Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 448 Can't find a reason to refuse

"I think Zhao Shanhe is right, we should cooperate with Shanqiu Food."

Huang Rumeng smiled and made a firm statement.

"The reason?"

Liang Junning glanced at Huang Rumeng, picked up the tea on the table, blew on it, and drank it slowly.

"The reason is very simple. In terms of business, I think what Zhao Shanhe said is true. The two benefits he gave are also obvious. Yile chewing gum needs word of mouth to have a reputation, and profits to have profits. In this case, we Why refuse that?"

Huang Rumeng sat very upright, and said plausibly: "As for the word-of-mouth in the industry you mentioned, betrayal or not, don't use it as an excuse."

"What is betrayal? When we face two domestic companies or two foreign companies, we switch to cooperate with the other under the condition that one has no major fault or fault. This is called betrayal. Give up the cooperation with Green Arrow for domestic products. , will only win word of mouth for us, and will definitely not do any harm."

"Besides, now Yile is better than Green Arrow in terms of price and reputation. If we cooperate with Shanqiu, it should be called abandoning darkness and turning to light. Don't you think so?"

After Liang Junning listened, his expression has softened a lot: "Yes, I admit that what you said is very reasonable, I just think this thing happened a little too fast, so fast that I haven't had time to prepare, Zhao Shanhe is so strong Put forward the conditions."

Huang Rumeng smiled faintly: "This may be Zhao Shanhe's style of doing things. He likes this kind of blitzkrieg. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be able to rise in a short period of time. Two products have been advertised on CCTV."

"Speaking of two products, I think we can raise conditions with Zhao Shanhe, such as winning the agency right of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea."

"You have also seen that this cup of milk tea has a promising market. If we can win it, it will only benefit the development of Liang's Department Store. After all, Yongxing Department Store is a lesson from the past."


When Liang Junning heard this, he had already made up his mind.

"Then this matter is settled like this, cooperate with Zhao Shanhe and give up Green Arrow."

"What about the Green Arrow?" Huang Rumeng asked.

Liang Junning sighed and waved his hands: "Just find any reason and stop the cooperation."

"it is good!"

Huang Rumeng is also very familiar with this matter.

"Then let's talk to Zhao Shanhe about cooperation now?"


Liang Junning stared, and let out a cold snort in his nasal cavity.

"This guy dared to threaten me just now, and he said that it was not a threat but a notification, so it is a threat. He has done this, so we can't be too embarrassing, let's waste him before we talk."

Speaking of this, Liang Junning thought for a moment: "But we can't let it go completely, maybe he can really cooperate with our enemy. In this way, didn't he give me a day to think about it, tomorrow you go to talk to Zhao Shanhe alone, It doesn’t need to be too early, I will come forward to sign with him after the negotiation is completed.”


Seeing Liang Junning's childish appearance, Huang Rumeng smiled charmingly.

"Alright, then listen to you and consume him."


deep city.

Cai Qian is now in an excited mood. Among the six main markets of Green Arrow, he is the most familiar with Shencheng.After all, it was here that he flexed his muscles in the first place and fooled Green Arrow's public relations team away.

That’s not to mention, with the Green Arrow controlling the market, Cai Qian insisted on broadcasting Yile’s commercial on Shencheng TV.

If you don't have any contacts, can you do this?

Among his connections, the most important person is Jian Zhengkang.

Jian Zhengkang is the boss of Baqiu Company, and Baqiu Company is the largest distributor of Green Arrow in Shencheng.Logically speaking, Jian Zhengkang should have a good relationship with Green Arrow, but it is not.

Because in Jian Zhengkang's heart, Green Arrow is just a partner.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

A group of foreign devils under the guise of foreign companies, can they still be sincere to you?impossible.So the relationship between them is purely commercial. Green Arrow produces chewing gum, and I happen to need this business too, that's all.

Under such circumstances, the appearance of Cai Qian brought Yile chewing gum with high quality and low price and a great reputation, and immediately conquered Jian Zhengkang.

What's more, there are also agency rights for two products, Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea and Whale Tun Water Pump.

Whether public or private, emotional or rational, Jian Zhengkang couldn't find a reason to refuse.

So this matter was completed on the day Cai Qian proposed it.

"Section Chief Cai, you can contact Mr. Zhao now, and tell him that I said it. As long as he comes over, he can sign the contract at any time." Jian Zhengkang, dressed in casual clothes, sat in the office of Baqiu Company , said with a gentle smile.

Outside the window is the sun at eight o'clock in the morning.

The sun was shining brightly.

"Boss Jian, is this the way we've settled?" Cai Qian stood up and asked.

"Yes, it's settled." Jian Zhengkang said dryly.

"The green arrow..."

"I'll take care of the Green Arrow matter."

Jian Zhengkang waved his hand nonchalantly, what a big deal, it was originally just a cooperative relationship, if you sell expensive and others sell cheap, of course I want to cooperate with others, not to mention the agency rights of two star products .

"Okay, then I'll go out for a while." Cai Qian said.

"I'm waiting for your news."

"it is good."

After Cai Qian walked out of the office to a remote corner outside, he dialed Zhao Shanhe's number with his mobile phone.A big brother like this was equipped by Zhao Shanhe for Cai Qian and the others.

Every team leader has it.

"The factory manager, it's me, Cai Qian."

"Old Cai, what happened?" Zhao Shanhe had just returned to the presidential suite after breakfast, and received a call from Cai Qian without even sitting down.

Calling so early, could it be that something happened in Shencheng?

Han Chunming and Chen Ju also looked over.

"Something happened, can you come over today?" Cai Qian said in a deep voice.

"what's up?"

"Jian Zhengkang, the boss of Shencheng Baqiu Company, has agreed to cooperate with Shanqiu Foods. This cooperation is not only about Yile chewing gum, but also Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, non-ferrous metal solder and whale water pump."

When Cai Qian said this, he paused and said, "Jian Zhengkang hopes to have a comprehensive and in-depth cooperation with us."

"This contract must be signed by you in person."

"So can you come over here?"

There was a moment of silence inside the Big Brother.

Just when Cai Qian wanted to continue the questioning, Zhao Shanhe spoke.

"I'm going to book the air ticket now, and I'll tell you when I'm done. You arrange a car to pick me up at the airport. Tell Jian Zhengkang to prepare the contract and sign it at any time."

"Yes!" Cai Qian said loudly.

"that's it."

After hanging up the phone, Cai Qian turned around and walked towards the office.

After Zhao Shanhe put down his eldest brother, he said to Han Chunming, "Chunming, I'm going to Shencheng now. Cai Qian's side has finished the matter. I'll go over and sign the contract."

"Great, I'm going to book a plane ticket now." Han Chunming said excitedly.

"After I go to Shencheng, you will take care of things here. Remember, no matter what Liang Junning says, you don't have to worry about it. Didn't he not agree yesterday? Then drag him first, and wait until I come back to talk about it. It's time to see who is in a hurry." Zhao Shanhe showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Understood!" Han Chunming laughed.

"Chen Ju, you and I will go to Shencheng."


After an hour and a half.

Zhao Shanhe took Chen Ju and left the capital by plane.

Almost at the same time, Huang Rumeng appeared in front of the Hilton Hotel.

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