Capture the deep city!

The name of the mission is very simple, just these four words, but the short four words exude a kind of pressure like the top of Mount Tai.

Cai Qian, who was flipping through the documents one by one, became more and more dignified.

This is the task Zhao Shanhe gave him.

This task is simple and easy, but difficult and difficult.

Captured the deep city, what was captured?It is the advertising industry in Shenzhen City that has been captured.

What Zhao Shanhe wants Cai Qian to do is to set off a wave of advertisements for Yile chewing gum in Shenzhen City, so that Yile can fully occupy the advertising industry in Shenzhen City.

As long as he can do this, the task is considered complete.

Cai Qian doesn't even have to worry about whether anyone buys Yile chewing gum.

"How is it? Now that you have seen the mission, do you have confidence?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.


Sweeping away the solemn expression just now, a smile appeared on Cai Qian's face again, and he said confidently: "Mr. Zhao, I know what you mean. You want me to set fire to Shencheng, the base of Green Arrow, right?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Shencheng is the first outpost of Green Arrow to enter China, and it is also the best-run base at present."

"Although with the blessing of the last Canton Fair, our Yile chewing gum has won a lot of markets, but compared with Green Arrow's deep-rooted position, our Yile still has some gaps."

"So how to capture Shencheng is something I have never forgotten."

"And now you also know that our newly filmed commercial will soon replace the previous one and be launched on CCTV."

"At the same time, I don't want to give up on local stations across the country."

"Shencheng TV Station is a place I have been eyeing for a long time."

"I know Green Arrow has an advertisement on Shencheng TV, but so what?"

"He does his, we do ours."

"Sooner or later, I will send someone to do this, and just at this time, you appeared."

"That's right, it's you!"

"Cai Qian, Qiucheng has praised you so much that you are almost going to heaven, and the order incident of the three hospitals that you tossed out two days ago can be regarded as passing my interview."

"Then this is the task now, and I'll leave it to you to do it."

"I still said before, if you can make it, the factory will formally establish a public relations department and hand it over to you to manage."

"If you say you can't do it"

Zhao Shanhe didn't say the rest, but was interrupted by Cai Qian.

Cai Qian looked over with piercing eyes, and said calmly: "Mr. Zhao, isn't he just going to Shencheng to talk about advertising placement? I'll take this task."

"And don't worry, I will definitely use the least advertising fee to win this matter!"

"Just wait for the good news of my victory!"

"Okay, then this task will be handed over to you."

After Zhao Shanhe handed the document to Cai Qian, he told him in detail what he knew, including Green Arrow's status in Shencheng, and how he would attack it when he got there.

Of course, Zhao Shanhe only talked about it in general, and it was up to Cai Qian to decide how to do it, and he would not interfere.

As for the advertising fee, after Cai Qian made an agreement, we will call right away.

Cai Qian walked out of the office with his head held high, and his next stop was Shencheng.

"Shencheng, here I come!"

Cai Qian looked up at the sky above his head, clenched his fists and waved them vigorously.

This kind of life is what he desires most, exciting and challenging.

The most important thing is that you can express your ambitions without any worries. Zhao Shanhe's words are so clear that as long as you succeed, the position of head of the public relations department will be his.

PR department!

This is his most coveted position and the job he has always desired the most.

Now that it's at your fingertips, do you think he can't be excited?

Not to mention going to Shencheng to shoot Green Arrow.

Even if Zhao Shanhe arranged for him to go to the capital to fire a cannon at Green Arrow's base camp, he would not be afraid.

"Are you so confident in Cai Qian?"

Li Qiuya walked into the office and asked curiously.

"It's not that I have confidence in Cai Qian, but that now I have no one under my command to do this."

"Tell me, who else under my command can do this, they are all busy."

"Since this is the case, since Qiu Cheng recommended him, and he indeed has two talents, then I will give him a chance."

"Even if it fails, it doesn't matter much, but if it succeeds, this matter has extremely important strategic significance. The most important thing is that I got a public relations general. Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find." .”

Standing in front of the window, Zhao Shanhe said slowly: "Besides, there must be someone to explore the way in Shencheng. This is not only related to Yile chewing gum, but also the milk tea under research."

"You must know that the consumption in Shencheng is still astonishing. There must be a market for milk tea there."

"I will not let go of such a frontier of economic development."

"Milk tea, speaking of this, I came here to talk to you about it."

Li Qiuya put Cai Qian's matter behind her, and said with a serious expression: "I think you should hold a meeting and talk to the management about the milk tea."

"We all know the importance of Mr. Xiao's research, but the workers below don't know."

"They have everything they say. I am worried that in the long run, it will affect our corporate cohesion."

"It's this again?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned.

Has this matter gotten this serious?

Gao Shaoyuan said it before, but now Li Qiuya said it again, what do you mean?

Could it be that the people of Shanqiu Foods have such a big opinion on this laboratory?

It shouldn't be. They are all grassroots workers. They just have to work and earn money. How can they say they have such a big opinion on this matter?After all, this is a good thing.


A gleam flashed in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

Unless someone is playing tricks, rhythm in the malicious zone!

If so, it all makes sense.

But the question is, who is this person?Who would want to make such a moth come here?

And you must know that this person's identity is definitely not simple. If it is simple, don't try to incite so many people to attack Xiao Mingyu's laboratory with gossip.

"You already know about this?" Li Qiuya asked in surprise.

"Well, I heard Lao Gao talk about it before."

"I didn't take it seriously at the time, I just thought about finding a chance to rectify it after I came back."

"Now that you've said this again, it seems that this matter has become a little serious."

"Qiuya, tell me, how much trouble has this matter gotten now? How did it start the trend of boycotting the laboratory?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a serious expression.

"This wind has been blowing since the day you brought Teacher Xiao back, but no one took it seriously at that time, but I didn't expect it to become more and more serious now."

"If you don't believe it, you can go around the factory and listen to what the workers have to say." Li Qiuya said.

"Then who do you think might be spreading rumors about this?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I don't know who is making the rumors, but I know, whoever is good for this matter is who is making the rumors, what do you say?"

Li Qiuya said this as a matter of course.

As soon as these words fell to the ground, Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up.

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