Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 441 Do You Say This Can Be Done?

"Otherwise, it means that Shanqiu Food's ten-dollar donation plan is fake, it's a cover you use to deceive consumers, and you are trampling on social morality with such immoral and despicable means."

"I will completely expose your hypocrisy and expose your ugly and evil deeds of Shanqiu Food to the public."

Xia Wan looked straight at him with knife-like eyes.

"As for you, Zhao Shanhe."

"I will let you receive justice from the people."


Being stared at like this and saying these words, Zhao Shanhe felt very speechless.

You said that if Xia Wan is really the kind of person who has a sinister heart, is full of food and has nothing to do, and likes to find trouble everywhere, Zhao Shanhe will definitely not spoil her, and he will definitely go to her hard.

But the problem is that Xia Wan is not that kind of person.

Her starting point is good, and they are all aimed at maintaining social justice and demonstrating social justice.

Otherwise, Guo Kaiduan and Chen Duo would not have appreciated her much.

If you speak sarcasticly or even threaten such a person, it will appear that you have no structure.What's more, what Xia Wan said is correct, if you really donated the money, she will not report it casually and wantonly smear it.

"Reporter Xia, it's not that serious. Don't you just want to know whether I will donate this money? No problem, I can tell you right now, I will definitely donate it."

"And you are here today, because I happened to have an appointment with someone to go around the village where I donated money. I wonder if you are interested in following along. Let's go and have a look together?" Zhao Shanhe suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a calm tone. Said.

"Go around the village where the donation was made? Are you serious?" Xia Wan cast a suspicious look and asked seriously.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, he did not lie about this matter.

In fact, even if Xia Wan doesn't come today, he still has to go to Shimo Village.Because this village was on the poverty list given by the county, and the reason why he noticed this village was because of Du Ruoqing's recommendation.

Du Ruoqing hoped that the first impoverished village supported by Zhao Shanhe would be Shimo.

The left and right are donations, as long as Shimo Village is determined to be poor, Zhao Shanhe doesn't care where to donate the money first.

"Jingle Bell."

Almost at the same time that Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, the phone on the table rang suddenly. After he connected, Du Ruoqing's voice came from beside her ear, and she said happily that she had arrived at the gate of Shanqiu Food , let Zhao Shanhe come out now if he is ready.


After Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone, he asked Xia Wan, "Reporter Xia, have you made up your mind?"

"Think it over, I'll go with you now." Xia Wan said firmly.

"Then let's go!"

This time following Zhao Shanhe to Shimo Village, in addition to Xia Wan who appeared suddenly, according to the original plan, there was also Xiao Mingyu who was very interested in this matter. She also wanted to see what happened to the so-called impoverished village. How poor.

After all, she had been living in the capital before coming to Shanqiu Food, so she didn't have much direct impression of the so-called impoverished villages.

Several people soon met at the gate of Shanqiu Food.

Besides Du Ruoqing, there were two other people following her. After being introduced, Zhao Shanhe knew that one was from the County Education Bureau, named Feng Duozhang, and the other was from the County Poverty Alleviation Office, named Dong Changgong.

Both of them were sent to follow Zhao Shanhe to Shimo Village.

After all, Zhao Shanhe's investigation will determine whether to donate or not, and Zhenghe County must pay attention to it.

A group of people drove two cars to Shimo Village.

On the way to Shimo Village, what Zhao Shanhe didn't expect was that a person with Xia Wan's personality would get along with Xiao Mingyu very quickly.


Stone Mill Village.

There were two people standing at the entrance of the village, one was wearing old clothes, his face was wrinkled, his hair was messy, and he was holding a dry pipe in his hand, smoking constantly.

He is Ma Weilu, the old village chief of Shimo Village.

"Mr. Chen, do you think this can be done?"

After Ma Weilu exhaled a puff of thick smoke, he asked with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"Should be able to!"

The person named Teacher Chen is a 25-year-old woman. She wears simple but neat clothes, a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, her complexion is dark, and there is a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth.

She is Chen Lijuan, a teacher at Shimo Village Primary School, and she is the only teacher now.

Of course, because of this uniqueness, it is logical that Chen Lijuan is also the principal of Shimo Village Primary School.

"You mean that friend of yours can do this?" Ma Weilu asked in disbelief, but with great anticipation.


Chen Lijuan looked at the dusty dirt road in front of her and said firmly, "This friend of mine is very energetic. Since she is the one who came forward to do this, there is a high probability that it will be done."

"Besides, the ones who came to inspect the donations are Shanqiu Foods, a star enterprise in our county. According to my understanding of them, since they are going to donate money, they will definitely not take their word for it."


Ma Weilu knocked on the dry pipe, and said with cloudy eyes: "It's best that this matter can be done, if it can't be done, our village primary school will be completely useless."

"Yes, as it is now, several children will drop out of school. If our village primary school is closed again and the children go to other villages to go to school, more children will definitely drop out of school."

When Chen Lijuan thought of that kind of thing, she looked a little anxious.

"This time, no matter what, we have to get this done."

ten minutes later.

There was a sudden burst of dust on the dirt road, and two cars drove up and down bumping up and down.


Ma Weilu and Chen Lijuan waved happily.

The vehicle stopped at the entrance of the village, and everyone got out of the vehicle.

"If it's sunny."


When Chen Lijuan saw Du Ruoqing, she immediately walked over with a smile on her face. After the two briefly hugged, Du Ruoqing took her hand and came to Zhao Shanhe, and said to Zhao Shanhe, "Director Zhao, this is I told you before, my senior sister Chen Lijuan."

"Hello, Principal Chen!"

Zhao Shanhe stretched out his right hand with a smile, and there was a touch of admiration in his eyes.

He had heard Du Ruoqing talk about Chen Lijuan, and he also knew that Chen Lijuan was in her best youth, but she was willing to stay in Shimo Village to teach and educate people. This alone was enough to win Zhao Shanhe's respect.

"Sister, this is Zhao Shanhe, the director of Shanqiu Foods."

"Hello, Director Zhao."

Chen Lijuan quickly grabbed Zhao Shanhe's hand, and after letting go, she let Ma Weilu out.

"Director Zhao, this is Ma Weilu, the old village head of our Shimo Village."

"Hello, Chief Ma."

"Hello, Director Zhao."

After a very simple exchange of pleasantries, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Old village chief, we want to visit your village primary school now, can you take a look?"

"Of course, I will lead the way." Ma Weilu said and walked forward.

"it is good!"

A group of people followed Ma Weilu to the gate of the primary school. After seeing the appearance of the so-called primary school, almost everyone was stunned and stunned there.

"Is this really a school?"

Xiao Mingyu was surprised.

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