Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 357 Is she here again?

"Mr. Lu, why are you here?"

After Shen Ziliang got into the car anxiously, he said in a respectful tone, now he is like a primary school student who has done something wrong and is waiting to be criticized by the teacher, he dare not take a breath.

"Shen Ziliang, you really disappointed me." Mr. Lu said indifferently.

"Yes, it's all my fault." Shen Ziliang hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to refute.

"The trouble you got into this time is a bit big. Fortunately, there is the 300 million donation, otherwise you wouldn't even think about it. Let's go, follow me back, you are going to go abroad temporarily." Mr. Lu said slowly .

"Yes, I will follow Mr. Lu's arrangement."

Shen Ziliang said respectfully, then raised his head cautiously and asked, "Mr. Lu, what about Zhao Shanhe?"

"Of course Zhao Shanhe can't just leave it like this."

Two cold lights shot out from President Lu's eyes.

"Because of Zhao Shanhe, Sifang Industry was banned, and this revenge has to be avenged. But not now, Zhao Shanhe is now a great philanthropist, and no one can touch him."


Shen Ziliang lowered his head again, feeling miserable in his heart.

Is Sifang Industry gone?

Zhao Shanhe, it is because of you that Sifang Industry has become like this, you wait for me, we will settle this account slowly in the future!


The Zhao family in Zhenghe County.

After Zhao Shanhe came back, it was getting late, so he didn't go back to the factory, but went home directly.

When Li Qiuya saw Zhao Shanhe standing in front of her, she couldn't help but walked up to him with distress, hugged him and looked at him carefully.

"Why are you so dark?"

"It's all in the sun, it will be fine in two days." Zhao Shanhe breathed in the familiar smell of Li Qiuya, slowly closed his eyes, and hugged her tightly.

"Qiu Ya, you've been worried for the past two days."

"My worry is a trivial matter, but your safe return is a major matter. Go ahead and take a shower quickly. I've already cooked dinner. Let's have dinner together after you wash up." Li Qiuya said softly.

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe came out of the shower, four dishes and one soup were already placed on the table.

The four home-cooked dishes are fried pork, mixed vegetables, braised carp and stewed chicken nuggets with potatoes.

The soup is the mustard egg soup as always.

What is rare is that Li Qiuya took the initiative to take out a bottle of Moutai.

"Have some wine to warm up."

Zhao Shanhe took the wine bottle and grinned: "Okay, listen to my wife."

He sat down and chatted with Li Qiuya while eating, and told vividly what had happened on the front line of flood fighting and disaster relief in the past few days, which made Li Qiuya's eyes shine.

When Zhao Shanhe talked about the tragedy, Li Qiuya felt the same and wanted to cry.

"Shanhe, we have to quickly produce more Whale water pumps to help the disaster-stricken areas tide over the difficulties as soon as possible."

After Li Qiuya said this, she slapped her forehead suddenly.

"Look at my brain, why did I forget to tell you something serious?"

"What's the business?" Zhao Shanhe picked up a piece of fish and asked calmly.

"Before you came back, Hetu Manufacturing received an order from Fengjue County, Longqi City, Jiangsu Province, saying that they wanted to order [-] Whale Pumps. I was so busy talking to you that I forgot about this It's over."

Li Qiuya said quickly.

Two thousand units!

Zhao Shanhe smiled.

He only knew that Chen Xingdong would place an order, but he didn't expect that it would be [-] units.

If Fengjue County alone needs to buy [-] units, what about the other counties?Surely there will be no less, right?Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe happily raised his wine glass.

"Come on, let's go one! Celebrating the first order of the Whale pump!"

"it is good!"

After dinner, Zhao Shanhe immediately picked up Li Qiuya and went straight to the bedroom.

Li Qiuya's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she was almost charming.


the next day.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiuya who was lying on the bed lazily and didn't want to move, smiled, kissed her forehead and said: "You can rest at home today."

"It's all your fault." Li Qiuya said coquettishly.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed and said: "Breakfast is ready for you, you will remember to eat it later. If you want to go to the factory today, you can go, and if you don't want to go, you can rest at home."

"Understood, you can go now."

"it is good!"

Watching Zhao Shanhe's back disappear from her eyes, a happy smile appeared on the corner of Li Qiuya's mouth.

In the Crown sedan.

Zhao Shanhe sat in the back, took out the documents in the bag and said, "Chen Ju, take some time to go to the car dealer these two days and buy another Crown."


After Chen Ju nodded, he suddenly said, "Director, do you know something?"

"what's up?"

"Just after we came back yesterday, I heard from people in the factory that the woman named Fu Juan came to look for Senior Engineer again."

"I remember you said before that she followed Shen Ziliang? Now that Shen Ziliang has collapsed, she still comes to Gao Gong. Does she have any other ideas?" Chen Ju said, looking at the front with concentration.

She is here again?

Zhao Shanhe frowned when he heard this.

What is this Fu Juan thinking?Why do you keep coming to Gao Shaoyuan again and again?

What Chen Ju said is right, Shen Ziliang and his Sifang Industry have collapsed, why are you looking for Gao Shaoyuan?

Could it be that you have found another family, and Gao Shaoyuan is the certificate you want to present?

"Keep an eye on this matter and see what she wants to do." Zhao Shanhe said solemnly with a straight face.

"it is good!"

Ten minutes later, Zhao Shanhe appeared in Hetu Manufacturing's office. He didn't say that he would hold a meeting as soon as he came back, but dealt with the documents accumulated during this period in the shortest possible time.

After Zhao Shanhe finished processing those documents, an internal meeting began.

"In the past few days when I'm away, you have done a good job. Whether it is Shanqiu Food or Hetu Manufacturing, they are all producing step by step, which shows that you are all working hard..."

After Zhao Shanhe simply praised him, the topic changed.

"The next thing I want to talk about is the next work arrangement of Hetu Manufacturing. I believe you have all seen it. Because of the flood disaster in Suzhou Province, the demand for water pumps has suddenly increased."

"And our Whale Pump also played a big role in this flood. I believe there will definitely be orders for water pumps, so we have to treat this as a top priority."

"The director is right."

At the same time Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, Yang E smiled and said: "Actually, there is another good news, that is, before the meeting, I just received two calls, both of which placed orders with us, and they both ordered Whale Swallow water pumps. "

"Two orders, a total of [-] units!" Yang E raised five fingers and shook them.

The whole venue suddenly boiled.

"Five thousand units! This is really all right."

"An order of [-] units, my dear, it's amazing."

"Does it mean that our whale pumps are about to usher in spring?"


During this heated discussion, Li Xiangyang coughed twice and said, "Now do you know how far-sighted our factory director is? You were still trying to dissuade me then, are you still dissuading me now?"

The moment Li Xiangyang said these words, the audience was silent.

Everyone stared at him in a flash.

Then in the clatter, someone quit.

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