Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 424 What I want is to make a big fuss?


"When this news gets out, I guess our Zhenghe County will be envied by many people, and Director Zhao will definitely become a favorite, and maybe he will be poached by other cities and counties."

"Who dares?"

Du Jingming widened his eyes and said angrily.

"Zhao Shanhe is mine, no one can poach him from me."

"Come on, let's go to the other booths and see how they are doing."

"Yes!" Gu Changbei replied respectfully, and then walked forward with Du Jingming.


The time soon came to noon.

And the Shanqiu food booth, which has been very busy, finally ushered in a rest time at this moment.

After Zhao Shanhe arranged for people to eat in batches, he said to Yang E and the others, "Let's have box lunch here, I just have something to tell you."

"it is good!"

A few people sat around and ate lunch.

"Director Zhao, what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that you have all seen those manufacturers selling chewing gum and water pumps?" Zhao Shanhe asked while eating a steamed bun.

"I saw it."

Yang E nodded, and said angrily: "These people are really shameless, how could they do such a thing? It's clear that they are taking advantage of us and taking advantage of us."

"Don't be afraid of them rubbing against you."

Zhao Shanhe smiled mysteriously.

"They have to pay a price for cheating. In this case, I will leave this matter to you, Yang E. You go to all the booths selling chewing gum and give them a notice."

"Notification?" Yang E was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's the notice."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"Go and tell them that Shanqiu Foods owns the patent right of chewing gum! Their current plagiarism has been suspected of infringement, and we can ask them for infringement fees at any time!"

"Infringement fee? Factory manager, they won't pay it." Yang E said hesitantly.

"Whether they give or not is their business, but whether they want it or not is our business. It makes no sense to say that they made a mistake, but those of us who did nothing wrong dare not even say a word. Go ahead and do it boldly This matter." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"it is good!"

Yang E turned and left after speaking.

When he saw that she was about to do this, Guo Xianduan rolled his eyes, stepped forward quickly, and said in a low voice: "Section Chief Yang, when you go to issue the notice later, remember to find those manufacturers with a lot of people to do it." .”

"Look for a factory with a lot of people? Wouldn't that make the matter worse?" Yang E asked suspiciously.

"What you want is to make trouble, go." Guo began to smile meaningfully.

What you want is to make a big fuss?

Yang E woke up instantly after being stunned for a moment, and when she looked at Guo Kaiduan again, her eyes were already shining with admiration.

Let me just say, how could Zhao Shanhe recruit Guo Kaiduan for no reason? From this, it can be seen that Guo Kaiduan is indeed qualified to be recruited. With just one sentence, he can immediately think of taking advantage of the situation to make trouble.

The more people there are, the bigger the trouble will be. Who is the unlucky one in the end?Will it be Shanqiu Foods?No, no matter what, Shanqiu Food is a victim of plagiarism and piracy by those unscrupulous manufacturers.

The bigger the matter, the more famous Shanqiu Food will become.

This is a great opportunity to make a name for yourself.

"I understand."

Yang E smiled warmly, turned around and went to work.


Zhongzhou Yongxing Department Store.

Chen Yongxing was sitting in the office at this moment. He looked at Chen Jinjun standing in front of him, and asked calmly, "Is there any latest development at the exchange meeting?"


Chen Jinjun shook his head, and said slowly: "This exchange meeting is similar to the previous ones, and the manufacturers who come here are all the old-fashioned manufacturers. None of them has brought out many fresh products, so we didn't say that we can sign. What kind of contract will you make?"

"A clichéd old product? Not necessarily!"

Chen Yongxing narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Shanqiu Food's Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is very fresh and popular? I also heard that Zhang Longdong directly placed a large order of [-] boxes. How can you say that there is no new product?"

"Dad, that's Zhao Shanhe's milk tea, I can't sign a contract with him, can I?" Chen Jinjun said angrily.


Chen Yongxing jumped up, pointed at Chen Jinjun and shouted angrily: "You also know that it is a product of Zhao Shanhe, have you seen it? Zhang Longdong signed such a large order at once. It will definitely become popular again, if he becomes popular, then our Yongxing Department Store will decline more and more."

"If you say that you can't find a new product that can beat Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, Yongxing Department Store will be completely defeated!"

"Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand. I will go to the exchange meeting right away, and I will definitely find the most suitable new product as soon as possible." Chen Jinjun bowed his head quickly.

"Hmph, do it yourself!"

Chen Yongxing stood up, said these words, and walked out of the office.

Chen Jinjun raised his head slightly, his face was ferocious.

He gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Zhao Shanhe, Zhang Longdong, since you won't make it easy for me, then I won't make it easy for you either. Let's wait and see!"


During this period of time, the people of Zhongzhou City all knew that the exchange meeting being held in the gymnasium was undoubtedly the most lively event in the provincial capital, so the big guys were also consciously or unconsciously concerned about the news of the exchange meeting.

And when they heard about the ten-dollar plan of Xiangpiao Piao Milk Tea, they were all sensational.

The place with the strongest response is the university city.

"Have you heard of the ten-dollar plan for Xiangpiaopiao milk tea?"

"You don't need to hear about it. Go out and have a look. It's printed on every cup of milk tea."

"This Shanqiu food is really bold! Every cup has to be donated [-] cents. It doesn't sound like a lot, but you can't stand the big amount."

"What I'm saying is, I'm happy when I think that I can drink delicious milk tea and do good deeds at the same time. Let's go, I'll treat you to a cup of Xiang Piao Piao!"


You can see that the students in the university town are discussing this matter intentionally or unintentionally, and after knowing this, those who didn’t want to drink milk tea will subconsciously go to the convenience store to buy two cups.

After all, no one is stingy when it comes to charity.

This matter also radiated from the university town to the surrounding areas, and then coupled with the reports of the news media, Xiang Piao Piao milk tea soon became the most popular product at the exchange meeting.

Outside the exchange meeting, Xiangpiaopiao milk tea became the focus of heated discussions.

At the exchange meeting, Shanqiu Food also naturally entered the attention of everyone again.

"Shanqiu Food? Isn't it the one that produces Yile chewing gum? I thought that Zhao Shanhe would continue to sell chewing gum, but I didn't expect it to become Xiang Piaopiao milk tea."

"Chewing gum? Didn't you see how many stores are selling chewing gum this time?"

"Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of one thing. You said that at the exchange meeting next year, will there be many manufacturers selling milk tea together?"

"It will definitely, but it's a pity that Shanqiu Food has been pirated again."


Just when such whispers could be heard everywhere, Yang E suddenly appeared in front of Liusu Food.

Facing the tassel food surrounded by many people asking, she coughed lightly, and then slowly raised a piece of official document in her hand.

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