"Factory manager, fortunately you were not impulsive just now. I thought you would shut Hou Dedong out. If you really did that, Shanqiu Foods will be in trouble even though we say we are not afraid."

Guo began to sigh.

"Why would I reject him? This is a good thing." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Good thing?"

Han Chunni frowned slightly and asked puzzledly: "Director, isn't this Hou Dedong the same as those people? They all copied and pirated our chewing gum. Their behavior is shameful! I made a calculation once and asked them to help us sell the goods, but it can’t be said that this is a good thing, right?”

"Director, can you come over here?" At this moment, Yang E suddenly raised her hand.

"Old Guo, please explain to Chief Han."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he walked over.

"Section Chief Guo, why is this a good thing?" Han Chunni asked curiously.

"Because we directly save the trouble of opening up the market in Xianhua City."

Guo began to smile and said: "Who is Hou Dedong? You have seen the information I gave you before, right? He is a ruthless character in Xianhua City, otherwise he would not be able to come to communicate and sell chewing gum."

"He has some energy in Xianhua City, and now that he has become our agent, what do you think he will do next?"

"I will definitely find a way to sell Yi Le and Xiang Piaopiao..."

When Han Chunni said this, she suddenly realized. He slapped his forehead and smiled and said, "I understand, Director Zhao is using Hou Dedong's contacts to open up our market. If Hou Dedong wants to make money, he will definitely try to sell goods , and as long as he sells the goods, we can sit and collect money, is that the truth?"

"Yeah, so that's a good thing."

Guo Chuan smiled happily and said: "Actually, this is all an unexpected gain, because before coming here, the factory manager never thought that he would encounter this. But now that he has encountered it, he will naturally see the tricks."

"So to do business, you must not only have strength, but also luck. When luck comes, you must seize it, and this is our factory manager Zhao."

"Haha, you're right, our factory manager is lucky." Han Chunni laughed.

"Come on, let's talk."



Then in the next two days, Zhao Shanhe, under the double influence of the CCTV advertisement and the ten-cent donation plan, won the exchange meeting without anyone making trouble.

By the end of the day, not to mention the number of contracts signed by Yile Chewing Gum and Whale Tun Pump, the product Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea alone had set a record: a full 30 boxes!

what does this mean?

This means that even at the wholesale price of 30 yuan a box, Zhao Shanhe won an order of 900 million yuan.

And this means that the amount of money he wants to donate is 60.

60 in real money!

You must know that in this era, 60 is definitely a huge sum of money. Many factories may not have such a large net profit in a year, but Zhao Shanhe wants to donate all the money at once.

This incident alone is big news in itself.

After the exchange meeting was announced to be over, Zhao Shanhe led the people from the Shanqiu Food Publicity Department to leave, and when they just walked to the door, they were surrounded by reporters swarming in.

"Director Zhao, according to the official figures, Shanqiu Foods has sold a total of 30 boxes of Xiangpiao Piao milk tea this time. Does this mean that you will donate 60 yuan?"

"Are you really going to donate the money?"

Amidst the rush of questions from the reporters, a crisp voice sounded harsh, and almost at the same time as this voice sounded, all the noise disappeared.

Because that's what they want to ask.

Zhao Shanhe, who was questioned in this way, followed the voice and saw a female reporter wearing a white business shirt, gray trousers, and a ponytail.

"Where are you a reporter from?" Zhao Shanhe looked at her calmly.

Her eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at Zhao Shanhe fearlessly.

"I'm Xia Wan, a reporter from Zhongzhou Daily, director Zhao, why is it difficult for me to answer this question?"

"Difficult to answer? No, not at all difficult to answer."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "The figures you just mentioned are correct. We did sell 30 boxes of milk tea at this exchange meeting, with a total of 600 million cups of milk tea. According to what I said, a dime is a To donate 60 yuan."

"Don't worry, I will definitely donate this money, and I will arrange it when I go back."

"Arrange after you go back?"

When Xia Wan heard this answer, she obviously showed an expression of disbelief, but the quality of the reporter prevented her from saying that she was too straightforward, and she just continued to ask questions relentlessly.

"Director Zhao, I don't think your answer is sincere at all. If you really want to donate, I think you should at least tell us when and through which channel you will donate? How should we supervise? this matter?"

"Otherwise, the guarantee you gave before will become a joke, and you will make others suspect that your so-called promise of a dime is simply a cover. You have never thought of donating money at all, and you are purely relying on this to make money .”

"You say that?"

"How can you, a reporter, speak such nonsense and mislead the direction of public opinion? You are responsible for what you say! Don't forget, you are a reporter. As a reporter, you should report the facts in a realistic manner, not groundlessly Others speculate! Besides, you have no right to question us!"

When Li Xiangyang saw Xia Wan questioning him like this, his face was gloomy on the spot.

"Are you guilty?" Xia Wan was unmoved by the words, but raised her chin and asked.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly at Li Xiangyang, took a deep look at Xia Wan, and said decisively: "I explained the donation when I announced the ten-cent donation plan. Really, I didn't expect it to be a cliché now. Repeat this over and over."

"Reporter Xia Wan, regarding this matter, you can follow the official news of our Zhenghe County in these two days. I believe you will get the answer you want soon."

"Everyone, let it be like this, excuse me!"

When Zhao Shanhe said this, he strode out.

Guo Kaiduan and Li Xiangyang blocked the reporters who wanted to ask questions.

Soon the people from Shanqiu Foods left the venue one after another.

Watching Che Ying leave, Xia Wan raised the corners of her mouth and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Zhao Shanhe, I don't believe that you have such a good intention. You are a selfless businessman. They say that there is no business without fraud. You must also be a profiteer."

"Didn't you say that the government of Zhenghe County will announce the news? Well, then I'll go to your Zhenghe County to see if you will really donate the 60 yuan!"

Just when Xia Wan was about to go to Zhenghe County, in the crown car, Li Xiangyang thought of what happened just now, so he couldn't help talking to Zhao Shanhe a little angrily.

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