Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 236 There will be such a day!

"Mr. Zhao, you should have heard, right? Green Arrow is also going to place an advertisement on our CCTV."

"They also sell chewing gum, which is opposite to your Yile." Yang Jue said with a smile.

Green Arrow!

Hearing what Yang Jue said, Zhao Shanhe changed color slightly, and then said calmly: "Normal, actually, in my opinion, Green Arrow's reaction is a bit slow."

"It's been almost half a year since our Yile advertised on our CCTV. They only remembered it and decided to choose our CCTV. What does this mean? It means that they didn't believe in CCTV from the very beginning."

"It's not because we saw that our Yile became popular, so we followed suit."

"It's not too late to make up for it, after all, they chose our big platform, CCTV."

"As long as we have CCTV around, their Green Arrow will not worry about selling."

These words were neither humble nor overbearing.

The most important thing is that Wen Mingtang and Yang Jue were very happy when they heard this.

Why?Because Zhao Shanhe scratched their itch with incomparable precision.

Why didn't you, Green Arrow, come to our CCTV to advertise before?

Now seeing that Yile is so popular, here you come.

And it's been almost half a year since the commercial was aired, and you just came, aren't you looking down on what our CCTV is?Don't you think our CCTV's propaganda is not enough?

Now that you know how to use our CCTV as a tool to turn things around, why did you go so early?

Zhao Shanhe is a proactive trust.

Green Arrow has ulterior motives.

Who do you ask Wen Mingtang to stand on?Of course it was Zhao Shanhe, there was no doubt about it.

"Mr. Zhao, aren't you afraid?" Wen Mingtang asked.

"Afraid of whom? Afraid of the Green Arrow?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, chuckled, and said confidently: "Director Wen, have you heard what happened at the Canton Fair in Shenzhen a while ago?"

"You're talking about Yile defeating Green Arrow, grabbing a large number of orders from Green Arrow, and even getting Green Arrow's regular customer, Hong Kong businessman Bao Tianhua?" Wen Mingtang asked.

"Hey, Director Wen, you know the details."

This really surprised Zhao Shanhe, he didn't expect that someone with Wen Mingtang's identity would care about this matter, and now he swallowed back what he wanted to explain.

"Haha, I also heard about this by accident."

"Mr. Zhao, your Yi Le is really powerful. He was able to kill Green Arrow in Green Arrow's stronghold."

"This can be regarded as giving our domestic products a boost. It's really exciting." Wen Mingtang said happily.

"This is what I should do, Director Wen, now that you know, it will be easier to talk about it."

"Are you asking me if I'm afraid? Of course I'm not. If I'm afraid, I should be afraid of the Green Arrow."

"They want to grab the market from me now, but all they play are the tricks I play. Will I be afraid of them?"

"But since they made a move, I can't say that I was passively beaten, and I will take the initiative to attack."

When Zhao Shanhe said this, a playful arc suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Director Wen, why do you think Green Arrow is able to advertise and sell things so recklessly in China, earning money from China? Isn't it just bullying our country's backward economy, which is in the stage of development?"

"But I believe they will regret it sooner or later. With the reform and opening up, our country's economic status will definitely improve rapidly. By then, I think he can still be so arrogant and domineering?"


Wen Mingtang didn't think so at first, but for some reason, after being told by Zhao Shanhe, he felt that the Green Arrow was really doing what he said, earning Huaxia's money.

"Mr. Zhao, I really hope that one day you can take Yile to go abroad and go to the United States to occupy the market of Green Arrow. This can be regarded as an honor for our country!"

"There will be such a day! And this day will definitely not be too far away!" Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'm just waiting for this day to come soon!"

Zhao Shanhe's words were not just words, but what he thought in his heart.

When he said this, he wanted to win Wen Mingtang over, but he was more directly expressing his feelings.

He is not opposed to attracting investment, or foreign businessmen entering the country. After all, if Huaxia wants to grow and develop, it must be inclusive, and it must rely on various legal economic systems to stimulate its operation.

But when he thought of so many brands in the future, which sounded like they were all owned by China, but were actually controlled by foreign capital, he felt a little sad.

Why should my big Huaxia be monopolized by foreign capital like you?

Why are you able to collect money from Huaxia so recklessly?

Why can't we strengthen ourselves and rise up?

My current strength is negligible, but I am willing to rely on this negligible power to leverage this lever, so that more people with lofty ideals can join in and strive for the independence and self-improvement of China's economy.

It was a great lunch.

In the afternoon, Zhao Shanhe came to the advertising department of CCTV and initialed an agreement with Wen Mingtang on the renewal of the contract.The agreement clearly states that as long as Zhao Shanhe comes up with a new advertisement, it can replace the current one at any time.

And when signing the contract, Yang Jue secretly told Zhao Shanhe that although Green Arrow had also signed the contract, their advertisement would not be broadcast on the same channel.

Who will win next depends on whose advertisement is more attractive and can move people's hearts more.

Zhao Shanhe is confident about this.

After finishing the business, the main task of Zhao Shanhe's trip to the capital can be regarded as successfully completed.Thinking that there was still some time, he called Chen Ju who had returned to the hotel and started to wander around.

In this way, it was night.

"Let's go to the noodle shop over there to eat a bowl of fried noodles." Zhao Shanhe pointed to a noodle shop not far away.

Chen Ju's eyes lit up: "Zhajiang noodles are good, my favorite is Zhajiang noodles."

"When I was in the army, there was a man in our company who used to be a cook, and the fried noodle with soy sauce was absolutely delicious." Chen Ju said with a smile.

"That's it!" Zhao Shanhe led Chen Ju forward with a big wave of his hand.

The two came to the noodle shop to sit down, ordered two fried noodles, ordered four dishes, plus a bottle of Erguotou, and began to eat happily.

Not to mention that the taste of this noodle is authentic, and it is not at the same level as the ones eaten in other cities.

While eating, there was a conversation from the table next to them.

"Mingyu, don't worry, you also know that the old hag has always been like this, she can't do anything."

"This old hag is simply too deceitful!"

"What I'm talking about is that Xiao Mingyu is obviously the research result, so why should she be named? Isn't this a clear way to grab credit? It's still so nasty."

"You said that if we report her, I don't believe it anymore. No one can take care of our Red Star Lab?"

But when he heard this conversation, especially when he heard the name Xiao Mingyu, Zhao Shanhe's original casual expression instantly became serious, and he turned his head to look over.

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