Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 288 It's useless whoever comes to intervene!

That's right, Zhao Shanhe was indeed the one who decided on Lin Chaoyang's coming to the Nanjue branch.

He also had no choice, who let his uncle and aunt talk about it all day long, and they let it go, and went to Lin Chunyan to talk about it.

Since his mother was involved in this matter, it was impossible for Zhao Shanhe to insist on not agreeing, so he had no choice but to let Lin Chaoyang come.

Who would have thought that Lin Chaoyang would act so recklessly and recklessly after he came in!

This surprised and annoyed Zhao Shanhe.

You know, this is just what I heard, how many things did Lin Chaoyang do that I didn't hear?

Purchasing department is the oil and water department in any unit. I arranged for you here because I originally wanted to give you a chance to make money, let you make a small fortune and live a stable life, but who would have thought that you would go so far!

Lin Chaoyang, oh Lin Chaoyang, you really don't change your mind!

"Xiangyang, do you know about this?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangyang with a livid face.

"do not know."

Li Xiangyang shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "I know about the replacement of the head of the procurement section. Han Chunming told me this, but he didn't elaborate on why he changed."

"Now it seems that this matter should have something to do with this Lin Chaoyang. Shanhe, after all, this matter involves you, and Han Chunming's side is not easy to handle."

"There's nothing difficult to do, it's business!" Zhao Shanhe's face was serious, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

While the two were talking, Lin Chaoyang became more and more arrogant. He raised his arm, pointed at Wang Jianshu's nose, and shouted angrily, "Wang Jianshu, did you give me a face?"

"Did I tell you who owns this Nanjue branch? It belongs to my cousin Zhao Shanhe! My cousin, we are relatives, do you think he will take care of my cousin?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you clearly that I will be the director of the factory here in the future. If you say you still want to continue working here, just give me some insight and don't make fun of yourself."

"If you don't want to work here, tell me as soon as possible, I will write you a resignation letter!"



Extremely arrogant!

Looking at Lin Chaoyang like this, Wang Jianshu was unmoved, and said indifferently: "Lin Chaoyang, what you said may be true, but so what?"

"At least you are not the director of the factory yet, it is not your turn to speak here, and you are not qualified to dictate here, as long as you are still a buyer in my procurement department, I have the power to control you!"

"Listen to me, your batch of goods, as long as I don't sign it, don't even think about putting it in the warehouse!"

"So I advise you to return that batch of goods as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to afford the loss!"

After saying this, Wang Jianshu turned around and glanced around.

"What are you doing standing here? Are you watching the fun? They're all gone!" Wang Jianshu waved his hand.

"Can't go! No one can go!"

Lin Chaoyang rushed in front of Wang Jianshu with one stride, blocked his way, looked at Wang Jianshu fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Wang Jianshu, don't use the section chief's hat to suppress me, you can't suppress me!"

"Let me tell you, don't say it's you, even if your backstage master Han Chunming comes over, I won't be afraid."

"What is Han Chunming? He's just a wage earner for our family, and he really takes himself seriously."

"Let me tell you, when I become the director of the factory, he will be the first to be fired, and you will be the second."

Speaking of this, Lin Chaoyang suddenly laughed wickedly: "If you say that you can serve me well now, maybe I will give you a chance to stay when I am happy."

"Lin Chaoyang, you are presumptuous!"

Wang Jianshu, who originally didn't want to know as much as him, suddenly darkened when he heard these words.

"Do you know what nonsense you are talking about? If your words spread, what kind of bad influence will it bring to our Nanjue branch?"

"And why do you have the nerve to use the name of Director Zhao to do evil? Are you not afraid of ruining his reputation?"

"Destroy your reputation?"

Lin Chaoyang sneered, and said without hesitation: "What am I afraid of? I'm telling the truth, so am I afraid that you will chew your tongue? Besides, whoever chews you will chew it, and anyone who dares to chew it will be expelled!" "

"You!" Wang Jianshu's face was livid with anger.

"You can't fire anyone!"

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"I declare that from now on, you are fired!"

"Who? Who dares to fire Lao Tzu?"

Lin Chaoyang looked behind him and shouted loudly.


As the crowd dispersed, Zhao Shanhe came out with a gloomy face, followed by Li Xiangyang.All those who saw this scene quickly got out of the way, no one dared to stand in front.

They had already recognized Li Xiangyang, so they naturally guessed Zhao Shanhe's identity.

"Shanhe, why are you here?"

Seeing Zhao Shanhe suddenly appeared in front of him, embarrassment flashed across Lin Chaoyang's surprised face, he hurried forward and said with a smile, "Shanhe, I was just kidding with them, don't take it seriously."

"Just kidding?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with cold eyes.

"What right do you have to play tricks with Wang Jianshu here? You are just a buyer of the procurement department. Who gave you the right to question and provoke the authority of the chief of the procurement department like this?"


Lin Chaoyang was a little speechless.

"What are you, you dare to act in my name here and ruin my reputation, Lin Chaoyang, you really let me down. I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Seeing Lin Chaoyang opened his mouth to speak again, Zhao Shanhe raised his palm and stretched out towards him: "Okay, don't say anything, I have noticed all these things you have done, and I will not give you another chance .”

"From now on, you are officially fired!"

"Wang Jianshu!"

"Yes!" Wang Jianshu hurriedly responded respectfully.

"You go through the dismissal procedures for him now. In the future, if a person like this is found, he will be fired. I will give you the power." Zhao Shanhe said with a serious expression.


Lin Chaoyang's face turned pale immediately, he grabbed Zhao Shanhe's sleeve and shook it vigorously and said, "Cousin, don't, don't do this, you can't be so heartless, we are relatives, I am your cousin."

"If you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, you can't fire me even for the sake of my aunt!"

"For my mother's sake?"

Zhao Shanhe stared in disgust.

"You still have the face to talk about my mother? You've lost all of my mother's face! Don't say anything, I've already decided on this matter, so let's do it. It's useless for anyone to intercede!"

After all, he looked at the onlookers, and reprimanded unceremoniously: "And you, why are you standing here watching? Is the excitement so good? Are you all doing nothing?"


The crowd who gathered together to watch the fun just now scattered like birds and beasts.They can ignore Wang Jianshu, but no one dares not to listen to Zhao Shanhe's words. If anyone dares not to listen, Lin Chaoyang is a lesson from the past.

Lin Chaoyang stood in a daze with his head downcast.

Not far away, several figures were running towards this side, and the leader was Han Chunming, the deputy director of Nanjue Branch.

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