The person who walked in was Gao Shaoyuan.

"Senior engineer, what's the matter?"

Zhao Shanhe was arranging the documents on the table, when he saw Gao Shaoyuan coming in, he asked in surprise.

"Something happened."

Gao Shaoyuan nodded, walked to the desk, took out an envelope from his pocket, put it on the table, and said calmly: "Director, I have to admit that your vision is indeed longer than mine, and your layout is also better than mine. I am big."

"Fortunately, you were not prevented from producing the Whale Swallowing Pump at that time, otherwise I would be a sinner made by our Hetu now."

"Senior engineer, look at what you said, it's not so serious."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and pointed to the envelope.

"what is this?"

"This is a little bit of my heart. I can't just watch you donate the water pump and do nothing, right? Here is my monthly salary, and I donate it all!" Gao Shaoyuan said lightly.

"Senior engineer" Zhao Shanhe looked at Gao Shaoyuan, not knowing what to say.

"Factory manager, don't say anything, you can do this, and my ideological consciousness can't be too low, right? That's it, I have to go to the workshop to keep an eye on it, and try to speed up the production of the Whale pump."

After Gao Shaoyuan finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

"This old Gao is really willing."

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the envelope and smiled.

Such a noble place deserves his attention.

"It seems that it is not enough to just donate money. Should I bring some living supplies there?"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes and pondered.

Zhenghe County Government.

Du Jingming also knew about the flood in Suzhou Province. After making some arrangements, he finally managed to spare some time to drink some water. While drinking, he suddenly thought of Zhao Shanhe.

When I think of Zhao Shanhe, I think of the water pump made by Hetu.

"This Zhao Shanhe made the right bet again this time." Du Jingming slapped his thigh violently.

"Who said it wasn't that? Back then, everyone was trying to persuade Zhao Shanhe not to produce water pumps, thinking that there was no market for water pumps, and he would definitely be unlucky and lose money. Now that the flood has occurred, no one talks about it anymore."

Gu Changbei said with emotion: "I don't want to talk about the whale water pumps that Zhao Shanhe is producing now, just say that the old water pumps from before will be out of stock."

"Who said it wasn't that? But I can't be envious of this. Who told Zhao Shanhe to make his own decision? After all, if this flood didn't happen, wouldn't he have to pay for it?"

Du Jingming smiled gently.

"Zhao Shanhe is a businessman, so he can sell whatever he wants. But our county is going to make donations, so you should talk to him about this and let him set an example."


Suzhou Province is next to Eastern Province, so such a big flood in Suzhou Province was immediately spread throughout Eastern Province and all the streets and alleys of Zhenghe County.Wherever there is a TV, there are people watching.

While watching the flood, they were all chattering about it.

Among the topics of discussion is Zhao Shanhe.

"If you don't say that Zhao Shanhe is awesome, who can compare with this vision? Before the flood, they started to produce water pumps. Now that there is a flood, they will definitely make a fortune."

"Heats fast, non-ferrous metal solder, and now there is a new water pump, Zhao Shanhe is awesome!"

"How much do you think Zhao Shanhe will donate this time?"

"If you want me to say that it doesn't matter how much money you donate, as long as you donate money, it's all about your heart. We can't engage in moral kidnapping."

"You can't say that, Zhao Shanhe can make so much money, if he doesn't donate as much as us, it's not a joke."

"How much are you going to donate?"

The streets and alleys are talking about it.

Handong Sifang Industrial Office.

"So far, we have purchased about 20 water pumps. As long as we can sell these water pumps, we can earn at least [-] yuan at once." Fu Juan, who was wearing business attire, said excitedly holding a report.

Her current identity is Shen Ziliang's secretary.


Shen Ziliang shook his head, and said casually: "If I only earn 20 yuan, why should I bother with it? It's not enough effort."

"Mr. Shen, do you mean it's too small? But it's already based on the profit of [-] per unit. If it's higher, can it be sold?" Fu Juan asked hesitantly.

"Can it be sold? It's a joke, whoever wants a water pump now is God. Don't say earning 6000, even if it's 50/[-], there are people rushing to ask for it. So I have to earn at least [-] for these more than [-] water pumps." Everything works!"

Shen Ziliang said proudly.

"50?" Fu Juan smacked her lips, this is really dark enough.

"Also, don't stop buying. Now, as long as there are goods, you are not afraid to sell them. The more you collect, the better." Shen Ziliang said.


"Also, what happened to the things I asked you to do before?" Shen Ziliang asked.

"Are you talking about Gao Shaoyuan?" Fu Juan asked.

"Yes, it's him. Can you persuade him to come and help me?"

"You must know that he has mastered the production technology of Hetu to manufacture new water pumps. If we can poach him, it is equivalent to having a cornucopia."

When Shen Ziliang talked about Gao Shaoyuan, his tone became eager. He really wanted to win Gao Shaoyuan.


Fu Juan hesitated.

"You won't tell me that this is a no-go, will you? Fu Juan, you must know that I have high hopes for you. If you say you can't do this, you know the consequences." Shen Ziliang said indifferently.

"I can do it, Mr. Shen, don't worry, Gao Shaoyuan is my ex-boyfriend, I have the confidence to win him to work for you." Fu Juan promised quickly.

"That's good!"

Shen Ziliang smiled relaxedly and slowly closed his eyes.

"I'm tired, give me a shoulder massage."


Fu Juan came over and began to massage skillfully.

"Mr. Shen, according to the rules, there must be a donation for such a big flood in Suzhou. How much are you going to donate?"

"Donate money?"

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Shen Ziliang's mouth.

"It depends on my mood. I'm in a bad mood, so I won't donate a penny."

Fu Juan: ""

In the following time, Zhao Shanhe didn't do anything else, he was busy packing the Whale Swallow pump.

After loading all the water pumps into the car, they were led by Li Xiangyang and escorted to Suzhou Province in person.

Because the action was relatively quick, and it was already dusk when they left, so this matter was really carried out in a low-key manner as Zhao Shanhe ordered.

There is no problem with the Whale pump.

However, the stock water pump manufactured by Jiuquan had a small accident when it was loaded into the car.

It turned out to be the workers of Jiuquan Manufacturing. When they knew that these water pumps were going to be donated to Suzhou Province, some people were very puzzled. They even stopped the trucks that were going to be loaded, saying that they would not allow them to be loaded.

In their words, these water pumps were all produced by them, and they should take this opportunity to sell them and distribute the money from the sale to them.

Why donate to Suzhou Province!

"He, Zhao Shanhe, wants to do good deeds, so he donates new water pumps. Why should he donate our water pumps?"

"What I'm saying is, he is taking our things to be a good person!"

"There is no such good thing in this world, we must let him give us an explanation."

For a while, Jiuquan created a stalemate in the atmosphere here.

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