Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 367 I have to do it if I do it, and I have to do it if I don’t do it

"Hey, I forgot, this winery is no longer surnamed Zhao but Gong."

Li Jianguo shook his head helplessly, his tone revealing a feeling of bleakness.

Yes, he is Zhao Shanhe's father-in-law Lao Taishan, but this does not mean that he can unconditionally stand by Zhao Shanhe's side when it comes to the future of the winery.

Anyway, he has worked hard in Gushun winery for these years, and he has been with the winery through ups and downs until today. Like many people, he has feelings for the winery.

Although he may not be dismissed by Zhao Shanhe, he feels the same when he thinks of those who have been dismissed.

But the situation is stronger than the people.

The current Gushun Distillery has changed its nature. It is not even the one mentioned at the beginning, how many shares Zhao Shanhe holds, but completely belongs to others.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Shanhe wants to adjust the personnel appointments of the winery, who he wants to fire, is there any problem?

No problem at all!

Although the process will be a bit complicated, and although it will hurt the emotions of those workers, this is Zhao Shanhe's right.

"Shanhe, do you know who to fire?" Li Jianguo asked suddenly after pondering for a long time.


As Zhao Shanhe spoke, he took out a list and handed it over.

"Dad, please give me advice. Should all the people on this list be fired? Do they all have a reason for being fired?"

"Let me see."

Li Jianguo took it over, just glanced at it, and his expression became serious.

After reading all of them, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said with emotion: "Shanhe, your vision is really good, is this list given to you by Chen Duo?"

"Yes." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Chen Duo is a capable person. It is rare for him to come up with such a list in such a short period of time!"

Li Jianguo nodded and put the list on the table next to him, and said earnestly: "As far as the facts are concerned, this list is well organized, and everyone on it has a reason to be fired."

"Some of them are relying on the old to sell the old, some are doing nothing, and some are just dawdling. If you want to dismiss them, I have no problem."

Zhao Shanhe laughed happily when he heard this.

It's easy to say that with Li Jianguo.

What he is most afraid of is that there is a problem with the list. There are those who are really capable, or those who have really put a lot of effort into the winery.

But now it seems that Chen Duo has indeed done a good job.

After all, Li Jianguo agreed with this matter.

When it comes to familiarity with Gushun Winery, who else can surpass Li Jianguo?

Although he said that he was not the leader of the winery, he was the first batch of people to enter the factory, and there were very few veterans like him, looking at the entire winery, now.

"Dad, I still have something to work on for you." Zhao Shanhe said hesitantly.

"Do you want me to come forward to do the work of these people?" Li Jianguo frowned and asked.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Although it is said that Gushun Winery is mine now, I can take full control of this matter. But it would be best for those people to leave without causing trouble, and I don't want to tear myself apart. Everyone is embarrassed."

"You, you."

Li Jianguo shook his head and sighed.

"It's impossible to solve this matter peacefully, but whoever made you my son-in-law, I have to do this matter, and I have to do it if I don't."

"Okay, I will help Chen Duo with this matter, remember to tell Chen Duo when the time comes."

"No problem, thanks Dad."

Zhao Shanhe thanked him excitedly, just when he was about to continue to say something, there was a sound of footsteps outside the kitchen, and then he saw Li Qiuya walking in.

"Dad, Shanhe, Mom let you in."

"What are you doing in there? I won't go!" Li Jianguo's expression darkened, and he waved his hand.

"Qiu Ya, let Mom settle this matter, and Dad and I won't get involved. Just remember to tell Mom to send them away quickly."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said firmly: "You also know about Feng Yuanyuan, we will not marry the Feng family."

"I thought so too, and said so, but those two have been pretending to be stupid. It's not that I'm out of luck, so I wanted to let you in." Li Qiuya said with a helpless sigh.

"Pretending to be stupid?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Dad, let me go in and have a look, but don't go in."

"Okay, you go, I'm too lazy to look at them." Li Jianguo said in a muffled voice, sat down on his own, picked up the list and began to study.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya into the house.

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe finally came in, the eyes of the two sisters Zhao Danna and Zhao Danya flashed brightly, they scanned Zhao Shanhe up and down, with a satisfied expression on the corners of their mouths.

"This is Director Zhao of Shanqiu Foods, right? Sure enough, you are young and promising. Sister Tian, ​​you are really lucky to have such a good son-in-law." Zhao Danna opened her mouth and praised.

Tian Lihua chuckled.

"Director Zhao, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Zhao Danna, and I am Feng Yuanyuan's mother. This is my younger sister, Zhao Danya, Feng Yuanyuan's aunt."

"We came there today just to explain the misunderstanding of the last blind date." Zhao Danna's mouth was eloquent enough, without stammering at all.


Zhao Shanhe slowly sat down on the chair, looked at Zhao Danna at the same level, and said unhurriedly: "I don't know what Feng Yuanyuan told you when she went back, but I can tell you now that Qiucheng and your Feng Yuanyuan are not suitable."

"The blind date between the two of them was screwed up, so let's forget about getting married."

"Director Zhao, you can't say that!"

Before Zhao Danna spoke this time, Zhao Danya said directly: "This Qiucheng and Yuanyuan are children, what do they know. You said that the blind date was messed up, don't be afraid, if it's messed up, let's explain it clearly."

"I think the two of them are pretty good. They are a good match. You see, Qiucheng of your family is very talented, and Yuanyuan of our family is also good-looking. Isn't this the appearance of a man and a woman?"

"If the two of them can get together, it's a match made in heaven. I think we came here with sincerity. If it's okay, let Qiucheng and Yuanyuan try to get around?"


Zhao Shanhe shook his head with firm eyes, and said decisively: "Really, I don't think they are suitable. The twisted melon is not sweet, so let's forget about it."

"Director Zhao..."

"Mom, actually I forgot to tell you something. If I had told you earlier, there would be no such troublesome things today."

Seeing that Zhao Danya would continue to persuade, Zhao Shanhe interrupted her neatly, turned to look at Tian Lihua, and said with a smile.

After saying this, Tian Lihua was slightly stunned.

Zhao Danya did not continue to open her mouth.

Zhao Danna also looked over curiously.

"What's the matter?" Tian Lihua asked.

"Is such that."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said a word.

After Tian Lihua heard this sentence, she stood up on the spot.

The faces of Zhao Danna and the two sisters darkened abruptly.

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