Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 479 My attitude is very clear

"What are you doing?"

A woman walked in from outside the door. She was wearing a very fashionable white dress and was holding a document in her hand. When she entered, she was almost hit by the fragments of the teacup, and she couldn't help shouting.

She is Lin Ling.

"What do you think I'm doing?"

Seeing that Lin Ling finally showed up, Gong Peiyuan couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore, pointed to her nose and asked angrily, "Lin Ling, tell me about the batch of raw materials for Hetu. , where did you purchase it from?"

Lin Ling's expression changed suddenly, and her right hand twitched subconsciously.


After seeing Lin Ling's action, Gong Peiyuan immediately understood that he guessed it right, and those raw materials were definitely not purchased through formal channels.

Because whenever Lin Ling felt guilty and wanted to lie, her right hand would instinctively twitch.

"Don't try to lie to me, you'd better answer honestly."

"I purchased those raw materials from other channels. Didn't I think that the materials from this channel are very cheap? Anyway, we supply them to Hetu for manufacturing, and they are also used for experiments."

"You also know that it's normal to do experiments, try a few more times, even if there are some problems with the materials. When they succeed in the experiment and then place an order, let's go through the old channel."

Lin Ling pursed her lips and said indifferently: "I'm just thinking about finding another procurement channel for Wuhu Trading, and then saving a little bit, so that I can make more money from Hetu Manufacturing."

"You! You are so confused!"

Gong Peiyuan raised his fingers angrily, and said with hatred: "How can you do this? How did I tell you before I left that you just need to follow the old rules? How dare you change it for me?" gone?"

"You want to make more money, do you know that because of your idea, we can't make any money at all!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Ling asked puzzled.

"Just now, Zhao Shanhe announced that he would cut off business relations with Wuhu Trading and disqualify us from being a supplier!" Gong Peiyuan said with a face full of disappointment.


Lin Ling turned pale with shock, and finally became anxious now.

She never expected that things would develop like this. You must know that according to her idea, she wanted to buy in at a low price and sell it at the original price provided before, so as to earn a lot of money from it.

She never thought that things would turn out like this.

Zhao Shanhe actually canceled the cooperation with Wuhu Trading!

This is a big loss!

"Old Gong, you have to think of a way quickly. We can't lose Hetu Manufacturing's cash cow. You know that many trading companies are now staring at Zhao Shanhe and want to cooperate with them." Lin Ling walked up Come here, grabbed Gong Peiyuan's arm and shouted anxiously.

"Do you think I want to lose? It's all because of you, because of your ignorance and greed. You let me figure out a way now, what can I think of? Zhao Shanhe just doesn't want to cooperate with us." , I don’t care what I can do.”

Gong Peiyuan slumped on the sofa, picked up the cigarette on the table and started smoking.

"How about I go find our brother-in-law?"

Lin Ling said nervously.


Gong Peiyuan's eyes lit up, and he quickly extinguished the cigarette.

"Now the dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor. Okay, you can go to your brother-in-law, and I will talk to Zhao Shanhe in person. As long as we can continue to cooperate, no matter what conditions he asks, I will agree."

"it is good!"


Made by Hetu.

After hearing about Wuhu Trading, Li Xiangyang rushed to the office as soon as possible. He said with a sorry expression: "Factory Manager, I am responsible for Wuhu Trading. It's because I didn't supervise well that it happened. I am willing to accept any punishment from the factory."


Zhao Shanhe waved his hands casually, and said with a smile: "Xiangyang, what does this have to do with you? You are not responsible for this. I know you are doing good for our factory, but you don't have to take all the responsibility on yourself."

"This Gong Peiyuan is simply lawless! He even dared to do such a thing. Doesn't he know that doing so is obviously ruining the future of Wuhu business?" Li Xiangyang said angrily.

"Gong Peiyuan said that this was done by Lin Ling and had nothing to do with him. What do you think?" Zhao Shanhe asked slowly.

"It doesn't matter who did it, we only recognize Wuhu Trading."

Without hesitation, Li Xiangyang said calmly and decisively: "Our raw materials are supplied by Wuhu Trading, so when this happens, the first person in charge to find is naturally the boss of Wuhu Trading Company. It's none of our business."

"So my attitude is very clear, we should cut off all business dealings with Wuhu Trading."

"you're right."

Zhao Shanhe said lightly: "As long as this kind of thing happens once, we will never cooperate."

"I think Gong Peiyuan should come to see me. You should come forward to solve this matter when the time comes!"

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang took over the matter.

"Then if we don't cooperate with Wuhu Trading, we will have to select one of the remaining three suppliers to supply the laboratory. I will personally watch this matter."

"I don't worry about you doing things. You can do it. Remember to tell the three of them clearly that no matter who they are, as long as they do something like Wuhu Trading, not only will they cut off cooperation, but they will also be held accountable."

Zhao Shanhe said coldly: "I don't want this kind of thing to happen again!"

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang got up and left.

Soon Li Qiucheng walked in.

"Factory Manager, didn't you say you wanted to change to a Tiger Ben? I received a message that Ruihua Commercial Bank has just arrived. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Really? Can you settle it?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I didn't ask about that in detail." Li Qiucheng rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"Then you go and ask, and then we can discuss it. If there is no problem, then it will be settled." Zhao Shanhe said.

"it is good!"

As Li Qiucheng said, he was about to turn around and leave. As soon as he reached the door, he suddenly slapped his forehead and turned around and said, "Brother-in-law, I almost forgot one thing. My mother said that relatives will come home tomorrow, so let me ask if you and my sister can go back." one trip."

"Are there any relatives? Who?"

"Auntie and his family are here."


Thinking of Li Qiuya's aunt, Zhao Shanhe showed a knowing smile.Because among Li Qiuya's relatives, perhaps only this aunt had the best attitude towards him.This kind of good does not mean that he is rich now, but that he was good before.

My aunt is also the only relative who makes Zhao Shanhe feel humane.

Since it was her family who came, Zhao Shanhe naturally wanted to go back.

"Tomorrow, right? All right, no problem. You go back and tell Mom that your sister and I will definitely go back. You should go back early after get off work tonight and help the family prepare food and drinks."

"it is good!"

As Li Qiucheng went out, Zhao Shanhe started to work.

At the same time, a news spread from Zhenghe County, which soon caused a sensation in the entire Handong City.

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