Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 501 What Are You Afraid of!

"Director, do you really want to dispatch a thousand boxes?"

"Any questions?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at the scene of the drinking party ahead and asked casually.

"No, I just feel that the thousand boxes of Zhao Xiaobai are a bit different from the plan we made at the beginning. You must know that what was agreed to be allocated to Guo Kaiduan was only two hundred boxes. Two hundred boxes is already six times the original volume, which is a bit exaggerated."


Chen Duo said with some hesitation: "And I think it would be best if it can be popular, but if the final situation is not ideal and it fails to be popular, then the thousand boxes of Zhao Xiaobai we added will be in vain."

"It's a waste of time?"

Zhao Shanhe turned around, looked at Chen Duo and said with a smile: "How could it be a waste of time? Don't worry, with Zhou Zhou here and the gimmick of the drinking party in the same city, even if Zhao Xiaobai drank all of the thousand boxes It's worth it. You, don't be reluctant to part with this little wine, you know, we have plenty of wine, but this is the only chance."

"Must be caught!"

"Yes!" Chen Duo said respectfully, sweeping away the previous hesitation.

"And you can't just stare at this, the art festival I told you before, and you can't relax."

"You should watch this matter yourself. Keep an eye on it. Of the [-] boxes of Zhao Xiaobai you transferred, [-] boxes are enough for the drinking party. You can use the remaining [-] boxes to sponsor the art festival. Let's start our Zhao Xiaobai's name." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Yes, I'll keep an eye on this myself."

"Chen Duo, just look at it, we Zhao Xiaobai will definitely shake up the entire liquor industry in Zhongzhou this time!"

Zhao Shanhe is full of confidence.


The first day of drinking in the same city ended in a warm atmosphere.

And this is just the beginning.

In the next few days, drinking in the same city will continue to be held.

There is also an art festival taking place at the same time.

As the sole sponsor, Zhao Xiaobai appeared at the art festival in a fair manner and was known to everyone.

Publicity of bus stops.

Advertisement for Eastern Provincial Television.

In this intensive bombing, Zhao Xiaobai appeared in the eyes of the general public with an absolutely domineering attitude.And the unique and artistic copywriting is undoubtedly the most lethal weapon, conquering many young people in an instant.

Nowadays, there is even a saying in Zhongzhou: drink Zhao Xiaobai when you drink.

Under such publicity, some people are anxious.

The administrative building of Dujiachun winery.


Du Heng patted the table with a gloomy expression, and said angrily, "What did you say?"

"Mr. Du, I said that the rumors are going crazy. They say that the Baijiu Expo we held this time, without Zhao Xiaobai's participation, is nothing but superficial. They say that we disqualified Zhao Xiaobai at the beginning, it is a small belly."

The general manager Zhou Fengcai said cautiously in a low voice, and he knew that Du Heng would definitely be angry if he said these words.But if you said you didn't report what you knew, Du Heng would be even angrier.

"No reason!"

Du Heng picked up the cigarette on the table, lit one and began to smoke vigorously. In the rising smoke, his face shone with a cold light uncertainly.

"Mr. Du, Zhao Xiaobai has been doing a lot of jumping these past few days. They have become well-known to everyone through drinking parties in the same city, sponsoring art festivals, and advertisements on TV stations and bus stops."

Zhou Fengcai said hesitantly: "I think otherwise, let's give them a quota. In this way, we can also avoid the limelight of public opinion, otherwise I'm really afraid..."

"What are you afraid of!"

It might be okay if Zhou Fengcai didn't say that. When he said that, Du Heng's eyes flashed with anger, and he said in a cold voice: "Those gossiping outsiders are short-mouthed and soft-hearted, and they all took advantage of Zhao Shanhe. Yes. Do they think that if they say something casually like this, I will be afraid and subdued?"

"Don't think about it!"

"Let me tell you, tomorrow's Baijiu Expo will be held as usual, and the participating wineries are the [-] wineries I mentioned. Except for these wineries, don't even think about entering one more! He even doesn't even think about Zhao Xiaobai Winery!"

"Boss Du!"

"What? Do you have an opinion?"

Du Heng's eyes widened angrily, and he glared at Zhou Fengcai fiercely. When he met Du Heng's fierce eyes, Zhou Fengcai just wanted to continue persuading, but he swallowed the words back.

He knew what Du Heng had decided, and no one could change it.

That being the case, so be it.

Perhaps the matter is really as Du Heng said, not serious enough to require the attention of Du Jiachun Winery.Let those people gossip if they gossip, can they still turn the world upside down?

"I have no opinion."

Du Heng waved his hand impatiently: "Then let's do something!"


After Zhou Fengcai left, a sneer appeared on the corner of Du Heng's mouth.

"Zhao Shanhe, do you think you can threaten me by doing this? What a joke! You don't even know how powerful I am in the liquor industry, and you don't even know what's going on with this expo."

"If you knew, I would have negotiated with those dealers a long time ago. Would you still make such a fuss? You won't, because the more you make a fuss, the more embarrassing you will be."


The lights are on.

In a box of the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Zhao Shanhe was sitting face to face with Zhang Longdong, the owner of Dayang Department Store, having dinner together.

And the white wine on the table is Zhao Xiaobai.

Holding a bottle of Zhao Xiaobai in his hand, Zhang Longdong said with emotion: "Brother, you really impress me, so I wonder, how did you grow such a head, how can you give a bankrupt winery to me?" Rescue?"

"That's not enough. The momentum you're making now is huge. You already know that, right? The entire Zhongzhou City is talking about Zhao Xiaobai."

"In this case, Mr. Zhang, are you going to order something?" Zhao Shanhe said along the way.

"I am very sure of that."

Zhang Longdong waved his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "I definitely want to order, you don't know, just these two days, my ears are getting callused, and the people below are asking us when Dayang Department Store will be able to sell Zhao Xiaobai." , a lot of people want to buy it.”

"No, I'll find you as soon as possible, and you must hurry up and order a batch for me."

"Others may have to wait, but since Mr. Zhang spoke up, I will definitely give you special approval first." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Priority special approval?"

Zhang Longdong asked in amazement: "Brother, isn't it? Are you going to tell me that there is really a need to line up? Tell me the truth, how many orders have you won in the past few days of publicity? Haven't sold [-] cases?"

"Three thousand boxes?"

Zhao Shanhe laughed, raised the teacup in his hand, took a sip slowly, and then said slowly: "Mr. Zhang, you should have heard about it? We just invested [-] yuan in sponsoring drinking parties and art festivals." boxes! You said if we only sold [-] boxes, would it be enough?"

"How many boxes is that? Are there [-] boxes?" Zhang Longdong asked.

"Five thousand boxes?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head lightly and said a number slowly.

The moment Zhang Longdong heard it, he was stunned on the spot.

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