Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 481 I really think too much

"Is this the aunt's house?"

Standing at the door to ask questions was a beautiful woman in her twenties with shoulder-length short hair and a melon-shaped face with willow eyebrows and big eyes. There was a beauty mole at the corner of her mouth. A pair of jeans, showing a bumpy figure.

Her name is Xia Wu.

A woman who looked somewhat similar to Tian Lihua said, "That's right, you kid, have you forgotten who brought you here before?"

She is Li Qiuya's aunt and Tian Lihua's sister Tian Lirui.

"Mom, that happened so many years ago." Xia Wu pouted.

"How many years can it be?"

Tian Lirui glared at her, and then said to her husband Xia Jiangcheng who was following her: "Old Xia, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and get your things, I didn't see my sister and brother-in-law coming out."


After Tian Lihua and Li Jianguo heard the sound of the car, they hurried out of the yard and were standing at the door to welcome them.

After a few people met, they naturally exchanged pleasantries.

"I didn't expect to see each other in two or three years. Xiao Wu has grown up so much, she has become a big girl." Tian Lihua took Xia Wu's hand to look him up and down, and said with a smile.

"Auntie, I'm only one year younger than Miss Qiuya." Xia Wu said coquettishly.

"Yes, yes, you are only one year younger than her, so of course you have grown up. Xiao Wu, do you have a partner?" Tian Lihua asked with a smile.


Xia Wu shook her head and said nonchalantly, "I don't want to talk about a partner right now."

"Look at you, how can you ask the child about this as soon as you come up, let's go, let's go into the room and talk." Li Jianguo said loudly.

"Yes, let's go inside."

Tian Lihua turned around and took Tian Lirui in, while Li Jianguo and Xia Jiangcheng were carrying big and small bags behind.

"Jiangcheng, you said you came here, why are you buying so many things?"

"Brother-in-law, these are some specialties of Xianhua City, they are not expensive, so don't hold them back." Xia Jiangcheng said with a smile.

"Look at what you said. I'm very happy that you can come. We are all a family. If you don't dislike it, let's go. We must have a good drink at noon today."

As Li Jianguo spoke, he picked up a case of liquor.

"it is good!"

When the pile of big bags and small bags were brought into the house, Tian Lihua glanced at them, shook her head, and said with a smile: "Little sister, if you come again in the future, you don't need to take everything. Now at home and before It’s different, none of these things are missing.”

Take everything?


There are big and small bags of everything, including chunks of bacon, a case of white wine, two bags of clothes, and two big bags of snacks.These things, Tian Lirui used to ask someone to bring them over whenever she was free.Because in her opinion, her sister's family is not very rich, so she can help out as much as she can.

But now Tian Lihua said no need to take it.

What does it mean?

Could it be that Tian Lihua's family is doing better than before?

"Sister, it's okay, it doesn't cost much." Tian Lirui smiled.

"Yes, sister, it's not that Lirui and I don't know about your family's situation. You don't have a job, and your brother-in-law's winery is also out of business. He hasn't been paid for a year or two. Our life is pretty good. , so you don’t want to see us outside.”

Xia Jiangcheng lit a cigarette and said indifferently.

"Brother-in-law, let me tell you, this box of baijiu is the Xianhua Daqu that I managed to get in Xianhua City. We will drink this at noon. You, keep Gushun Bar."

Li Jianguo was stunned when he heard this.

"Okay, let's drink whatever you say."

Li Qiucheng sneered disdainfully.

I thought my little uncle hadn't seen her for three years, and his personality had changed, but now it seems that he hasn't changed, it's exactly the same as before.

Still so proud, still so arrogant.

To put it more simply, it is to look down on our Li family from the bottom of our hearts, and always feel that our Li family has been taking advantage of their Xia family these years.

My little uncle, you really think too much.

My aunt has nothing to say to our siblings. If it weren't for my aunt being here, do you think we would endure your arrogance?

You lecture us at every turn, making us look like bums who can't do anything.It seems that only in this way can you reflect the majesty that you, an elder, should have.

Don't you think this is funny?

What my mother said just now, our family is different now, and you still look at us with the same old eyes, don’t you think it’s ridiculous to do so?Even when our family was poor, we didn't seem to say that we asked you to borrow money, did we?Just like you, we don’t want any money.

"Old Xia, what are you talking nonsense, we have all come to brother-in-law, how can we drink your wine, we have to taste the wine that brother-in-law treasures anyway, brother-in-law, what do you think?" Tian Lirui glared at Xia Jiangcheng said with a smile.

"Little sister is right, I really have a few bottles of good wine here, and we will kill them all in a while." Li Jianguo waved his hand disapprovingly and said.

"Then I'll wait and see what kind of good wine my brother-in-law keeps." Xia Jiangcheng chuckled, and began to swallow his clouds unscrupulously, without treating himself as a guest at all.

Tian Lirui sat next to Tian Lihua: "Sister, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Tian Lihua smiled and waved her hands indifferently: "Look at what you said, my brother-in-law didn't say anything, so don't talk about him."

Tian Lirui grabbed Tian Lihua's hand with both hands and held it in her hand: "Sister, how have you been doing these two years?"


The two sisters began to chat.

Li Jianguo was also talking with Xia Jiangcheng, but Xia Jiangcheng had been coping with it all the time, looking at it, it seemed that he was reluctant to come here, and wanted to leave anytime, anywhere.

"Sister, if you feel bored, just watch TV for a while."

Li Qiucheng couldn't let Xia Wu stay alone, he brought a plate of melon seeds and said with a smile.

"By the way, why didn't Xia Wen come over there with you?"

"Isn't he in his third year of high school this year? His family has enrolled him in a remedial class, and he's trying to catch up on math and English. How can he be free?"

Xia Wu casually ate melon seeds and said, looked up at the TV set in the TV cabinet, then pointed to the TV and casually asked: "Qiu Cheng, when did your family buy this TV? Is it Venus black and white? "

"Yes, it's from Venus, but it's not black and white." Li Qiucheng laughed.

"Isn't it black and white?"

Xia Wu was a little surprised, she put down the melon seeds in her hand and walked over.

"Dad, Qiucheng said it's not black and white? Do you think so?"

Xia Jiangcheng is in the electrical business in Xianhua City. He glanced at the TV covered with a white scarf and said casually, "Of course it is black and white. Isn't this the [-]-inch Venus black and white? Ours is [-]-inch. Yes, it’s much bigger than this one. Seriously, don’t you recognize me when I’m younger?”

Li Qiucheng: "..."

"Qiu Cheng, look, I'll just say it's black and white, let me tell you, my dad sells TVs, doesn't he know? You, black and white is black and white, it's okay, you have to say no, Could it be a color TV?"

Xia Wu twitched her lips and said disapprovingly, but what she was thinking in her heart was, Li Qiucheng, Li Qiucheng, what are you pretending to be in front of me, you are being slapped in the face now, right?


"Qiucheng, didn't I tell you to turn on the TV for Xiao Wu to watch for a while? What are you doing in a daze? Turn it on!" Just when Li Qiucheng was about to continue his defense, Li Jianguo spoke.

"it is good!"

Speaking of which, Li Qiucheng turned on the TV.

After he pulled out the antenna and adjusted the channel, as the picture appeared, the chattering voices in the room disappeared in an instant.

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