Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 299 This Is Called Contrast

"Chen Huanghai, are you here to compensate me?" Jed said with a gloomy face.

Lose money?

What money to lose!

I'm here to ask for money, I'm here to settle the final payment with you, I didn't even say this, but you just opened your mouth and said this to me, where is this?

Jed, are you trying to renege on this?

After being slightly stunned, Chen Huanghai quickly smiled and said: "Mr. Jed was joking, how could I come to lose money, I came to ask for money, and I came to settle the balance of our three advertisements with you."

"You are really a noble person who forgets things too much. Didn't we agree at the beginning that after the advertisement is officially launched, we will pay the final payment to our brilliant company in one go?"

"Closing the final payment? Thanks to you, you have the nerve to say so!" Jed said angrily, his eyes widening.

"Chen Huanghai, do you remember how you promised me at that time? You said that the advertisement shot by your brilliant company must be the best, and it can beat the advertisement of Shanqiu Food."

"But now? Have you seen the comments in the newspapers outside? Have you heard what the shoppers in the mall said? If you don't know, I suggest you go and have a look and listen. "

"It's all because of the ad that you shot. The original market of our Green Arrow has become smaller now. If you don't tell me about the ad, I don't want to settle with you. Since you are here, let's settle it .”

Chen Huanghai's expression suddenly became indifferent, and the previous smile disappeared, replaced by a kind of coldness.

"Jed, so you want to renege on your debt?" Chen Huanghai asked coldly.

"Repudiation? I'm not a repudiator. I'm asking for an argument." Jed corrected him solemnly.

"Fuck you and ask for an explanation." Chen Huanghai waved his hand at Jed angrily, pointed at him and said harshly, "Listen to me, we are not responsible for the advertisement."

"Because all the commercials are filmed strictly according to your Green Arrow's requirements, and after the filming is finished, you Green Arrow have also reviewed it."

"During the audit, you didn't say there was a problem. You just nodded and agreed, but now you want to renege on the debt. There is no such reason in the world, right?"

Chen Huanghai paused for a moment, and began to reason: "Jed, I know that your Green Arrow's advertisement has never done Yile's, but is this our reason? It is your own creative problem."

"If you were willing to listen to my advice, would this happen now? I have told you more than once that this is China, and you have to adapt to China's national conditions, but have you listened?"

"You didn't listen, so your advertisement lost to Yile."

Speaking of this, Chen Huanghai suddenly shouted: "But that has nothing to do with me! You Green Arrow had better settle our brilliant balance, even if you are a foreign-funded enterprise, you must abide by China's national laws."

"Hmph, no money now!" Jed said coldly.

"No money? If you don't have any money, just raise the money for me! I'll give you a week, and within a week you must get the final payment to me, or else, hey, let's wait and see."

Chen Huanghai put down his harsh words, turned around and slammed the door and left.

Paralyzed, so what if you are a foreign company?The country encourages you to come to invest, but not to encourage you to renege on your debts. You have to give me my money.

If you dare to blackmail Lao Tzu's balance, I will let you know that this capital city is not a place where you foreign devils can show off your power casually.

Damn, don't be ashamed of your face.

With someone like you, how can you do better than others!

"Zhao Shanhe, I'm very interested in you now. I heard that you made this advertisement idea. How did you grow your head? You can think of such a down-to-earth idea without looking rustic."


Handong municipality and county.

All the people in Shanqiu Food Factory breathed a sigh of relief. They were also watching the advertisements on CCTV during this period of time, and they were all wondering if the trick made by the Green Arrow would affect their orders for Yile.

After a week, they were finally able to relax.

Facts have proved that Green Arrow is no match for them even when it comes to commercials.

The surge in orders is the best illustration.

"Have you heard? That bus commercial was filmed in our county."

"Of course I heard about it. I also know that it is the No. [-] bus. Let me tell you, there are more people taking the No. [-] bus now. Those people just go for the bus because of the advertisement."


"Didn't you watch the ad? They also want to meet love on the bus like in the ad."

"Isn't that just waiting for a rabbit?"

"Haha, if you ask me, our factory manager Zhao is really good, and he can come up with such creative ideas for advertisements."

"That's right, there's nothing our Director Zhao can't do."

"Also, I heard that the laboratory is about to launch a new product. If there is a new product, hey, Shanqiu Foods is going to be busy again."

"It's better to be busy, and you can get more money if you are busy."


Such pleasant conversations can be heard everywhere in Shanqiu Food Factory. Everyone is excitedly discussing this matter, and they all look forward to a brighter tomorrow for Shanqiu Food.

The conference room is no exception.

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience with a smile.

"You all know the thing, that is, we succeeded in the first battle of the new advertisement launched on CCTV. We successfully suppressed the Green Arrow advertisement and won the first place. If you want to laugh, you can laugh now!"

"Ha ha!"

Li Xiangyang and the others laughed heartily.

"The three commercials we filmed and launched completely killed the three commercials of Green Arrow. No matter where they are broadcast, they are not good, and no one says they are good." Cai Qian said with a smile.

"That's called contrast!"

Li Xiangyang smiled gently.

"If there was only the Green Arrow advertisement, it might not have had such a big impact, but now it is compared with our Yile advertisement, and the judgment will be judged."

"You've all seen their advertisements. They've created a set of fake big empty, and they've created a European and American style. A piece of chewing gum doesn't want to follow the mass line, but just wants to fly in the sky and follow the capitalist line. Can it work?"

"Deputy Factory Manager Li's words got to the bottom of it. They lost because they didn't follow the mass line, and we won because we followed the mass line." Kong Jie continued.

"But what I want to say is that we not only follow the mass line, but more importantly, we have the wise leadership of Director Zhao. Without his creativity, our advertisements would not be able to achieve this effect."

Kong Jie said with a smile, a strong smell of flattery permeated the conference room.

Li Xiangyang: "..."

Cai Qian: "..."

Everyone else: "..."

"Haha, this is all thanks to the big guy." Zhao Shanhe accepted this kind of flattery with peace of mind.

He said with a smile: "I guess Green Arrow must be anxious to get angry now, but this is our opportunity, we must seize this opportunity, take advantage of the victory and pursue, and gradually erode the market of Green Arrow."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe picked up a piece of paper.

"I have a market research report here, which talks about several important markets that Green Arrow currently occupies in our country. Our next goal is very simple: focus on attacking the markets of these six cities and drive Green Arrow out!"


What follows is a discussion around this matter.

When the discussion was almost over, when Zhao Shanhe was about to announce the end of the meeting, Xiao Mingyu suddenly raised his hand, and everyone was stunned by what he said.

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