After Yang E arranged the donation of materials, it was almost time to get off work.

She declined several banquets and went straight home.She wanted to have a good chat with Yang Dapao about what happened today, and some things had to be made clear in person.

Yang Dapao is preparing to cook.

"Why did you come back for dinner tonight? Did you not entertain?" Yang Dapao asked curiously.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

Yang E leaned against the door frame and looked at Yang Dapao with a serious expression.

"Let's talk." Yang Dapao was busy in the kitchen without raising his head.

"I want to tell you about what happened in Jiuquan today." Yang E said slowly.

The movements of Yang Dapao's hands paused for a moment, then he continued to work, and turned his back to Yang E and said, "You mean what Liu Jian learned?"


Yang E said calmly, "How did you handle this?"

"How can I deal with it? Liu Jianxue is an old man from Jiuquan Hardware, and he is a veteran who joined the factory with me. The entire Jiuquan manufacturing, now the only person who can suppress him is your master Chen Jiguo."

"But don't worry, your master told me about this, and I have also decided that this is the last time. If there is another time, I will fire him." Yang Dapao said casually.

"There will be no next time!" Yang E said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Yang Dapao held a cucumber in his hand and turned around in surprise.

"What do you mean there is no next time?"

"No next time means that from now on, Liu Jianxue and the three people who made trouble with him will be fired, and they can no longer stay in Jiuquan to make things." Yang E said calmly.


Yang Dapao was really surprised by this news. He looked over in disbelief, and asked anxiously, "Xiao'e, is what you said true? Are you going to fire Liu Jian to follow the four of them?"

"It's not me who wants to be fired, it's Director Zhao who wants to be fired." Yang E said.

"Director Zhao wants to be fired? Isn't this too exaggerated? Just because Liu Jian imitated the four of them and said something that shouldn't be said, he is going to be fired. Isn't that too arbitrary? No, I don't agree."

"If Factory Manager Zhao does this, I will go to him and talk about it. I want him to know how big the problem is, so that there won't be such a fuss." Yang Dapao put down the cucumber in his hand and said a little annoyed.

"Are you going to talk to Director Zhao?"

After hearing this, a helpless expression appeared on Yang E's face.

"Dad, why did you go to Director Zhao to talk about this matter? Also, you said this is a trivial matter? Is it a trivial matter? This is already questioning and challenging the authority of Director Zhao. The nature of this matter is very serious. "

"Are you making a fuss over a molehill?" Yang Dapao looked disapproving.

"Making a big deal?"

Yang E raised the corners of her eyebrows.

"Does that batch of water pumps in stock belong to Director Zhao?"


"Did Director Zhao inform you of the order to install the water pump?"


"Since that's the case, why should Liu Jianxue stop it? It's fine to stop him, and he said something about selling these water pumps and distributing the money to Jiuquan hardware workers."

"Dad, why do you think he said that? What do you think he wants to say? Return Jiuquan Hardware. Where is Jiuquan Hardware?"

"If you were Director Zhao, what would you think? Would you allow your subordinates to do something that challenged authority? I don't think you would."

At this point, Yang E stood up straight, and said in a serious tone: "So this matter has to be handled like this. You will fire the four of you, Liu Jianxue, as soon as you get to work tomorrow."

"Not only do we need to be fired, but we also need to post a notice to let everyone know the cause and effect of the matter. Dad, can you do it?"


Yang Dapao said angrily, "I can't!"

"You must be able to, if you can't, then prepare to resign!" Yang E said calmly.


Yang Dapao's face changed slightly.

"What? Is Zhao Shanhe going to fire me too?"

"It's not Director Zhao who wants to fire you, but me. I think if you don't listen to Director Zhao, then there's no need to stay as the director. What do you think?" Yang E didn't look sideways.


Yang Dapao was speechless for a while, so he took off his apron, threw it on the table, got up and went out.

"Dad, where are you going?" Yang E asked worriedly.

"I'll go find your master!"

Seeing Yang Dapao leaving with a face full of anger, Yang E couldn't help but shook her head and let out a long sigh.

"Dad, I'm doing this for your own good. You are thinking of everyone, but do they think of you? As the saying goes, kindness does not lead soldiers. With your character, you are really not suitable to be a factory manager."


Zhao Shanhe also returned home after get off work.

Because Zhao Shanchuan and Zhao Lin are going on vacation, it is said that Zhao Yonghao and his wife returned to Zhaojiazhai yesterday, leaving him and Li Qiuya at home.After a simple meal, the two came to the backyard.

Now the backyard has been decorated, and compared with before, it can be described as a world of difference.

Several fruit trees sway in the breeze.

In the flower pool in the corner, the flowers are blooming vigorously.

A few koi swim around in the fish pond.

The two sat on the swing, swinging at will.

"I really didn't expect that we could have such a backyard, Shanhe. The past two days have really worked hard for my parents. Without them watching here, it would be impossible to build it like this."

"Also, have you seen those two pomegranate trees? My dad transplanted them from his hometown. He said that the pomegranates in his hometown are sweet and big, and we can eat them this year."

Li Qiuya breathed the fragrance of flowers in the air and smiled happily.

"Yeah, it makes me want to eat pomegranate right now." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile as if swallowing his saliva on purpose.

"You, wait a little longer!"

Li Qiuya smiled for a while, then suddenly turned her head and asked, "Shanhe, are you going to Suzhou tomorrow?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said seriously: "Qiu Ya, Suzhou Province is a neighboring province of our Eastern Province. There is such a big flood happening there, I can't just sit back and do nothing."

"You've also read the news. Now all parts of the country are supporting Jiangsu Province. Volunteers drove past."

"If it was in the past, it would be fine if we had no choice. The ancients said that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will be good for the world. Aren't we more or less able to contribute now, so I thought of going to help."

"Go, I didn't say to stop you from going, I just wanted to say, you have to be careful." Li Qiuya said with concern.

"I will."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, stretched out his hand to lift Li Qiuya's hair, and said softly, "I'll go over there, and I will leave the factory affairs to you. If you can solve it, you can solve it, and if you can't, please contact me."

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya is not a rookie who just debuted, she has matured.

"If you need anything over there, remember to call back at any time, and I will arrange it quickly."

"it is good!"

The two chatted casually like this.

While chatting, Li Qiuya suddenly thought of something.

"Shanhe, I want to tell you something."

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