Meeting to discuss?

It's a commonplace again.

Regarding the research and development of the new water pump, Zhao Shanhe's attitude is resolute and decisive. He originally thought that he had already done the work of Gao Shaoyuan, but he didn't expect Gao Shaoyuan to hesitate now.

Yes, I also know that there are still a lot of backlog pumps piled up in the warehouse made by Jiuquan.

But can the new water pumps we developed be comparable to those old water pumps?

Those water pumps have long been eliminated by the times, and ours will face a rise.

"Old Chen, Gao Gong, let's not talk about this matter."

"You have worked hard these two days, so take a good vacation and rest."

"As for mass production, I'll arrange it." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.


Seeing that Chen Jiguo wanted to say something, Gao Shaoyuan interrupted directly.

"Then I will sort out the information of the new water pump in the past two days, and at the same time hurry up to apply for a national patent."

"it is good."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and after a few more instructions, he turned and left.

When only Gao Shaoyuan and the others were left here, Chen Jiguo asked with some puzzlement: "Gao Gong, why didn't you let me continue to persuade Director Zhao just now?"

"You must know that this matter is not trivial. If these new water pumps are really mass-produced, the investment cost will be quite huge. This is not comparable to the food research of Shanqiu Foods."

"Mr. Chen, it's not that I have to stop you, it's about this matter. In fact, I told Director Zhao before."

"At that time, Director Zhao's attitude was very firm, saying that no matter what, let me research a new type of water pump."

"What I thought at the time was, it doesn't matter anymore, isn't it just research and development?"

"Research and development of any product is not all research and development, so we should develop a new type of water pump according to Director Zhao's intention."

"When it's developed, maybe Director Zhao will change his mind."

"And it wouldn't be a big deal if he said he changed his mind."

"We take it as a template for developing a new product, and it may be useful in the future."

"But you can also see that Director Zhao's thinking has not changed, it is still the same as before."

"He just wants us to develop a new type of water pump and then mass-produce it. He is the most persistent at this time. It's useless for us to say anything. No matter how much we say, it's useless."

"So don't persuade me at this time, let's find another opportunity to persuade you."

Chen Jiguo thought for a while, then nodded in agreement: "That's right, I think he seems to be on the edge of a dead end."

"Then let's persuade him after he calms down."

"Anyway, it's not something that can be done in a short while."

"If you want to produce this kind of water pump, you have to set up a new production line and train workers, all of which will take time."

"Old Chen, it seems that you still care about Director Zhao." Gao Shaoyuan smiled.

"Care about him?" Chen Jiguo chuckled, and said disapprovingly, "I don't want him to be impulsive and lose such a small amount of family fortune that has been accumulated so hard."

"How did Jiuquan Hardware go bankrupt at that time, wasn't it because of the wrong decision-making of the leadership?"

"As you know, Hetu Manufacturing and Jiuquan Manufacturing are just on the right track now. It would be a pity if they did something wrong on impulse and caused irreparable losses."


Gao Shaoyuan nodded in agreement, then turned to look around.

"Qiu Cheng, we are all outsiders no matter what, but you are Director Zhao's brother-in-law."

"How about you, try to persuade your brother-in-law more, or mobilize your sister to persuade him."

"In any case, let him give up the idea of ​​​​mass production."

"Okay, I know about this, but..." Li Qiucheng hesitated.

"But what?" Gao Shaoyuan asked.

"But if it really can't be mass-produced, wouldn't our research and development these days be in vain?" Li Qiucheng asked puzzled.

"In vain?"

Gao Shaoyuan laughed loudly, patted Li Qiucheng on the shoulder and said, "Who told you that the new product developed must be mass-produced immediately?"

"Do you think that the new water pump we developed can't be mass-produced immediately, so it's a waste of time? That's not the case."

"You have to know that the process of developing new products is also a process of learning and accumulating experience, which will be indispensable for us to develop other products in the future."

"Besides, how dare you say that the new water pump was developed for nothing?"

"After all, you have also seen that the advantages of the new water pump are still obvious, far exceeding the old water pump."

"Based on this alone, if we start production, we can have a market advantage."

"And you must know that many engineering water pumps are developed based on this most basic water pump, and we can develop other engineering water pumps in the future."

"I said that mass production is not allowed, but I just think that this new type of water pump does not need to be mass-produced separately, do you understand?"


Li Qiucheng suddenly realized, and smiled embarrassingly.

"Then I know what to do. I'll talk to my sister about it when I get back."

"I'll talk to Yang E too." Chen Jiguo said.

"Then I'll go to Deputy Director Li." Gao Shaoyuan also said.

"What about us? Why don't we go to the teacher to talk about it, and ask the teacher to persuade Director Zhao, otherwise, it will be troublesome when it is really mass-produced." Zhang Du and Wei Ming said after looking at each other.


After pondering for a while, Gao Shaoyuan said: "With Mr. Zhai coming forward, I believe Director Zhao should be able to listen."

"Then let's start doing this right now. Let's all get moving and try to dispel Director Zhao's thoughts before he gives the order."

"it is good!"

A few people will do what they say, and those who act resolutely will act.

And the people they were looking for had the same first reaction after hearing about it.

Whether it was Li Qiuya, Li Xiangyang, or Yang E, they would definitely support Zhao Shanhe's decision.

Because from the establishment of Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing to the present, everything has proved that Zhao Shanhe's decision was wise and correct.

But this time there are some exceptions.

They supported the opinions of Gao Shaoyuan and Chen Jiguo.

There is no market for water pumps. If there is a market, do you think there will be mountains of piles in the Jiuquan manufacturing warehouse?

Before you said that you want to research and develop, we took it purely as your hobby. I didn't expect you to mass produce it now, which is a bit too much.

Stimulated by this thought, Yang E was the first to come to Zhao Shanhe.

Who made her feel the deepest about the whole thing, after all, in order to be able to sell those water pumps, she had worn out her lips.

However, even so, it did not sell much.

So this time she can't just watch Zhao Shanhe make the same mistake.

Once this mistake is made, Zhao Shanhe will leave the stage sadly like Wu Liande of Jiuquan Hardware, and it will also bring disaster to hundreds of workers of Hetu Manufacturing.

"Dong dong."

Yang E knocked on the door of Zhao Shanhe's office.

"Come in!"

Yang E pushed the door open and entered.

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