"So what you mean is that you found a businessman from East Island who is willing to buy our Yile chewing gum and sell it in East Island?" Zhao Shanhe asked unexpectedly.


Cai Qian couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, and said excitedly: "Actually, I didn't expect to get to know this East Island businessman, but by accident, I got to know him."

"After getting to know each other, I realized that Fujiwara Fukuda has always cooperated with Green Arrow Company."

"But recently, for some reason, Green Arrow even said that the price will be raised."

"Then Fujiwara Fukuda got angry and had an opinion, so he wanted to leave a way for himself, so he got to know me."

"After several conversations, Fujiwara Fukuda said that he wants to cooperate with our Shanqiu Foods."

"Because I didn't get your instructions, I said that I stabilized the other party for the time being, and didn't directly agree to this matter."

"What else is there to say, just promise him."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"East Island Country, that's a big market, wouldn't you be a fool if you don't make money from foreigners?"

"Cai Qian, you are fully responsible for this matter. Contact Fujiwara Fukuda and tell him, as long as you have the money ready, you can have as much Yile chewing gum as you want."

"And, if you can, sell him our popsicles too."

"Okay, then I'll contact him when I get back." Cai Qian nodded and smiled.

Zhao Shanhe stood up, nodded, patted Cai Qian on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Cai Qian, you did a good job this time!"

"Not only did we put our advertisement on Shencheng TV Station, but also won our first international trade order. Congratulations."

"I keep my word. From now on, you will be the head of our public relations department!"

"As for the people in the public relations department, you can recruit yourself or choose from the factory."

"Thank you Mr. Zhao!" Cai Qian looked at Zhao Shanhe excitedly, not knowing what to say.

He has been painted countless big cakes, but here in Zhao Shanhe, he really ate this cake for the first time.

"Congratulations to Chief Cai." Yang E smiled.

"Section Chief Yang is being polite." Cai Qian felt a little embarrassed.

"Everyone will be colleagues from now on, so don't come here to congratulate me, let's all go to Limin Hotel tonight to celebrate Section Chief Cai!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Several people laughed heartily.

In this kind of laughter, they naturally talked about Shanqiu Food's counterattack against Honest Food. After hearing how Zhao Shanhe counterattacked, Cai Qian was in admiration.

Even he couldn't think of such a move, but Zhao Shanhe not only thought of it, but also used it effectively.


No wonder Zhao Shanhe is the director of the factory, and he deserves his name.

"Mr. Zhao, how are you going to deal with Honest Food? Are you really going to fight them to the end?" Cai Qian asked.

"of course not!"

Zhao Shanhe expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, Cai Qian nodded thoughtfully: "It's the right way to do this. It must make Luo Qian'an feel pain and fear. Next time, I won't dare to copy our products casually like this."

"But don't you think it's a bit strange? Luo Qian'an's doing this is like playing a house, suddenly pirating, attacking suddenly, and ending suddenly."

"I've noticed this too. I think Honest Foods must be in trouble. Otherwise, with Luo Qian'an's personality, it would be impossible to say that he just swallowed this breath casually." Zhao Shanhe said.

"I think so."

Cai Qian smiled lightly.

"Actually, if you want to know whether this is the case, it is very simple to see whether Honest Food will beg for mercy and send someone to negotiate."

"If they are sent, it means that there is indeed a problem within them, and they don't want to cause extra problems, and they don't want to break with us."

"In this case, we can say that we don't want to pursue them, but we definitely have to eat a piece of their flesh hard."

Hearing this, the three of Zhao Shanhe looked at each other.

Sure enough, I was right, Cai Qian was born for public relations.

As soon as he said a few words on his side, he thought of how to negotiate with honest food people.

And it is definitely better to have an expert like him to negotiate than Zhao Shanhe.

"Dong dong!"

At this moment, the door of the office knocked, and someone came in and said that Zhong Qianxi had come and wanted to see Zhao Shanhe.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Cai Qian with a smile, and said slowly: "Minister Cai, it's your turn."

"Go, have a good talk with Zhong Qianxi"

"As far as the few items we just mentioned, try to get them all."

"Let me tell you, if you can't take it down, you will be poured down the bar at the celebration banquet tonight!"


Cai Qian smiled confidently, stood up and said: "Mr. Zhao, then I think you will be disappointed. I will discuss all the conditions just now."

"Just wait for the good news. I'll go meet Zhong Qianxi."

"Go!" Zhao Shanhe nodded with a smile.

Cai Qian turned and walked out of the office.

"Director, is it really okay for you not to show up?" Yang E was still a little worried.

"What's wrong if I don't show up?" Zhao Shanhe looked indifferent.

"He, Luo Qian'an, didn't even show up. He just sent a pawn over here. Why should I show up in person?"

"Let this matter be handled by Cai Qian. For me, go to the laboratory and see if there is anything that Teacher Xiao needs to help with."

"You all go and do your own business, you don't need to stay here." Zhao Shanhe walked out after finishing speaking.

Li Xiangyang and Yang E looked at each other.

"Yes, our factory manager has started to be a shopkeeper again." Li Xiangyang said speechlessly.

"Yeah, that's what he likes." Yang E also shrugged.

"Let's go, let's get busy too. I have a bunch of orders waiting to be processed, but I don't have time to waste spittle here with Zhong Qianxi." Yang E left after speaking.

Li Xiangyang also started to get busy with his own affairs.

In this way, it was Cai Qian who came to the conference room alone and stood in front of Zhong Qianxi.

After seeing this strange man, Zhong Qianxi was a little dazed.

Among the information he collected, there was no introduction of Cai Qian at all.

Some are just high-level people like Li Xiangyang and Yang E.

Who is this majestic master?

"I haven't asked for advice yet, who are you?" Zhong Qianxi asked curiously.

Cai Qian smiled calmly, pointed to his nose, and introduced himself: "Cai Qian, Minister of Public Relations."

"Manager Zhong, right? I'll be the representative of Mr. Zhao to discuss the rest of the matter with you."

"What do you want to say, what do you honest food want to say, you can tell me from now on, I will listen all ears!"

Cai Qian, Minister of Public Relations?

When did Zhao Shanhe set up a public relations department here?

It also represents Zhao Shanhe with full authority. Can he represent it?

And Zhao Shanhe, are you too arrogant?You only sent an unknown little person out to receive me, are you blatantly humiliating us honest food?

I know you have the upper hand now, but you can't be so defiant, can you?

How insane!

Of course, Zhong Qianxi only thought about these thoughts in his heart and did not express them.

After all, the situation is stronger than people!

Cai Qian didn't beat around the bush, and said directly: "In this case, let's start talking."

"Minister Cai, I don't know how your Shanqiu food preparations are, so you are willing to end this competition?"

Cai Qian raised three fingers and said unhurriedly: "As long as you meet the three conditions of our Shanqiu Food, this matter will stop here."

"Which three?" Zhong Qianxi raised her eyebrows and asked.

"The first one is"

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