"Chen Duo, there is nothing wrong with Shanqiu and Hetu right now, why don't we go to Zhongzhou City together and have a good time with Du Heng, and see if it's the combination of him and Liang Chaohui, or our combination with Lao Guo?" Great combination."

Zhao Shanhe's eyes widened.


Chen Duo laughed and said, "Then let's go to Zhongzhou City and have fun with them."

Zhao Shanhe patted Chen Duo on the shoulder: "Sort out the information for me today, and we will leave for Zhongzhou tomorrow."


After leaving the winery, Zhao Shanhe returned to Hetu Manufacturing. After finishing all the work at hand, Li Xiangyang knocked on the door and came in to report on his work.

After talking about work, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "I get off work early today, I have nothing to do, let's find a place to have a skewer?"

"Just the two of us?" Li Xiangyang was slightly taken aback.

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said, "Yes. It's just the two of us, I just want to talk to you about something."

"Okay, let's go!"

Minxin River in Zhenghe County.

There is a row of restaurants here. In such a big summer, the hottest thing is of course barbecue.Sitting at a table propped by the river, you want to serve a few bottles of cold beer, a double-dish, a few small dishes, and of course the highlight is the mutton skewers.

It tastes so refreshing.

And the mutton skewers of this era are different from those of later generations, they are pure and authentic, not like the mutton skewers of later generations, they are fake and shoddy at every turn.

"Boss, here are twenty skewers."

"Boss, where is my waist?"

"Little girl, here are six more bottles of cold beer!"

The sound of yelling, hawking, talking, barbecue... the sound is in the ear, and it is noisy. The air is filled with a strong smell of cumin, which makes people appetite.

This is the most authentic human fireworks.

This is also the favorite place of Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang in the past.

"Did you see that over there? I didn't expect that the video theater was still open. I remember we used to go to the movies at that time, and it's still open now. It seems that the business is good. How about we take care of it after dinner What about Mazi Liu's business?" Li Xiangyang pointed to a video studio on the other side of the river, and said with a smile.

"Fuck you, you're the one who dragged me to watch movies all the time. How could such an honest child like me do such a thing?" Zhao Shanhe also had some memories in his mind.

"You? Honestly?"

Li Xiangyang pouted speechlessly, and picked up a bottle of beer casually.

"Old rules, let's talk about it later!"

"it is good!"

The two of them raised their necks, and immediately finished the bottle of beer.


After Zhao Shanhe finished drinking, he picked up a skewer and rolled it up.

"I still remember what we said at the time, saying that we would open a video theater in the future, for no other reason than to be able to watch movies for free." Li Xiangyang laughed, opened another bottle of beer and handed it over.

"You can drive now, too."

"Where do you have time now? If you said that it was fine when you were in the ice factory, but now even if you have the heart, you don't have the strength." Li Xiangyang shook his head and said.

"You, don't think about the video hall. Let me tell you, this kind of business won't last long, and soon all the video halls will disappear." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Isn't it? How can you be so exaggerated? I think the business of the video hall is very hot now. Many people go to see it every day, and it is often full even at night."

Li Xiangyang looked over suspiciously.

"Don't believe it, the video hall business will soon be replaced by Internet cafes. If you don't believe it, let's wait and see." Zhao Shanhe smiled and picked up a kidney and handed it over.

"Here, make up!"

"Fuck you, do I need to mend it?" Li Xiangyang said so, but he took it neatly in his hand, stuffing a kidney into his mouth three times, five times and two times.

"Also, do you still remember the video store over at Liu Mazi's video studio?"

Li Xiangyang raised his head to look at the opposite side, stretched his neck and said, "Yes, it's there, and it's still on. I still remember that you went to the construction site to move bricks and save money in order to buy Qiuya her favorite tape. Qian. You said that your kid was quite infatuated with Qiuya back then, and for him, you even willing to do the work of moving bricks."

"That is, I have always been infatuated with Qiuya, okay?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled naturally, and then suddenly asked: "Xiangyang, there is actually something I wanted to ask you a long time ago, but I never found the opportunity."

"Ask." Li Xiangyang picked up another string of mutton skewers, put all the five pieces of mutton on it into his mouth in one go, looked up at Zhao Shanhe and said.

"When I was in society, others gave up on me. Why didn't you? Why are you still willing to help me when others see me like a plague god?"

"I clearly remember that as long as I asked you to borrow money, you never refused. Even if you yell at me sometimes, you will still lend me the money in the end. "

Zhao Shanhe had a gentle expression.


"Why would you do that?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangyang motionlessly.

"Because I believe in you!"

"I believe that my brother who grew up with my bare butt can't say that he is worthless all his life. He wants to be a hooligan that everyone looks down on all his life, and he wants to live in such a muddle for his whole life."

"So no matter what other people think, I just believe you. It's their business if they say bad things about you. I won't say anything, and I won't give up on you!"

Li Xiangyang looked over without squinting. He didn't know whether it was because of excitement or because he drank some beer, his face was flushed.

"Is this reason satisfactory to you?"


Zhao Shanhe was moved in his heart, he knew that what Li Xiangyang said was true and he spoke from the bottom of his heart.No matter in this life or in the previous life, Li Xiangyang has always done this.

When everyone disliked him, disliked him, and loathed him, only Li Xiangyang was always by his side, never leaving him.

Such a brother, as long as there is such a brother in a lifetime, it is worth it!

"I said you drink when you drink. Don't be so sensational, okay? Besides, haven't you changed now? This shows that my vision is correct, and my brother is trustworthy."

Li Xiangyang raised the corners of his mouth proudly, and raised the wine bottle as he spoke.

"Come on, let's go one more, for friendship!"

"For friendship!"

The two raised their glasses and touched another bottle.

Li Xiangyang is right, drink as long as you drink, some things just need to be known to each other and kept in your heart, there is no need to tell them all.

"You said, at this time last year, you told me that we would have two factories, and the products produced would be very popular. I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed! But now, it really has become So, no one can say for sure how things will change in this world." Li Xiangyang shook his head with a smile and sighed.

"Who said it wasn't that?"

Zhao Shanhe nodded with a smile, and said casually while eating peanuts: "I should still be selling shaved ice at this time last year. At that time, I didn't have any other ideas. My biggest wish is to go back every night and watch Qiu Ya count Money. Looking at her happy appearance when counting the money, I feel very happy in my heart."

Li Xiangyang raised the wine glass in front of Zhao Shanhe: "You, you should really thank Qiu Ya, if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be where you are now."

"Yes, I am going to spend my whole life to repay it." Zhao Shanhe also raised his glass.

"It must be for a lifetime."

After clinking glasses, the two drank it down again, and then continued to chat casually. While chatting, Li Xiangyang looked at Zhao Shanhe's thin face, and suddenly took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

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