Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 461 How do you want to sell it?

"Karen, if I let you stay in China, would you be willing?"

After hearing this, Karen was a little confused, opened his mouth and said, "Stay in Huaxia? What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. No matter what the reason is, our Green Arrow has failed now. But I dare say that this is only a temporary failure, and we will definitely come back in the future."

"So, I want you to stay in Huaxia to prepare for our future re-entry, what do you think?" Jed asked with playful eyes.

After being slightly stunned, Karen quickly said respectfully: "I am willing to obey Mr. Jed's arrangement."

Jed nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, very good, let's negotiate with Zhao Shanhe first."



Hilton Hotel.

ten o'clock in the morning.

"You said Karen from Green Arrow wants to see me?"

Holding a schedule in his hand, Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked.


Han Chunming said in a deep voice, "It's Karen. He said he was ordered to come to see you. Would you like to see him?"

"See! Why not?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"Green Arrow is already like this. They sent people to see me. They must have been cornered. If that's the case, then I have to listen to what Green Arrow wants to do."

"Then I'll bring him in."

Soon Karen walked into the room and sat in front of Zhao Shanhe.Seeing this young, outrageous, but extremely fierce and sharp man in front of him, Karen, who originally wanted to put on a haughty posture after coming here, suddenly became reserved.

"Hello, Director Zhao, we meet again." Karen tried his best to maintain his composure.

"Karen, you came to see me today, what's the matter?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't intend to chatter, and asked straight to the point.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Shanhe would be so straightforward. Karen looked a little dazed, but soon came to his senses, stared at Zhao Shanhe and said, "Director Zhao, you are really quick-talking. Since you asked so directly , I won’t say anything else, I’m here because I want to talk to you about our Green Arrow.”

"Green Arrow?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled indistinctly.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"The current situation of our Green Arrow, I don't think I need to say it, Director Zhao should have heard about it. I came here this time to hope that you can stop attacking us. I think we can sit down and have a good time. Let's talk. After all, in this world, there is no permanent enemy, isn't that what you say?" Karen said with a smile.

"Are you here to ask for peace?" Zhao Shanhe asked directly.


Hearing this word suddenly, Karen choked and began to cough.

What is summation?I haven't done anything yet, so you say I'm asking for peace?Although this is indeed the case, you don't have to say it so bluntly, do you?I can lose face, so can Green Arrow also lose face?

"It's not about asking for peace, I just want to seek cooperation with Director Zhao." Karen said.

"Sorry, if you came here for cooperation, then you can leave now. I can tell you clearly that there is no cooperation between us to discuss."

Zhao Shanhe swung down the head with a stick.

Karen's expression changed drastically.

"Director Zhao, you are a little too unkind, aren't you?"

"Unkind? Do I have any kindness with you?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled mockingly, and said mockingly: "Karen, you Green Arrow and our Yile were originally competitors. Now we win and you lose. This is the real relationship between us. If you say that even this If you still don't understand, go back as soon as possible, I don't want to waste time talking with you here."

After saying that, Zhao Shanhe stood up.

"Director Zhao, please wait a moment, I have something else to say."

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe was about to leave, Karen said quickly that he didn't want to expect anything else at the moment.

Yes, what Zhao Shanhe said is correct, the Green Arrow is now the loser, since they all failed, they have to face the result correctly, and they are delusional about going to attack, do you have the qualifications to attack?Do you really think that Zhao Shanhe would be so stupid that he would give Green Arrow a chance to come back from the dead?


Zhao Shanhe looked over indifferently.

"We want to sell Green Arrow's existing market, factories, equipment, and sales channels to you." Karen sat upright and said seriously.

"How do you want to sell it?"

"3000 million!"

Karen held up three fingers, and said in a deep voice: "Director Zhao, as long as you take out 3000 million, what I just said will be yours. I think these should be very good for you Shanqiu Foods." Important, if you can get these, you Shanqiu Foods will be able to advance into the ranks of large companies in one fell swoop."


Zhao Shanhe glanced at Karen like an idiot.

"Chunming, let's see off the guests."

Zhao Shanhe raised his legs, turned his head to the side, and waved his hands impatiently.


Han Chunming also stared at Karen speechlessly, and said indifferently, "Mr. Karen, please."

3000 million?Karen are you crazy?Given the current situation, why do you think the Green Arrow is worth so much money?Don't say that you are in a predicament now, even if you are at your peak, do you think the Green Arrow is worth so much money?

You are not here to negotiate, you are here to fool people.

"Director Zhao, why are you in such a hurry? We can discuss it. If you think the price is high, how much would you say is appropriate?" Karen said hastily.

Zhao Shanhe sneered again and again.

"Karen, don't you think what you just said is funny?" Before Zhao Shanhe had time to speak, Han Chunming suddenly stood up and said with contempt in his eyes, "What market, what sales channel, you still need these Arrows? We have them now."

"As for the factory equipment you mentioned..."

Han Chunming's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"You Green Arrow have a factory in China? Do you have equipment? All the chewing gum of your Green Arrow is imported from abroad. Where do you have a factory to produce it? You deceive us with such non-existent things, because you think we didn't do it. Have you investigated?"

"It's not like that. We, Green Arrow, have factories and equipment. Although we say that we don't produce in China, we can do other things. I'm not deceiving you. There is our factory in Beijing. If you don't believe me, I will I can lead you to have a look." Karen said hastily.

"100 million!"

Zhao Shanhe raised a finger and said a number slowly.

"What you just said, I'll pay 100 million for all of them, and if it exceeds, we won't talk about it."

"Director Zhao, you are completely dishonest," Karen said.

"This is my sincerity. If you want it, you want it. If you don't want it, there is nothing I can do." Zhao Shanhe said slowly.

"Really can't talk anymore?"


"That's goodbye."

Karen got up and walked out of the office.

"Director, Green Arrow is really interesting. They are already like this, but they still want to negotiate with us. Are they qualified to negotiate?" Han Chunming said with a snort.

"That's why Jed hasn't figured out the situation yet. Since he's still confused, let him go."

Zhao Shanhe walked to the desk and flipped through the proposal.

"Continue to promote and sell our milk tea."



Two days later.

Green Arrow could no longer bear the pressure and issued a statement to the outside world.

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