Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 39 Running the Market Is the Key

"Director, it's a success! We finally succeeded!"

Kong Jie shouted excitedly, holding a glass of prepared fruit juice in his hand, and said excitedly: "I dare say, this is the best popsicle!"

"Oh, I'll try it!"

Zhao Shanhe immediately took a sip, then nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right, that's the taste, that's the right taste."

"Director, this one is prepared with watermelon flavor, and there are also apple flavor and grape flavor over there. We have prepared a total of three fruit flavors!" Kong Jie said, raising his hand.

"Okay, I'll try it."

Zhao Shanhe tasted all of them one by one, and they all tasted good.

"The frozen one? Is there any frozen one? Don't freeze it and it tastes different." Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Yes, I also have frozen ones here, and they taste the same. I'll get them for you."

This used to be an ice factory, so there is no shortage of refrigerators.

"Three kinds of flavors are frozen, all are available, here."

"it is good!"

A few minutes later, Zhao Shanhe patted Kong Jie on the shoulder and said with satisfaction: "Old Kong, do you still say that there is no market for our popsicles? Can't they be sold?"

"No way!"

Kong Jie shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "Director, our popsicles can be stored for a long time, and unlike ice cream, they will melt if you don't eat them."

"The most important thing is that the taste is very good, so as long as the market can be opened, there is no need to worry about sales."

"Well, that's right. This is our bright spot, and we will rely on this to open up the market."

Zhao Shanhe could also feel the high fighting spirit in Kong Jie.

This is completely different from him two days ago, when he was so excited and confident in the Popsicle.

"Okay, next, you will be responsible for speeding up the production!" Zhao Shanhe confessed.

"How much will be produced? Do you think ten boxes each is enough?" Kong Jie asked.

"Ten boxes each?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands, and said confidently: "Where is it enough? Let's produce as much raw material as we have. After today's production, I will find a market tomorrow."

"Director, where is there a market?" Kong Jie asked curiously.

"Just focus on production, and don't delay the order."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe turned around and walked out.

"Delaying the order? Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Kong Jie muttered, and hurried to the production workshop, clapped his hands, and shouted at all the workers: "Listen to me, get ready to start work now!"


When everyone heard the start of work, they were all gearing up.

Factory director's office.

Li Xiangyang and Wu Jianjun are waiting here. They already know that the popsicles have been developed and can be mass-produced, so the remaining task is to sell them.

How to sell is the key.

Although Wu Jianjun was in charge of sales in the original ice factory, but his sales were dispensable, and his sales concept was also very conservative and old-fashioned.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to just watch the ice factory decline.

"Come on, these are frozen popsicles, try it before you talk."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the plate and said.

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang and the others picked up one, broke it open and ate it.Not to mention, even Wu Jianjun, who always thought the popsicles were unreliable, ate them happily.

"It's so cool to have a popsicle on this hot day!" Wu Jianjun said excitedly.

"That's right, I'll have another one!"

Several people in the meeting room began to eat happily.

"Director, how do you price our popsicles? If the price is too high, I'm afraid I won't be able to sell them." Wu Jianjun asked.

"Ice popsicles are currently sold in a bag of ten sticks, and a box of ten bags. If we sell it, it must be sold wholesale. The price..."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said: "The price is five yuan per bag! If you buy it in a box, it's 45 yuan a box!"

"Old Wu, if the permission I give you is more than [-] boxes, each box can be [-]. As for more, you can adapt to the situation at that time, but the bottom line is not less than [-]. If it is cheaper, we You can't make any money."

"Good!" Wu Jianjun nodded.

As for the cost price of the popsicles, whether Zhao Shanhe will not be able to sell them like this is none of Wu Jianjun's business.

All he has to do is sell at that price.

"Then where do we sell it? Should we go to the market?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"Running the market is definitely necessary, but there is no need to run in our Zhenghe county. If we want to open up the situation here, it will be a bit difficult. We have to start from the outside." Zhao Shanhe continued.

"From outside?" Li Xiangyang was a little at a loss.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly and said: "I read the newspaper these two days, saying that there will be a special product promotion meeting in Zhongzhou City, the capital of our province. At that time, many merchants will come to visit and place orders. Let's go to this promotion meeting to try our luck first. .”

"If you're lucky, the next two big orders will be enough for our beverage factory to operate at full capacity."

"Okay, then I'll go with you?" Li Xiangyang followed suit.

"Need not!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said: "You stay at home and take command. If there is any news, I will call you as soon as possible. Lao Wu will follow me."

"Okay!" Li Xiangyang did not insist.

"Factory Manager, since we are going to Zhongzhou City, we must bring a sample of popsicles. I will go to Kong Jie and buy the train ticket for tomorrow after packing the samples." Wu Jianjun said immediately.

"Well, you go and do it."

These days, it is more convenient to buy train tickets without an ID card.

After Wu Jianjun went out excitedly, Li Xiangyang said in a low voice: "Shanhe, Wu Jianjun, there is no major problem, but his sales ability is limited."

"You have to be mentally prepared to go out with you this time. He may not be able to help you."

"It doesn't matter."

Zhao Shanhe said very calmly: "Whether it's Wu Jianjun or Kong Jie, counting Chen Jianfei, they are all old people in the factory after all. Just like you, they should have feelings for this place."

"I didn't dismiss them at the beginning, and that's why I liked it. As long as they are willing to do things according to their orders, that's fine. As for their abilities, they will be cultivated slowly in the future. If they can't be cultivated, then recruit people."

"You are right, the main thing is to be obedient." Li Xiangyang deeply agreed.

"Yes, at the current stage of our factory, obedient people are more important than capable people. But Xiangyang, does it matter if you are in Zhongzhou?"

"Although it says that we are going to participate in the promotion meeting, I am worried that after we pass, they will not let us in. If that is the case, it will be a little troublesome." Zhao Shanhe asked.

After all, selling outside and setting up a store inside are completely different things.

"Is it Zhongzhou?"

Li Xiangyang thought for a while and said, "No! Otherwise, I'll ask you here."

"Okay, you can ask. If you don't have it, it's okay. You can adjust it accordingly. No matter how bad it is, I will go to the leaders of our county, and they should have someone to attend the promotion meeting."

Zhao Shanhe thought for a while and said.

"it is good!"

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