Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 401 How can this happen?

"Mr. Guo, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Zhao Shanhe said with a half-smile.

"Bet? What bet?" Guo asked in surprise.

"Just bet on me."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to Guo Kaiduan and then to himself.

He smiled and said, "There are still ten days before the exchange meeting. Within ten days, if I entrust you with the promotion of milk tea, do you think I can make a sensation in the city?"

"Ten days?"

Guo started to frown slightly, shook his head and said seriously: "Impossible, as far as the three moves I just mentioned, every move needs to be prepared in advance."

"Without any preparation, just do it rashly, let alone ten days, even 30 days may not be effective."

"Director Zhao, I know you are very powerful, but I'm sure that even you can't do this."

Speaking of this, Guo began to speak more and more firmly.

"Even if you can complete the three moves I mentioned within ten days, it's impossible to make a sensation in the city. Director Zhao, your bet is meaningless."


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips slanted, and he said playfully: "Of course it has meaning, and the meaning is you."

"If I can make a sensation in the city within ten days, Mr. Guo, are you willing to resign and join my team?"

"This one……"

Guo began to think for a moment, then said with a heartbeat: "Director Zhao, if you can really do it, don't care if I leave Jinxu Electronics or not, I will follow you."

"Okay, it's a deal." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"It's a deal!" Guo Chuan nodded seriously.

Chen Ju, who was sitting not far away and heard the conversation between the two, could not help but twitch slightly, and looked at Guo Xianduan with sympathy.

You, you are still a little tender, why do you dare to bet with Director Zhao so casually?I have never seen Director Zhao lose a bet with anyone.

I believe this time will be no exception.

After the two finished talking about it, Guo Kaiduan said goodbye and left.

Seeing his back disappearing from his eyes, Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Chen Ju, let's go, let's go to Dongzhou University of Technology."



Guo Kaiduan, who separated from Zhao Shanhe, was actually a little disappointed in his heart.

He didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to be such a big talker.

If you want to make a new product a sensation in the city within ten days, who do you Zhao Shanhe think you are?How strong do you think your publicity ability is?

Not to mention that you haven't even put in the advertisement yet, even if you really put in the advertisement, do you think it is possible to capture Zhongzhou City within ten days?

Chen Duo, it seems that what you said is also very watery. How can Zhao Shanhe be as powerful as you said?

How promising is a person who doesn't even have the guts to play my three-move game and only knows how to make fuss about the university town?

And daughter-in-law, you also praised Zhao Shanhe mercilessly when you came back last night, what did you say he was?The best producer, I said when did your vision become so bad.

Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, they will miss you, but I won't!

"Milk tea should be fragrant!"

"It's time to be hungry and sleepy, and it will be fragrant!"

"Come on, kid, this cup of milk tea is for you, don't burn it."

Just as Guo began to walk in disappointment, such shouts suddenly came from his ears. He raised his head and looked over, and found that someone was setting up a stall in front of the Ninth Middle School not far away.

The person who set up the stall is the person from Shanqiu Food.

What they promote is Xiang Piao Piao milk tea.

All the high school students gathered there with great interest. When each of them came out, they would hold a cup of steaming milk tea in their hands, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

The most important thing is that Guo Xianduan was surprised to find that these milk teas were all given away for free.

"There are so many high school students, if all of them are given away for free, how much will it have to give away? This Zhao Shanhe is really willing to give away. Wait! Like this in Ninth Middle School, what about other middle schools? Could it be that?"

Guo began to have a bad premonition in his heart, and hurried forward, he knew that the No. [-] Middle School was not far away, and he wanted to see if there was such a thing there.

as predicted.

When he walked to the front of No. [-] Middle School and saw a group of students receiving free milk tea, Guo Kaiduan's expression changed suddenly on the spot.

He regrets it now.

I regret drawing a conclusion on Zhao Shanhe prematurely, saying that Zhao Shanhe has no courage and no pattern too early.

You must know that I just proposed three moves to Zhao Shanhe, but here it is obvious that the publicity has already started, that is to say, from the very beginning, Zhao Shanhe has already thought of his first move.

What's ridiculous is that I'm still complacently expressing my merits there!I thought my plan was very structured, and I still secretly laughed at Zhao Shanhe's short-sightedness.

And you must know that the suggestion you gave was to buy one and get one free, but how did Zhao Shanhe do it?Free delivery directly!Such a move is truly courageous.

Guo started to walk past those smiling middle school students, and after taking a few deep breaths, he thought to himself.

"Zhao Shanhe, although you made the right move in this first move, what about the second move? I don't believe you even thought of the second move! I'll go to Dayang Department Store now to have a look."

With this in mind, Guo Kaiduan got on the bus directly, got off in front of Dayang Department Store 10 minutes later, and walked towards the entrance of the mall with great strides.

But soon he froze.

"Come, please taste our Shanqiu Food's new product, Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea."

"Yeah, we have the original flavor, the wheat-flavored one, and the taro one. You can drink whatever you want."

"What we are doing now is a promotion. Not only do you buy one get one free, you can also draw a lottery on the spot after you spend [-]. The winning rate is [-]%. The lowest third prize is another cup of milk tea."


Han Chunni is promoting enthusiastically.

The beauties of the publicity department in professional attire were also selling milk tea.

Not to mention how the milk tea tastes, just seeing these eye-catching beauties, I will stop involuntarily, listen to their sales, and then obediently open my wallet to buy.

"Zhao Shanhe, you can do it!"

Guo began to look at Han Chunni and the others, with surprise and admiration flashing in his eyes.Then thinking of the current situation of Jin Xu's Electronic Propaganda Department, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

You must know that there are only a few poor people in the department you are in charge of, and they all look crooked, and they are all related accounts that Liang Chaohui stuffed in.

Usually, everyone's eyes are above the top, and no one is obedient to do things, let alone Han Chunni and the others, who promote and sell with such passion.

"It would be great if I could master such a propaganda department."

Guo Kaiduan suddenly had such an idea in his heart. Once this idea popped up, it would be very difficult to extinguish it. He took a deep look at the booth, turned his head and left.

He knew that he had no right to be disappointed with Zhao Shanhe.

Still think Zhao Shanhe is not qualified enough?

Why do you think so?

Your so-called three-move chess, people have already thought of two moves before you, do you dare to say that people can't think of the third move?


It's already like this, I have to go to the commercial street to have a look.

Just go to Tianyi Commercial Street on the side of Jinxu Electronics.

After half an hour.

When Guo Kaiduan stood in front of Tianyi Commercial Street, he was completely dumbfounded.

"How could this be?"

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