
Zhang Longdong said with a serious expression: "Actually, don't say you didn't expect it, even I was surprised when I first heard it. I really never thought that Chen Yongxing would ask me to discuss cooperation."


The news that Zhang Longdong just said was that Chen Yongxing from Yongxing Department Store approached him to discuss cooperation.

You must know that Yongxing Department Store has always been the leader in the retail industry in Eastern Province. Even if Dayang Department Store is a latecomer, it is impossible to shake Yongxing's position in a short time.Under such circumstances, Chen Yongxing, who has already semi-retired, would not casually show up. Of course, many things do not require him to show up.

But as soon as he shows up, it means that things are very important.

"Chen Yongxing said that he hopes that Dayang Department Store can cooperate with Yongxing Department Store to contribute to the economic development of the Eastern Province. If you say he wants to talk to me, he can just talk about it, and he insists on making such a big name. It's not that you want to use this big hat to overwhelm me." Zhang Longdong sneered and smiled.

"You are right, he just wants to suppress you with a big hat. If you agree, then you are taking the overall situation into account. If you disagree, then you are hindering the economic development of Eastern Province,"

Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly.

"It seems that Jiang is still old and hot. Chen Yongxing is setting you up. But this also shows one thing. Yongxing Department Store is about to be unable to withstand it. He is showing weakness in a disguised form."

"Yeah, he is just showing weakness. Who made the life of Yongxing Department Store difficult recently. I dare say that if things go on like this, the decline of Yongxing Department Store will happen sooner or later." Zhang Longdong smiled lightly.

"Then how did you answer him?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.


Zhang Longdong laughed, and said casually: "Of course I accept the sugar coating and send back the shells."

Come on, Chen Yongxing is empty for fetching water from a bamboo basket.

Thinking about it, you Chen Yongxing's wishful thinking is too shrewd.When Yongxing Department Store was in full swing, how could you pay attention to Dayang Department Store? At that time, you even thought of trampling Zhang Longdong to death, right?Now when you have difficulties, think of others. "

"That's fine, you're too shameless to play tricks on people and try to take advantage of them.

Do you really think Zhang Longdong is easy to bully?

It is enough for people not to attack your Yongxing Department Store, but you still want to plot against others, isn't this wishful thinking?

"I won't take care of the affairs of Yongxing and you, and I'm not qualified to take care of them. It's between you, and I'm only responsible for cooperating with you." Zhao Shanhe smiled easily.

"I'm relieved with your words. Come on, tell me how you destroyed the Green Arrow." Zhang Longdong looked at Zhao Shanhe with great interest.

Zhao Shanhe began to gather his thoughts: "It's a long story."

Zhang Longdong put his arms around his chest, leaned back on the seat, and shrugged with a smile: "Then you can speak slowly, anyway, I have plenty of time."


Next, Zhao Shanhe and Zhang Longdong had a meal together, and then returned to Zhenghe County without saying anything about staying here.And when he returned to the county, it was already dark, and he didn't say he would go to the factory again, so he went straight home.

Li Qiuya cooked the meal at home and waited quietly.

"Qiuya, I'm back."

When Zhao Shanhe pushed the door and walked in, Li Qiuya couldn't wait to come out of the room the moment she yelled these words, quickly took the things in Zhao Shanhe's hand with a sweet smile, and said excitedly: "You are back! Hungry Not hungry? I’ve already prepared a meal, so you should go wash your hands and get ready to eat. If you have anything to do, talk while you eat.”

"it is good."

After being busy outside for more than a week, when he returned home, Zhao Shanhe relaxed.He still likes the atmosphere at home the most, and he likes that Li Qiuya is waiting for him to come back.

There are four dishes and one soup on the familiar dining table.

Stir-fried bamboo shoots with bacon, shredded potatoes with vinegar, braised carp, cold vegetables, mustard vegetable and egg soup.

Two bowls of yellow millet porridge exude a strong fragrance.

"Shanhe, hurry up and tell me, how did you do it this time? You don't know, I'm worried every day, because I'm afraid that something will go wrong with your plan. Fortunately, you made it."

Li Qiuya leaned forward and asked curiously.

"Let me tell you, going out to kill the Green Arrow this time is really dangerous..."

Since the daughter-in-law wanted to hear it, Zhao Shanhe was of course very happy to say it. He talked while eating, and when he talked about the most exciting part, Li Qiuya's eyes couldn't help but shone with amazement.

"That's the way it is. Green Arrow lost. It was a crushing defeat. Now in the domestic chewing gum market, we are the only one, and there is no other company that can compete with us."

Zhao Shanhe said proudly.

"Great, so our business will improve in the future." Li Qiuya said excitedly.

"Yes, it will definitely get better. But we can't sit still, and we have to think about more new products. Only in this way can we continue to meet the needs of consumers and gain a firm foothold." Zhao Shanhe said.

"You're right, we can't be proud, proud soldiers are bound to lose."

The two finished their meal talking and laughing like this.

After clearing away the dishes and chopsticks, Li Qiuya suddenly took Zhao Shanhe's hand, lowered her head and said shyly, "Shanhe, it's the day, let's go to rest early."

"Follow my wife's orders."

Zhao Shanhe responded with a smile all over his face.


Two days later.

In the meeting room of Shanqiu Food.

A meeting chaired by Zhao Shanhe himself is in progress, and the person sitting here is naturally the management of the factory.

Everyone is sitting upright, smiling.

After briefly summarizing the plan to destroy the Green Arrow some time ago, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Comrades, as you know, our Yile is now the largest chewing gum brand in China, and our Shanqiu food is Biggest Brand Producer.”

"What does this mean? It means that our production tasks below will become very heavy. For this reason, I hope everyone can keep in mind two points. First, treat each order with the fullest enthusiasm. It is absolutely unacceptable to look down on others and deliberately put them behind to supply goods."

"Whoever dares to do this, once discovered, will be dealt with immediately according to the factory regulations, dismissed on the spot, and never hired. Do you hear me clearly?"


Everyone respectfully responded.

They all knew that this was not a trivial matter. If the levee of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest, if they really ignored the small order, it would have a very bad impact on them and directly threaten the reputation of Shanqiu Food.

"Second, I hope that in the face of increased orders, we must ensure that the quality is up to standard while ensuring the progress."

"Quality is always the most important thing and must be put in the first place. Whoever of you is responsible for this must be in place."

Zhao Shanhe is serious about this issue, because he knows that quality always comes first.No matter how extravagantly you publicize outside, as long as your quality has problems, then everything will be useless.


Everyone nodded in agreement.

After finishing what he had to say, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth.

"Now it's time for us to reward our meritorious deeds."

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