Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 29 It's okay! 1 everything has me!

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help looking at Li Qiucheng full of resentment.

All because of you bastard!

In the previous life, it was because of your nonsense that Li Qiuya sold blood to you to earn money, but what did you do with the money?Put everything into your so-called business.

But it turns out that you were lied to.

In the end, not only did he not make any money, but he lost all his money, not to mention, and owed a whole lot of debt.

In order to repay the debts, the old man was forced to sell the house, but he could not pay off the debts, and the Li family was completely devastated.

Now you still want to ask Li Qiuya to give you money, just dream!

"You don't agree? Why do you disagree? It's all my sister's money!" Li Qiu shouted.

Tian Lihua also scolded: "Zhao Shanhe, this is our family's business, you have no right to interrupt."

"If you really say it's for Qiu Ya's good, then divorce her quickly and let her live! Let our family live too!"

"Mom, what did you say?"

Li Qiuya didn't expect Tian Lihua to say this, and shouted nervously.

"What did I say? I'm telling the truth. Qiu Ya, your father and I are not blind. We know how you got here all these years. You followed Zhao Shanhe and didn't say that you enjoyed a day of happiness. It was too hard and too tiring. .”

"That's it, he doesn't cherish you, loves you, you say I can still watch you suffer and suffer, and live with him like this?"

"Let me make it clear today. I met Huang Hu two days ago, just your classmate. Isn't his family in the canning business? He liked you very much before, and he also said that as long as you If you are willing to divorce Zhao Shanhe, he will marry you."

"Did you hear that? It's not that no one wants you, you have what people want. Following someone is no better than following this trash like Zhao Shanhe!"

When Li Qiuya heard this, her eye circles were red, and tears rolled in her eyes.

She didn't expect Tian Lihua to say this.

My mother actually wanted to force me to divorce!

What yellow tiger, does that have anything to do with me?I don't like him!

"Yellow tiger!"

The moment Zhao Shanhe heard this name, a flash of anger flashed in his heart.

He never thought that Tian Lihua would bring up Huang Hu to talk about it, but this Huang Hu has always been loyal to Li Qiuya, and often pesters her.

In his previous life, Zhao Shanhe had two fights with Huang Hu because of Li Qiuya's affairs.He knew that Huang Hu was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He didn't know how many girls he had harmed because of how much money he had.

"That's right, sister, that Huang Hu has always liked you very much, and his family is very rich. It is said that his family's cannery can earn a hundred thousand a year!"

"If you follow him, you will definitely be able to eat well and drink spicy food. Our family will also enjoy a little bit of glory, and parents' lives will be easier."

"Zhao Shanhe, did you hear that? If you are a man, you should divorce my sister quickly and give her freedom. If you don't agree, don't blame me for being rude!"

Li Qiucheng waved his fist in agreement.

Watching this scene, Li Jianguo sat beside him without saying a word.


Seeing that Li Qiucheng forced herself like this, Li Qiuya couldn't hold back anymore, tears fell like thunderbolts, and she began to cry bitterly.

"Why don't you believe my words? I told you that Shanhe has changed. He is already able to make money to support his family. Why don't you believe it?"

"Trust him? He deserves us to believe?"

Tian Lihua looked at her crying daughter, her heart softened a little, but she gritted her teeth and insisted on thinking that the words had already been spoken. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. What are you afraid of if you have said it all?

"Zhao Shanhe, don't lie to our Qiuya anymore, put away your tricks!"

"That's right, sister, sober up, you haven't been deceived by him once, why do you believe every time he deceives you, you are so stupid!" Li Qiucheng said with curled lips.

"Qiuya, it's okay! Everything is up to me!"

Looking at the crying Li Qiuya, Zhao Shanhe hugged her into his arms and comforted her.

"Shanhe!" Li Qiuya raised her teary face, choking with sobs.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it!"

Zhao Shanhe gently wiped away the tears on Li Qiuya's face, then sat upright and stared at Tian Lihua and said.

"Mom, you are an elder. No matter what you say about us, we can only listen to it. Don't worry, I will definitely not argue with you."

"But what I want to say is that I did let you down in the past, but that's in the past."

"As you can see, Cui Huan is following me now. Our shaved ice business is booming and we can make money."

"Didn't you say that Li Qiucheng needs to pay others for fighting with others? You said that five hundred was made up at home. It's okay. Don't make up the money. Whoever you borrowed from, return it quickly. Just go back."

"I will pay for this money!"

As he spoke, Zhao Shanhe took out 800 yuan from his pocket and put it on the table.

"The matter of compensation must be resolved quickly, and this matter cannot be delayed, so I will take the money as soon as I take it. I don't expect Li Qiucheng to pay it back, just treat it as my filial piety to your elders."

"But the money he said for investing in business, even if I have it, I won't give it to him."

"Your elder brother knows best what kind of virtue he is, and his shareholding business is also unreliable. I advise you not to trust him."

Speaking of this, Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiucheng, and said righteously: "Li Qiucheng, if I were you, I wouldn't come back and force our parents to take out this money. Let me tell you, This business of yours is not good, you should get out of it as soon as possible, or you will fall into it."

"Mom and Dad, I have said what should be said, and I have said what should not be said. What to do next is up to you."

The room was dead silent.

"If you ask me to borrow money, it's not that you can't do it. After all, the relationship is there. But if you borrow money so arrogantly and show off like this, do you really think I owe you?"

"I only owe Qiuya, and I will pay back what I owe to Qiuya, but to you, Li Qiucheng, I don't owe you anything. People like you don't deserve my sympathy. You'd better wake up, or else this life will be wasted .”

Zhao Shanhe thought to himself.

The memories about Li Qiucheng in his mind gradually became clearer. In his memory, Li Qiucheng, who ruined the Li family and ruined it, ended up in prison because of fighting.

At that time, none of his cronies and friends cared about him, and they all ran as far as they could.

Li Qiuya couldn't see Li Qiucheng squatting in the trap, thinking all day about how to rescue him.

But it's okay, this kind of thing is beyond Li Qiuya's interference.

Later, after Li Qiuya passed away, Li Qiucheng was released from prison three years later, and Zhao Shanhe had no news of him.

Li Qiucheng's life or death has nothing to do with Zhao Shanhe.

It's sad to think about it!I was an asshole before, but now I am sober, and you, Li Qiucheng, have not been able to turn over a new leaf and start a new life in the end.

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