"Who are you? I don't know you at all, so get out of the way."

Zhao Lin, who was playing with Zhao Shanchuan, was suddenly surrounded by a few guys who looked at her in a hurry.

"Don't tell me, little sister, I didn't know each other before, but don't I know each other now?"

"What I'm saying is, it's your luck that you can know our Brother Feng."

"In this place, there is nothing that Brother Feng can't handle. Look at you, is it your first time here to play? How about letting Brother Feng take you out to sea?"


A few young men dressed in fancy clothes surrounded Zhao Lin, with playful smiles on their faces and teasing uncleanly.

And in front of them stood a man wearing beach shorts and toad glasses. He looked to be in his twenties, with a cigarette in his mouth, and was looking at Zhao Lin with a smile.

He is Brother Feng, Liang Feng, in the mouths of these young people.

Liang Feng came here for Zhao Lin. He was just playing here bored, until he suddenly saw Zhao Lin, and he couldn't help being shocked at first sight.

I have to say that this kid's eyesight is really poisonous, one can tell at a glance that Zhao Lin is a beauty.The most important thing is that there is a rare cleanness and simplicity in Zhao Lin, which makes people feel very moved when they look at it.

Otherwise, Liang Feng wouldn't come up to strike up a conversation.

But this time he hit a hard rock.

"Where are the bums that come out, get the hell out of here!"

When Li Qiucheng saw what was wrong here, he was the first to run over, guarding Zhao Lin and Zhao Shanchuan behind him, looking at Liang Feng with contempt and anger in his eyes.

"Hehe, where did you come from, you dare to meddle in our affairs, you're tired of it."

Liang Feng waved his hand, stopped the younger brother's provocation, and said proudly to Li Qiucheng, "Who are you to them?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Li Qiucheng asked coldly.

"of course."

Liang Feng pointed to Zhao Lin and said, "I don't mean anything else, I just think that meeting is fate, so if I want to get to know this little beauty, I think you'd better not interfere and meddle in other's business."

"I know a hammer, get out of here quickly." Li Qiucheng shouted impatiently.

I don’t know how many times an old man like you has seen it, and he still pretends to know you. The greed in your eyes has already betrayed the ugly thoughts in your mind.


A cold light flashed in Liang Feng's eyes, and he said indifferently to Li Qiucheng: "So you really want to take care of this and make life difficult for me?"

"What nonsense!"

Li Qiucheng scoffed.


"What are you? What are you trying to do?"

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe finally came over, stood next to Li Qiucheng, looked at them side by side, and said indifferently, "What do you guys want to do? Are you making trouble? Do you want me to call the police and let you talk in another place?"

"Xiaolin, are you okay?"

Li Qiuya quickly hugged Zhao Lin in her arms, fearing that what happened just now would frighten her.

"Sister-in-law, I'm fine." Zhao Lin shook her head.

"sister in law?"

The moment Liang Feng saw Li Qiuya, his eyes couldn't help but widen a lot, and the greedy light in his eyes became more and more obvious.Tsk tsk, what kind of shit luck did I have today.It's okay to have such a young and beautiful little girl, but now there is such a big beauty who is as beautiful as a flower.

Two women with two very different styles, I like it.

"Call the police?"

Liang Feng raised his head and smiled, staring at Zhao Shanhe with deep eyes, "Do you think I will be afraid of you calling the police? Besides, why are you calling the police? Are you arresting me? I don't seem to do anything to you, do you?"

"What else do you want?" Zhao Shanhe said coldly.

"I want to make friends with both of them."

Liang Feng pointed at Li Qiuya and Zhao Lin, and said with evil eyes: "Brother, you won't say you won't give me this face?"

"Fuck off."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand impatiently.

"Grandson, who do you tell to get out?"

A younger brother who followed Liang Feng was used to being arrogant and domineering on this beach. Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, how could he bear it? He raised his arm and slapped Zhao Shanhe towards Zhao Shanhe.


But before he got close to Zhao Shanhe, Li Qiucheng had quick eyesight and quick hands, and kicked him away.Then the unlucky guy drew a graceful parabola in the air, landed heavily on the beach, and smashed a sand trap.

"Paralyzed, you dare to do it!"

"Destroy him!"

"Brother Feng, get out of the way."

"What are you doing? Talk to you!"

Just when Zhao Shanhe also took a step forward and was about to strike, who would have thought that there would be a cold shout suddenly.But after hearing the cold shout and seeing who it was, Liang Feng's expression changed suddenly.

"Fuck, it's Crazy Zhou, hurry up, you'll be in trouble if you get caught by this grandson."


Several people turned around and ran away.

Crazy Zhou?

Zhao Shanhe also looked over, and after a while, a man ran over. He was wearing casual clothes, with a cropped cut, and was burly and muscular.When he saw Liang Feng and the others running away like rabbits, he glared fiercely.

"You son of a bitch, you run pretty fast."

"Are you all right?"

Crazy Zhou turned around and looked over and asked with concern.

"We're fine, thank you." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Thank you, thank you. This is what I should do. Let me tell you, it's best to be careful with this bastard Liang Feng. He has nothing to do, and he likes to bully you outsiders here. If you say something , remember to call the police." Crazy Zhou said.

"Thank you for the reminder, who is Liang Feng?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Liang Feng is the leader who talked to you just now. He is a second-generation ancestor of ours. He is a lazy bastard." Crazy Zhou didn't get angry when he mentioned Liang Feng.

"That's it."

After Zhao Shanhe knew it, he said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. If he doesn't provoke us, we won't cause trouble. If he said he didn't want to provoke us, we are not vegetarians."

"By the way, friend, haven't you asked your name?"

Crazy Zhou rubbed his head and said embarrassingly, "My name is Zhou Ping."

"Brother Zhou, thank you for your righteous action just now."

"Hey, what a big deal. Besides, even without me, I believe Liang Feng won't be able to get anything cheap. Come on, you guys continue to play, I will continue to patrol the beach, that's all!"

After Zhou Ping finished speaking, he waved his hand, turned his head and left.

Watching his back leave, Zhao Shanhe was thoughtful.

"Xiaolin, are you okay?"

Zhao Shanhe turned around and asked.

"I'm fine." Zhao Lin shook her head.

"It's really unlucky enough, I didn't expect to meet such a gangster." Li Qiuya said angrily.

"Don't think about it, this is so normal, there are gangsters everywhere, as long as he doesn't provoke us. If you dare to come again..." Zhao Shanhe's eyes flashed a cold light.

"Brother, I'm hungry." Zhao Shanchuan said, rubbing his stomach.

"Haha, let's go and eat."

Zhao Shanhe laughed and led them towards the hotel. After Li Qiuya and the others went in, Zhao Shanhe suddenly grabbed Li Qiucheng and said a word slowly.

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