"Let's quickly think of a way to see if we can figure out what happened. If there is no way, we will go to Zhenghe County immediately and find Zhao Shanhe."

"I don't believe it anymore, he Zhao Shanhe really dares not to recognize me as uncle."

Lin Chuntang said harshly.

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone, he was also surprised by Lin Chuntang's news.

What's the meaning?Has Lin Chaoyang been arrested?How could he be arrested for no reason?Could it be that it was really because of framing?

But I didn't report this matter to the police. Could it be that Nanjue County did this on purpose?Just to show favor to me?

Maybe this is possible.

After Zhao Shanhe thought about it, he still called Liang Xuefeng.

Anyway, he also wanted to figure out the ins and outs of this matter.

"What? What else? Okay, let me ask you."

Liang Xuefeng was also confused.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything about the relationship between Lin Chaoyang and Zhao Shanhe. It was normal to say that he didn't know before, but after the investigation team went to investigate those abnormal things that happened, Liang Xuefeng specifically investigated.

In his capacity, it is very easy to know whether there is any inside story about this matter.

It was at that time that Liang Xuefeng knew that Zhao Shanhe had indeed been plotted against.

The person who did it directly was Lin Chaoyang!

To be honest, Liang Xuefeng was furious when he found out about this.

Because what Lin Chaoyang did would not only destroy Shanqiu Food, but also affect Nanjue County's image of attracting investment, so he was angry with Lin Chaoyang from the bottom of his heart.

It was also because of this annoyance that he said that he once raised his mouth intentionally or unintentionally to the people below.

Could it be that……

Two minutes later, Liang Xuefeng showed a relieved expression on his face.

Sure enough!

Lin Chaoyang will be arrested, although the direct reason is not because of his anger, but Liang Xuefeng knows that there must be a reason for this.

Thinking of Lin Chaoyang being imprisoned because of his attitude, Liang Xuefeng couldn't help shaking his head speechlessly.

Lin Chaoyang, Lin Chaoyang, you deserve what you deserve, who made you do something you shouldn't do.

But he really couldn't tell Zhao Shanhe about this.

"Director Zhao, I've clarified the matter. This matter is because Lin Chaoyang is suspected of being involved in a malicious wounding case, so the police station will arrest him."

"He is currently detained by the criminal police and is under interrogation. If you want to be released on bail, as long as you say a word, you can do it right away, just follow the procedures." Liang Xuefeng said with a smile.

It turned out to be the case.

When he heard that Lin Chaoyang was arrested for maliciously hurting others, Zhao Shanhe smiled easily.

He said indifferently: "I know County Magistrate Liang, please, please do whatever you want with this matter, please handle it fairly, I won't release you on bail!"


After finishing the call, Zhao Shanhe started to get busy.

After reading the schedule, he went directly to the production workshop and watched the Whale Pumps being neatly packed, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Factory Manager, you have also seen that the production speed of our Whale pumps is increasing now, but it has to be sold. If it cannot be sold, it will be more troublesome to produce more." Yang E pointed to the water pump and said.

"I see!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"You, trust my plan, everything will go according to plan."

"Yes!" Yang E nodded.

"Factory Manager!"

At this moment, Li Xiangyang walked into the workshop, leaned over and said in a low voice, "There is something new about Honest Foods."

"Really? Let's go out and talk about it!" Zhao Shanhe took the two of them out after finishing speaking.

After coming outside, Li Xiangyang started talking.It turned out that only yesterday, all the snacks of Honest Food were announced to be off the shelves. "

"Those snacks placed in shopping malls and department stores, as long as they dare to continue to display them, they will be scolded. This incident also alarmed the relevant municipal authorities.

For example, the Health Bureau and the Quality Supervision Bureau all took action.

They conducted random inspections around all the products of Honest Food in Handong City, and the top of the list was spicy mouth.And through their random inspection, a conclusion was given today.

"The conclusion is that the spicy mouth really contains harmful substances. The Quality Supervision Bureau has issued an order to stop production of Honest Food, and requested that all the snacks of Honest Food in our Handong City be taken off the shelves and sealed up on the spot."

Li Xiangyang said excitedly.

"This is a bit beyond my expectation. I thought that with Luo Qian'an's connections in Handong City over the years, even if this happened, the speed of action of the relevant departments would be delayed for a while."

"Why did it happen so quickly this time? Could it be that Luo Qian'an has offended some big shots? Or is it that our government departments don't want to see this kind of thing that endangers society and threatens the lives of the people?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"Who knows, anyway, the government's action speed this time is astonishing. And that's not counted, because of this, all those sellers were blown up."

"They all ran to Honest Food and made a noise around asking for a refund. They took out the orders one by one and demanded a refund. Now Honest Food is chaotic, and it is said that even Luo Qian'an can't find it."

Li Xiangyang said with bright eyes.

"Can't find Luo Qian'an? Could it be that he will still escape?" Yang E asked.

"It's not that there's no such possibility."

Zhao Shanhe said thoughtfully: "Honest food is Luo Qian'an's hard work, it's true, but these years, he has made countless money relying on this factory, and he has already made a lot of money. If he said that he would run away , and won’t starve to death.”

"What's more, do you think that this matter is only related to food? Don't forget Zhong Qianxi's investment. The industries he invests in also need funds."

"Now that the capital chain is broken, those industries will also talk to Honest Food. The pressure alone is enough for Luo Qian'an. Not to mention the biggest bank!"

"Luo Qian'an didn't just get a loan from a bank. In this case, whichever bank runs faster must be able to get some money earlier and recover a little loss, so those banks have also started to press for debts. Already!"

Speaking of this, a cold smile appeared between Zhao Shanhe's brows.

"But these are secondary. The most important thing is, do you think those big capital companies will give up this opportunity? Just wait and see, someone will come out, just to sell this piece of fat Eat it in one bite!"

"It's really a pity. We can only watch helplessly, but we can't eat meat. You must know that this battle was initiated by us. In the end, we couldn't even get any spoils ourselves. It's a bit reconciled."

Li Xiangyang shook his head and sighed.

"You, to be a man, you must be content. Those who are content are always happy. Don't forget that we have already won the biggest spoils." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"What?" Li Xiangyang asked puzzled.

Biggest loot?where?Why didn't I see it?

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