Zhao Shanhe returned home after dark.

Li Qiuya didn't tell the news of her parents' coming, the two of them had a casual meal and rested.

On the second day, Zhao Shanhe was still busy shopping with Li Xiangyang.

At noon, he met Cui Huan.

Cui Huan set up a stall selling shaved ice at Mingyue Mall, and when he saw Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang coming, he hurriedly greeted him to come over and have a shaved ice to quench his thirst.

"Cui Huan, how is the shaved ice business doing now?"

Zhao Shanhe took the cup of watermelon shaved ice and asked while eating.

"not too good!"

Cui Huan shook his head, and said helplessly, "Shanhe, the shaved ice business is really impossible now, as you can see, there are shaved ice sellers everywhere in our county, and the prices are kept very low."

"Don't say how many cups you can't sell now, even if you can sell it, you won't make as much money as before. I just want to tell you that I will quit in two days."

"Don't do it?"

After Zhao Shanhe heard this, his mind moved slightly, "Cui Huan, I remember you were an accountant before you sold shaved ice with me, right?"

"Well, I work as an accountant in a supply and marketing cooperative." Cui Huan nodded.

"In this case!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, "Would you like to follow me and continue to be your accountant?"

"What do you mean?" Cui Huan was a little confused.

"You don't know yet, do you? Shanhe bought the ice factory and plans to produce other things. The previous accountant of the ice factory is a bit old, so it will definitely not be able to continue."

"If you still want to be an accountant, come to our factory!" Li Xiangyang said with a smile.

"Really? That's great, of course I would!" Cui Huan said impatiently.

Let's just talk about it, even if we don't meet Zhao Shanhe today, Cui Huan still thinks about going to talk to him someday.

Because she knew that Zhao Shanhe was a capable person, and if she wanted to continue making money in the future, she could only rely on Zhao Shanhe.

Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would actually look for him before he looked for it.

"Then it's settled. You should transfer the shaved ice business today, and report to the ice factory tomorrow." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

After discussing this matter, Zhao Shanhe was also secretly happy.

We must know that he bought the ice factory, but it is impossible for him to say that he manages the entire factory by himself, and he must rely on the concerted efforts of a group of capable men.

In this kind of management, he can delegate all other powers, except for personnel power and financial power, which must be controlled by people he can trust.

Personnel affairs belong to Li Xiangyang.

The finances belong to Cui Huan.

In this way, Zhao Shanhe can also go to the sales and sign the order with peace of mind.


Chengbei Fengfan Cannery in Zhenghe County.

in the office.


A fat middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a pair of round-rimmed glasses raised his eyebrows, pointed at the man in front of him, and yelled angrily.

"What else do you think you can do? It's just such a small thing, you messed it up for me! What else can I expect from you? How can you let me rest assured that you will run the cannery?"

The one who got angry was Huang Lianshan, the director of the canning factory.

It was his son Huang Hu who was reprimanded by him.

It was the Huang Hu that Tian Lihua said was thinking about Li Qiuya.

Wearing a gold bracelet, Huang Hu held a pair of sunglasses in his hand, with an expression of disbelief on his face, he looked at his father and asked in surprise.

"Dad, is what you said true? Where did you hear the news? It can't be false, right?"

"What's the fake? Can this matter be faked? Wang Changyun told me about it himself. He has gone to the capital. If you talk about you, I will ask you to talk to Wang Changyun about this matter. Why didn't you talk about it? , and let someone else take the lead." Huang Lianshan roared annoyed.

"Dad, I talked with Wang Changyun. The price he offered was a bit high. I didn't mean to delay him for two days. He would definitely lose his temper and lower the price. Who would have thought that this matter would be cut off by someone else?" No, who did you say bought the ice factory?" Huang Hu asked.

"Zhao Shanhe, just your high school classmate Zhao Shanhe." Huang Lianshan said angrily.

"Zhao Shanhe?"

Huang Hu said in disbelief: "Why is it him? It's impossible, I know Zhao Shanhe, he is a bum with nothing to do."

"For a person like him, he always cheats on others for every meal, so how can he say that he has spent so much money, tens of thousands of yuan, how did he get it?"

"I don't know how he conjured it up, I knew he bought it! Just listen to me, go and find out about this, especially how Zhao Shanhe got his money."

"If the source of his money is unknown, then we can make a fuss and buy the ice factory back." Huang Lianshan said angrily.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Huang Hu turned around and walked out of the office.

Huang Lianshan sat down angrily, his face full of anger.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are spoiling my good deeds! You better spit out the ice factory, or see how I deal with you! Hehe, you must know that in this Zhenghe County, no one dares to confront me !"


on Monday.

Zhao Shanhe came to the factory early, and when he walked into the meeting room, there were already several people sitting here.

Sitting at the front is Li Xiangyang.

Next to him was Cui Huan, who looked a little embarrassed.

Further down are three middle-aged men, one is Wu Jianjun who was in charge of sales, one is Chen Jianfei who was in charge of security, and the other is Kong Jie who was in charge of production.

As for the old yellow-headed accountant, he didn't come.

This lineup is basically the leadership of the previous ice factory.

"A small ice factory has so many management personnel. It's overstaffed. No wonder it will close down."

Zhao Shanhe thought to himself.

You must know that although it was the first time for him to meet Wu Jianjun and the three of them, with Li Xiangyang around, he had already understood the characters of these three people very thoroughly.

In today's meeting, what he has to do is to rectify the ideological concepts of the leadership. No matter what you think or do before, you must follow my rules in the future.

Who made me the biggest here now.

"Cough cough!"

Zhao Shanhe coughed twice, and after attracting the attention of several people, he slowly said: "Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting. Before the meeting, I have to sort out a few things first. "

"First, you should all know that this ice factory has been bought by me now, and I will be your new boss from now on."

"I know." Wu Jianjun and the three of them nodded in unison, with smiles on their faces.

"It's good to know. If we know, let's open the skylight and speak clearly. I am now announcing the first order of appointment and dismissal of personnel."

After Zhao Shanhe said this, the audience fell silent.

The eyes of Wu Jianjun and the three of them became tense as they looked over.

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