"Liang Shaocong, have you had enough trouble? Don't think that if you have two stinky money in your hand, you are number one in the world, and you can do whatever you want."

"Let me tell you, I am short of money, but no matter how short I am, I can earn it myself. Every penny I earn comes from my own labor. Where are you? Without your family giving you money, what are you? "

Chen Xiao's face was covered with frost, and his anger was boiling.

"So please don't show off your sense of superiority in front of me in the future, and please don't just say that you like me in the future, this kind of liking is too cheap, I don't care about it!"

"Chen Xiao, me!"

Seeing that Chen Xiao was angry, Liang Shaocong hurriedly wanted to explain, but what he got in return was Chen Xiao's dismissive look.

"Liang Shaocong, I don't want to see you again, you go away quickly, if you dare to pester me again, I will call the police and let the police arrest you!" Chen Xiao glanced at Liang Shaocong, then turned her head away from him.


"Did you hear me? Let you go there!"

Zhao Shanhe saw that Liang Shaocong was still going to talk here, so he said in a cold voice.

"Shut up, what's the matter with you here?"

Liang Shaocong was angry.

He didn't dare to get angry with Chen Xiao casually, but he didn't have any worries about Zhao Shanhe.Paralyzed, I was worrying about having nowhere to vent my anger, and you jumped out.

You are looking for scolding.

"Liang Shaocong, are you a mad dog? How do you catch who bites whom?" Du Ruoqing shouted from the side.

"Du Ruoqing, it's none of your business here, so don't meddle in it!" Liang Shaocong said with a gloomy face.

"Are you finished yet?"

Chen Xiao grabbed Du Ruoqing and shouted angrily at Liang Shaocong: "Are you going to force me to call the police now?"


"Can you chase girls like this?"

"If I were that girl, I wouldn't say yes."

"Let's go quickly, it will affect our meal."


After seeing the movement here, the few tables of guests all started whispering.

Hearing what these people said, looking at Chen Xiao's cold eyes, and thinking that the occasion was indeed wrong, Liang Shaocong didn't say to continue making trouble, but raised his finger and nodded at Zhao Shanhe.

"Boy, just wait for me, let's wait and see."

After putting down this scene, Liang Shaocong turned around and took the people to leave.


Zhao Shanhe, who hadn't spoken much from the beginning to the end, suddenly raised his arms, and under Liang Shaocong's astonished eyes, he said slowly: "Don't keep me waiting, let's talk about it now."

"Hehe, kid, you made trouble on purpose, didn't you?"

"Which university do you belong to? Which department do you belong to? Do you know who our Brother Liang is?"

"Boy, even if you want a hero to save the beauty, you have to see the occasion clearly. Don't fail to save the beauty, but put yourself in it."

Several people following Liang Shaocong looked at Zhao Shanhe with arrogant expressions.

"If it's sunny."

Chen Xiao, who thought this matter would end like this, never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe would fight back so forcefully. She grabbed Du Ruoqing's arm in surprise, and said in a low voice, "Forget it!"


Du Ruoqing, who knew Zhao Shanhe's identity, didn't care about the scene in front of her at all, and said casually: "Don't worry, these little guys can't hurt him."

"But!" Chen Xiao still looked at Zhao Shanhe worriedly.

"There's nothing but, just wait and watch the show. I don't think you want Liang Shaocong to look for you again and again. Don't worry, Zhao Shanhe can help you settle this matter." Du Ruoqing said confidently.


Chen Xiao looked suspiciously.

"Boy, you are very kind. Are you trying to meddle in my affairs?" Liang Shaocong asked viciously, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket as he spoke.

"Mind your business?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said sarcastically, "You think too much of yourself, and you alone are not worthy of me taking care of your affairs."

"If you don't come to trouble Chen Ling, I don't care who you are, you can play wherever you want."

"What do you mean?" Liang Shaocong's eyes were dark.

"I mean very simply."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to Chen Xiao who was behind him, and said firmly, "From now on, you are not allowed to harass Chen Xiao again."

"If I find out that there will be another time, don't blame me for not warning you, I will definitely make you regret it."



Liang Shaocong still wanted to speak harshly, but for some reason, after meeting Zhao Shanhe's cold eyes, his heart tightened suddenly.

The aura released from Zhao Shanhe's body is actually so strong that looking at him is as frightening as looking at his own father.

Liang Shaocong shrunk his neck subconsciously.

"Let's go!"

After he yelled these words sternly, he turned around and left without looking back.

Is that okay?

Chen Xiao looked at this scene a little speechlessly. In her opinion, no one can control a lawless person like Liang Shaocong.But this guy was actually bluffed by Zhao Shanhe's few words, and he turned his head and left without saying a word.

This is too speechless!

"I'm very sorry for disturbing everyone's dinner just now."

At this moment, the owner of the restaurant came out, and after apologizing to the guests present, he called Chen Xiao to the back office. Two or three minutes later, Chen Xiao came out from behind wearing his own clothes.

"Xiaoxiao, are you off work?" Du Ruoqing asked strangely.

"It's not just off work, it's not going to work in the future."

Chen Xiao looked a little helpless.

"What? You mean you were fired? How could this be? I'll talk to your boss!" Du Ruoqing was about to rush back as she spoke.

"Xiaoqing, forget it!"

Chen Xiao immediately grabbed Du Ruoqing, shook her head, and said calmly: "This is not the first time, ever since I came here to work part-time, Liang Shaocong would come to talk to me when he has nothing to do."

"The boss has told me about this a long time ago. It's not bad that he can let me do it until now. This is a western restaurant after all, so we still have to pay attention to the influence."

Chen Ling was not disappointed or lonely, but said calmly, then took a deep breath, waved her hands and said with a smile: "Let's go, don't talk about this, please go drink something!"

"it is good!"

The three of them quickly found a drink shop by the side of the road, went in and ordered drinks, and then sat down at a window seat.Of course, it was impossible for Zhao Shanhe to tell Chen Xiao to pay the bill, otherwise he would lose face.

"It's agreed that I invited you, why are you still going to settle the score, you'll embarrass me like this." Chen Xiao said generously.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, next time please." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's make an agreement, I will invite you next time."

After Chen Xiao took a sip of her drink, she said to Du Ruoqing, "Xiaoqing, didn't you say you wanted to find me? What's the matter? You can talk now."

"Xiaoxiao, this matter is actually related to him." Du Ruoqing pointed at Zhao Shanhe.

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiao was a little puzzled.

"It's like this..."

Du Ruoqing quickly recounted the milk tea promotion that she just said, and then said with a smile: "How is it? Xiaoxiao, isn't the new part-time job I found for you good? I'll follow you too."


Who wants to hear this, Chen Ling suddenly hesitated, then shook his head at Zhao Shanhe.

"Director Zhao, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter!"

Chen Xiao actually refused!

Du Ruoqing was dumbfounded.

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being stunned.

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