Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 323 It's Even More Outrageous This Time

"Sister-in-law, when you and elder brother came here just now, you yelled at us without saying a word. We didn't know what happened, so we were scolded by you like this."

"At that time, I really thought that you were wronged because Shanhe did something too much. So if you want to say something, let you say a few words, and Lao Zhao and I will just suffer."

Lin Chunyan paused, then suddenly changed the topic.

"But now I didn't expect that it was not the case. It was Lin Chaoyang who actually harmed Shanhe. Although we don't know what he did, it's true that he harmed Shanhe and wanted to destroy Shanqiu food, right?"

"Brother and sister-in-law, your child is a child, isn't mine?"

"Shanhe is my child. I don't have much hope for him. I just hope that he can live in good health and do something while he is alive. It is not in vain for him to come to this world."

As Lin Chunyan spoke, she walked slowly in front of Lin Chuntang and the two, her tone suddenly turned cold.

"But your family, Lin Chaoyang, actually tried to entrap him again and again. What are you trying to do? It's obviously your fault, it's obviously your fault, why should our family be responsible for it?"

"You go away, we don't welcome you in our family! Go away!"

Lin Chunyan was like an irritated old hen, desperately spreading her wings to protect her child.

She had already endured the time in Zhaojiazhai.

Who would have thought it was even more outrageous this time.

You have all done such outrageous things, why come to accuse us so arrogantly?Do you have the right to accuse us?I feel sorry for Lin Chaoyang, but since he wants to harm my son, I won't allow it!

Don't say that Lin Chaoyang can't do it, neither can the two of you!

"Chunyan, it's not like that. You have to think of a way to save Chaoyang. After all, he is your nephew. You can't just watch him being imprisoned, can you?" Bao Xiaofang softened her tone and began beg for mercy.

"I don't have such a big face. If he breaks the law, he will have to plead guilty." Lin Chunyan said calmly.

"Shanhe, what about you? You have to save him, I know that only you can save him now, you must save him!" Bao Xiaofang turned her head and shouted at Zhao Shanhe.

"If you want me to save him, you can! Unless he personally admits that he did the framing, and tells the truth about it, I won't save him."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he kept silent.

"You two go!"

Zhao Yonghao raised his arm indifferently in silence, pointed to the direction of the door and said: "This is our Zhao family, our Zhao family does not have such a big face to receive you, so please leave immediately!"



Seeing that Lin Chuntang still wanted to talk, Zhao Yonghao grabbed the broom beside him and waved it.Lin Chuntang was so frightened that he subconsciously slipped out, and Bao Xiaofang also rushed out of the yard.


The gate of the courtyard was directly closed by Zhao Yonghao.

The two stood outside the door and looked at each other.

"What should we do now?" Bao Xiaofang asked.

"What can we do? Let's go back and talk!"

Lin Chuntang sighed in annoyance, lowered his head, turned and left.

Bao Xiaofang followed closely behind.


When there were only four of them left, Zhao Yonghao sighed and said, "It's a good thing that my in-laws have gone home today. Otherwise, we would be ashamed if they saw such a thing."

"Dad, how could it be? Don't overthink it, it's not that exaggerated." Li Qiuya said hastily.

"Not exaggerating? I'm ashamed for them. Qiuya, tell us, what did Lin Chaoyang do? Why did he almost destroy Shanqiu Food?" Zhao Yonghao asked in a tight voice.


Li Qiuya glanced at Zhao Shanhe.

"Let me tell you!"

Zhao Shanhe briefly explained the matter, and after he finished speaking, he said calmly: "I never thought that Lin Chaoyang would do this, although there is no conclusive evidence yet, but the clues collected so far point to him. "

"Besides, there is no investigation on this matter. As long as the case is filed, I believe evidence will be found soon. After all, I heard that Lin Chaoyang's hands and feet are quite big these days."

"For a person like him, if he didn't have foreign money, how could he be so lavish?"

"Lin Chaoyang is extremely confused! Shanhe, what are you going to do? Report the crime?" Zhao Yonghao asked.

Lin Chunyan also looked over eagerly.

"Mom, don't worry, I won't file a police report on this matter." Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said slowly after seeing a trace of worry in Lin Chunyan's eyes.

It doesn't make any sense to him whether to report to the police or not. After all, Honest Food is about to collapse, so what if Lin Chaoyang is captured?

Because a scum like him made my mother feel a little guilty and knotted, but the gain outweighed the loss.

Anyway, even if there is no such thing, Lin Chaoyang probably won't be able to escape from prison, so let him learn a lesson!

"Shanhe, you are sensible." Lin Chunyan said.

"You, you, you are just soft-hearted, caring about family affection. You think so, but Lin Chuntang and his wife also think the same way? Haven't you been bullied enough by them all these years?"

"Forget it, anyway, this is your family's business, you can deal with it as you like. But listen to Shanhe, no matter who it is in the future, as long as it dares to set your mind again, it will be dealt with to death."

"The great leader taught us that we must never be soft-hearted in the face of the enemy, you know?"

Zhao Yong took a good look at Lin Chunyan and said earnestly.

"Understood, Dad." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Come on, follow me to the backyard and see if you are satisfied with the decoration." Zhao Yonghao took two steps outside, then turned around and waved at Zhao Shanhe.


The father and son walked out of the house.

Seeing the two go out, Lin Chunyan originally wanted to follow, but after thinking about it, she stayed.

She knew that Zhao Yonghao was really angry, and she might as well let him calm down if she followed up.

"Mom, what Dad just said was angry, don't be angry." Li Qiuya said thoughtfully.

"I know what he thinks. In fact, I also know these years. He has suffered a lot because of me. If it weren't for me, how could he be suppressed by my brother and sister-in-law with his violent temper? It exploded."

"So you don't need to persuade me, I know what to do. It's you, Qiu Ya, who wants to help us watch some mountains and rivers."

Lin Chunyan sat on the chair, grabbed Li Qiuya's hands, and said with a gentle expression: "We can't accompany you to the old age, so it can only be the two of you who will go to the end. You have to support each other and support each other. help."

"Shanhe is our son, and you are our daughter-in-law. We are very satisfied with you. We are also very relieved to hand over Shanhe to you."

"Shanhe has never been wronged since he was a child, so it is inevitable that there will be impulsive moments. At this time, you have to stand up and help him out, so that he can wake up and calm down, you know?"


Li Qiuya nodded heavily.

While the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking, the father and daughter also walked to the backyard and sat down on a big bluestone. Zhao Yonghao took out his dry pipe and lit it. Say a word.

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