"Okay, now you think about it for me, what about this fair? If it goes on like this, it will become a joke sooner or later."

sooner or later?

It's a joke now, okay?

Of course, Liang Chaohui didn't dare to say these words, and he still wanted to use Du Heng's hand to deal with Zhao Shanhena.

"Brother, maybe the matter is not as serious as you think. Maybe there will be more dealers coming this afternoon. After all, Zhao Xiaobai is a new wine, so it is impossible to say that he is coming against Du Jiachun."

"Of course, if we really want to deal with Zhao Shanhe..."

Liang Chaohui pondered and said: "I think we should expose Zhao Xiaobai's background."

Du Heng's eyes lit up: "Expose the old story? How to expose it?"

"This Zhao Xiaobai is clearly the former Gushun wine. Now it's just a different brand, which means changing the soup without changing the medicine. In this case, we just need to grasp this and make a fuss, and we will succeed naturally, don't you think?" Liang Chaohui laughed.

Du Heng clapped his hands happily: "Yes, I didn't think of what you said."

He walked back and forth in the office, and said happily: "Gushun Wine went bankrupt because it was not good. He Zhao Shanhe is showing this now, obviously to make money. As long as we expose this matter, those dealers will definitely not Will place another order.”

"That's right, that's it, Zhaohui, your brain is better." Du Heng patted Liang Chaohui's shoulder with satisfaction.


Liang Chaohui smiled sinisterly.

"Brother, isn't the expo going to be held for three days? Then let's have fun with Zhao Shanhe in these three days. Since he has already made moves against us, we can't do nothing and get beaten for nothing. You say yes Bar?"

"That's right, this is our territory, and he, Zhao Shanhe, wants to play with us, but he is not qualified enough."

Du Heng raised the corners of his lips.

"You said that if we screwed up Zhao Xiaobai, wouldn't those dealers who signed the contract with Zhao Shanhe go crazy? If they said they were crazy, they would all go to Zhao Shanhe to refund the money. At that time, he Zhao Shanhe Just refunding the deposit and liquidated damages for Shanhe is enough for him to drink a pot."

"Then you can take down Zhao Xiaobai Winery!" Liang Chaohui said with a laugh.

"Well said, come on, let's think about how to deal with him."

"it is good!"


In the business room of the Hilton Hotel.

Zhao Shanhe is here to receive every dealer, and seeing a contract signed like this, he is very satisfied in his heart.This shows that the efforts of the past few days have not been in vain, but have been rewarded.

Du Heng, you don't really think I'm just doing a drinking party in the same city, do you?

you are wrong.

I'm doing city drinking parties, but I'm also taking over your clients.

Facts have proved that no one can resist in front of money interests.After seeing Zhao Xiaobai's popularity, your customers all placed orders with me one after another.

Yes, none of them placed large orders, and most of them started with a thousand pieces, but I believe that as long as they receive Zhao Xiaobai, they will definitely be conquered by Zhao Xiaobai's hot market.When they come to place an order with me again, it will not be a simple thousand pieces.

"Director Zhao, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

After putting away the contract, Fan Yuan smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Zhao Shanhe shook hands politely, and said with a gentle smile, "President Fan, don't worry, my Zhao Xiaobai will definitely satisfy you, just wait to witness Zhao Xiaobai's hot sales."

"Haha, I also have great confidence in your Zhao Xiaobai. But Director Zhao, have you ever thought about holding a same-city drinking party in our city? It doesn't take much, just one, I believe it will be able to promote Zhao Xiaobai sales." Fan Yuan said with a smile.

"Mr. Fan, you are right, I will really go to your city to hold one." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Really? Then I'll wait."

"it is good."

Fan Yuan turned and left.

Chen Duo followed and went out to see them off.

And almost at the same time that Fan Yuan had just walked out of the room, another dealer came in under the leadership of Guo Kaiduan.

"Hello, Director Zhao."

"Hi Mr. Jiang, please sit down."

"it is good!"

Time just kept passing.

It was noon in a blink of an eye.

After signing the last contract, Zhao Shanhe looked at the half-meter-high contracts piled up in front of him, with a satisfied smile on his face. He knew that the first goal of coming to Zhongzhou this time had been achieved.

It should be the second one.

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