Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 392 No wonder it's not popular!

The busiest commercial street in the university town.

Because it is the weekend, many college students have no classes, and they take advantage of the rare break time to go shopping.And when they walked to the entrance of the commercial street, they all smelled a special fragrance.

"Do you smell it? What does it smell like? It smells very good, a bit like malt."

"Hey, it seems that it came from over there, why is there a group of people around there?"

"Hurry up, Chen Xiao, our school's belle, is selling milk tea, if you arrive late, there will be no more."


Never underestimate the lethality of beautiful women.

If you were to find two ugly monsters during the promotion, who would come over?But if it was a beautiful woman, and she was at the school beauty level, the people who surrounded her would flock to her.

Chen Ling didn't expect that so many people would come over just after he started promoting milk tea.

"Senior sister, how do you sell your milk tea?"

"Students, you all know Yile chewing gum, right?"

Chen Xiao stood at the front and asked after scanning the audience.

"I know." The onlookers replied in unison.

"It's good to know. This is a new drink produced by Shanqiu Foods, the manufacturer of Yile chewing gum. It's called Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea."

"Did you see it? Just tear off the powder packet inside, pour it into a cup, add an appropriate amount of warm water, stir it a little, and you can drink it immediately."

"Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea is currently being promoted, and will be advertised on TV in the future. During the promotion period, it is now buy one get one free, three yuan a cup, and you can choose the flavor you want."

Chen Xiao raised the original milk tea in his hand.

"I've already drank it, and it's delicious. Would you like to have a drink?"

"Senior sister said it was delicious, so it must be delicious. Senior sister, let me have a drink."

"I'll have a cup too, I want the original one."

"I want wheat-flavored ones!"


A group of college students began to scramble to spend money to buy them. Their enthusiasm made Zhao Shanhe, who was standing by the side, secretly click his tongue.Is it for milk tea, or for Chen Xiao.

Preferably milk tea.

Otherwise, wouldn't my milk tea be cold when Chen Ling stopped selling it?

"Did you see that? I just said that Chen Xiao is fine. It's not the first time she has done such a publicity. It's very simple for her." Du Ruoqing said arrogantly.

"Yeah, it's pretty good. It seems that I have to continue to let the factory deliver the goods." Zhao Shanhe nodded and said.

"That's right, hurry up and get someone to deliver the goods, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no milk tea for sale, and that would be embarrassing." Du Ruoqing narrowed her eyes and smiled, and walked forward as she said, "I'll help too gone."


After Zhao Shanhe left the commercial street, he went to Haoyue Shopping Center and Convenience Market. These two places are similar to the commercial street, and the sales are also very hot.Why is this happening?Because Chen Xiao is thoughtful in everything he does.

The platform of Haoyue Shopping Center promotes the combination of school grass and school flowers.

The Convenience Market is responsible for the promotion of the combination of school beauty and Xueba.

Chen Xiao recruited all the representative groups that the university could attract to publicize, it's no wonder it wasn't popular!

Seeing this, Zhao Shanhe called Li Qiuya without even thinking about it.

"Qiu Ya, I remember that a batch of chewing gum will be delivered to Zhongzhou City today, right?"


Li Qiuya nodded and said, "This batch of chewing gum is directly supplied to Dayang Department Store, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"No problem, you listen, you go to Teacher Xiao right now, tell her that I said it, and let her pack all the milk tea samples now and pull them over with the car." Zhao Shanhe said.

"it is good."

Li Qiuya paused and asked urgently: "Shanhe, has our milk tea been sold?"

"It's not just selling, let me tell you, it's already selling like crazy here. Qiu Ya, just wait and see, maybe before the exchange meeting, we can make the reputation of Xiang Piao Piao milk tea famous."

"If that's the case, even if the advertisement hasn't been launched yet, we can make a splash in the exchange meeting." Zhao Shanhe said excitedly.

"That would be great, I'll arrange for someone to deliver the goods." Li Qiuya's spirits were lifted after hearing this.

"it is good!"

After making the phone call, Zhao Shanhe was not idle either. He took Chen Ju to wander around the three publicity sites.Facts have proved that every time I meet Du Ruoqing, something good happens.

In just one morning, two-thirds of the milk tea brought by Zhao Shanhe was consumed, that is to say, if they didn't replenish in the afternoon, Chen Xiao and the others would have no milk tea to sell.

So during the lunch break at two o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Xiao took the initiative to ask for the goods.

"Director Zhao, I'm afraid you have to send someone to deliver the goods as soon as possible, otherwise we are a smart woman who can't cook without rice."

"rest assured."

Zhao Shanhe raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said with a smile: "The first batch of milk tea will be delivered in an hour, and it will definitely not delay your promotion in the afternoon."

"That's good." Chen Xiao smiled.

"Director Zhao, have you seen it? Are we doing well?" Du Ruoqing asked with a smile.

Upon hearing this, the rest of the people also looked over in unison.


Zhao Shanhe glanced over and said with a smile: "Your results are astonishing. I really didn't expect that you could sell so many milk teas in just half a day."

"If this posture continues, I think it will take less than a week to capture the shopping malls and convenience stores near the university town. At that time, I will consider going to other universities or middle schools to continue doing this."

"Director Zhao, do you mean that you will continue to promote?"

A school girl suddenly asked with a bright eye.


Zhao Shanhe nodded and said frankly: "I will choose to come to the university town to warm up, purely because there are many universities here."

"But you all know that Zhongzhou is not the only university city that has universities. If I want to expand the influence of milk tea, I will naturally go to other universities to promote it."

"Even more than that, I will do it again at the exchange meeting two weeks later."

"Then can Director Zhao entrust us with this job?" the school grass asked anxiously.

"You still want to do it?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"Yes, we want to do it."

After the school grass nodded seriously and said this, she touched the back of her head and smiled embarrassingly.

"We want to work part-time to make money."

Zhao Shanhe suddenly understood.

That's right, the price they offered was much higher than any other part-time job they offered. If they could continue to do it, I believe they would not refuse.Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"No problem. No matter what you say, you are familiar with the process. Using you is better than using newcomers."

"In this way, after this week, if I continue to promote, I will ask Chen Xiao to notify you, and then we will still have the same rules as now, how about it?"

"no problem."

A group of people couldn't help but smile and responded excitedly.

After lunch, a group of people went to prepare in front of their booths.

But just as Du Ruoqing was pulling Chen Xiao to leave, Zhao Shanhe suddenly stopped Chen Xiao.

"Chen Xiao, wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

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