Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 503 What's the Difference?

But compared with Du Jiachun, the baijiu in those booths around seemed a bit shabby.

Although they say they are also placed here, anyone who sees it will feel that it is clearly the stars holding the moon, they are the stars, and the value of their existence is to set off the moon in the middle.

"The exhibitors of this year's expo are still the same as last year, and there is not much change."

"I came to the exhibition with sincerity, and I hope there will be more orders this year."

"How many orders do you think Du Jiachun can win today? Can you break last year's record?"


Men in suits and leather shoes were surrounded by women in skirts. They formed small circles in twos and threes, chatting enthusiastically with each other.

They were all invited, including liquor manufacturers and distributors.

In fact, for these dealers, an expo like this is not very interesting.why would you say so?Because when it was first held, Du Heng would give them some profits appropriately, so participating in this way would at least make some benefits.

But now?

In the past three years, Du Heng had no intention of making any profit at all.Placing an order at the expo is exactly the same as placing an order at ordinary times, without any discounts. Do you think they can still be eager to participate?

The reason why they came was to give Du Heng a face, and by the way, they also wanted to get to know a few more people through this opportunity.

That's it.

"Mr. Liu."

In a corner, dealer Jia Yufeng looked at a middle-aged man who suddenly passed by, and walked up to talk with a smile. The person he called Mr. Liu was the owner of a winery, named Liu Qinghua.

The two are acquainted.

Seeing that it was Jia Yufeng calling him, Liu Qinghua stopped and said with a gentle smile, "Who am I supposed to be?


Jia Yufeng followed Liu Qinghua's gaze and saw a group of people not far away, and Du Heng was standing in the middle. He looked at Du Heng who was talking eloquently over there, smiled and shook his head, and said calmly: "I will Don't go and join in the fun, you know, I'm just a small role in Mr. Du's eyes."

"You, don't be too humble." Liu Qinghua said with a smile.

"This is really not self-effacing. You know it. As far as my order quantity is concerned, let alone chatting with Mr. Du, even a random sales chief with Du Jiachun is not qualified."

After Jia Yufeng laughed at himself, he said bitterly: "It means that Mr. Liu doesn't dislike me and is willing to receive me in person, so I can still find some value in this expo, otherwise..."

"You, stop talking nonsense." Liu Qinghua laughed.

"Stop talking about these things, Mr. Liu, have you discovered something?" Jia Yufeng waved his hand to change the subject.

"what's up?"

"Didn't you notice that this exposition is different from the previous ones?" Jia Yufeng asked with a smile.

"What's the difference?" Liu Qinghua raised his eyebrows puzzled.

"Look carefully, Mr. Zhang from Sansheng, Mr. Li from Chunhua, Mr. Gu from Yanli, are they here?"

After scanning around, Jia Yufeng lowered his voice and said, "As you know, these three bosses will definitely be the first to come to every expo. Their cooperation with Du Jiachun has always been very good, and they are also Du Jiachun. Biggest dealer. By all rights, they should have been here long ago, but here you go."

Jia Yufeng pouted forward as he spoke.

"These three haven't come yet."

"Yeah, if you don't tell me I didn't think of this, why didn't they come there? They must come every meeting, it doesn't make sense! No! You're not right."

Liu Qinghua glanced at the front, then shook his head and said, "It's true that they didn't come, but didn't all the people from their company come here? Aren't the three over there the managers of their three companies?"

"Mr. Liu, it's even more wrong to talk about it because the managers of the three companies came. Don't even think about it. It's understandable if one person doesn't come. It might be a coincidence that two people don't come. How can all three people come together?" Not coming there?"

"It's fine if they don't come, but they all sent their own managers. Doesn't this mean that they will definitely not come, and the three managers can handle the affairs here," Jia Yufeng said.

"What you said seems to make sense."

Liu Qinghua nodded slightly, then, as if suddenly thinking of something, he stared at Jia Yufeng and asked directly: "Mr. Jia, just tell me, did you hear something?"

"Yes, I heard something, Mr. Liu, you must have heard of Zhao Xiaobai's bar in the past two days?" Jia Yufeng said looking directly at it.

"Zhao Xiaobai? I heard, I heard that this kind of liquor is selling very hot now, and there is quite a commotion, what's the matter? Does this Zhao Xiaobai have anything to do with this expo? What does it have to do with the absence of the three bosses?" Is it?" Liu Qinghua raised his eyebrows puzzled.

"Not only is there a relationship, but the relationship has grown."

Jia Yufeng said in a low voice: "Let me tell you, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li and Mr. Gu, they are now signing a contract with Zhao Xiaobai Winery. Although they said they would also purchase Du Jiachun this time, it was just to take care of Mr. Du's face." Come to think of it, the main event is on Zhao Xiaobai."

"That's why they're absent, so you understand?"


Liu Qinghua was stunned for a moment.

He really didn't expect that there was such a thing in it.

Is this Zhao Xiaobai so powerful?

"Mr. Jia, is what you said true?"

"It's true."

Jia Yufeng pointed to the meeting place, and said unhurriedly: "If you don't believe it, take a good look for yourself, and you will find that there are a lot fewer people here. Many dealers who should have come have not come. Those like me who don’t have much demand for goods simply stopped coming, and they all went directly to Zhao Xiaobai Winery to sign a contract.”

"That's me!"

Jia Yufeng pointed to his nose and said, "I'm waiting for you here, and I want to continue signing with you. After signing with you, I will also go over there to sign the contract with Zhao Xiaobai Winery .”

"So Mr. Liu, if you're not busy now, let's sign the contract quickly. I'm still waiting there. Don't be late, it's nothing to do with me."


Liu Qinghua was completely confused.

He looked at Jia Yufeng with a serious expression, and knew that this guy was probably not lying, not joking with himself.

But the question is, how is it possible?

You put the famous brand of Du Jiachun and didn't sign it, but went all out to find a little-known Zhao Xiaobai to sign it. Do you trust Zhao Xiaobai so much?In your eyes, can a brand of baijiu that has just emerged can really compete with Du Jiachun?

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean?"

Jia Yufeng looked at Liu Qinghua, who had a dazed expression, and stretched out his right hand to shake in front of his eyes.


Liu Qinghua just woke up from his trance. Just as he was about to answer Jia Yufeng, who would have thought that a scene that would surprise the two of them suddenly happened before his eyes.

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