Your wishful thinking is well done, and you just want to eat the ready-made fruit.

If this formula is sold to you, wouldn't it be that you have found a competitor for yourself for no reason.

How could I do such a thing.

Even if Yang Shoucheng is sitting here, I will not agree to your unreasonable conditions.

"Mayor Yang, is this what you mean?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Yang Shoucheng shook his head, pointed at Luo Qian'an and said, "Mr. Zhao, before I came in today, I made it very clear that I was entrusted by someone to introduce you two."

"As for what you want to talk about and how it turns out, it has nothing to do with me."

"It's like buying out your chewing gum formula. I don't know anything about it."


It seems that Yang Shoucheng was really entrusted by others.

That being the case, then this matter is easy to handle.

Without Yang Shoucheng's involvement, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?

Luo Qian'an, although you are the owner of Honest Food, I am not that fledgling rookie back then.

No one can easily suppress me and threaten me.

Sifang Industrial's self-confidence is not good, and neither is Luo Qian'an of your honest food.

As for the matter before him, Zhao Shanhe had already been mentally prepared. He knew very well that with the development of Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing, there would definitely be various people following him.

After all, the market is so big, if you occupy it first, others will have nothing to eat, so peer competition is inevitable.

If you say that you come here in a fair manner, I won't complain even if I lose.

But you can't engage in such conspiracy!

I don't even know what you Luo Qian'an are thinking, you actually want to buy my formula, use my formula to produce chewing gum, and restrict me in turn, are you out of your mind?

Or is it that honest food has made you bloated, making you really think that you are the master of the business world in Handong City, and your words are the imperial decree?

"Mr. Luo, I'm sorry, I won't sell the formula, but if you want, we can cooperate in another way." Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.

Hearing Zhao Shanhe's refusal to sell the formula, Luo Qian'an showed a trace of displeasure on his face, and then heard that Zhao Shanhe intended to cooperate with him, and immediately asked with great interest: "How to cooperate?"

"Our Shanqiu Foods can provide you with Yile chewing gum, and you can find the market yourself."

"Didn't you just say that you don't plan to open up markets in the Eastern Province? That's fine, you can go to any province you want, and I will definitely guarantee the supply." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

After hearing this, Luo Qian'an shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhao, I don't want to cooperate like this. It's too troublesome. I still want to buy the formula directly."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not compete with Yile for the market. We can write this into the contract."

"And the price I give you, you will definitely be satisfied."

Luo Qian'an slowly raised three fingers.

"300 million!"

"As long as you want, I can buy the formula of your Yile chewing gum for 300 million yuan. I think this price is already very high. You won't refuse, right?" Luo Qian'an smiled confidently.


Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said casually: "Mr. Luo, even if you pay 3000 million, I won't sell the formula, so you don't need to talk about it anymore. This matter is not negotiable."

"Mr. Zhao, if you say that, there is nothing to talk about?" Luo Qian'an suppressed his smile, slowly sat up straight, stared at Zhao Shanhe sharply, and said unhurriedly.

"Hehe, Mr. Luo, there is no way to talk about what you said." Zhao Shanhe sneered, stroked the teacup in front of him calmly, and said calmly: "Okay, let's stop here .”

"Mr. Zhao, you have to know that my honest food still has some status in the business circle of Handong City. Are you afraid that if you reject me like this, it will bring harm to your development?" Luo Qian'an said with a half-smile .

"Mr. Luo, are you threatening me?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at it, and then said to Yang Shoucheng: "Mayor Yang, you are the introducer. When you hear this, shouldn't you say something fair?"

"Mr. Luo, you're going too far." Yang Shoucheng's face had already darkened, and he looked at Luo Qian'an with displeasure.

Luo Qian'an, you said you asked me to introduce Zhao Shanhe for you, and I did, but you didn't say that you were going to do this kind of thing.

How can you ask others to sell the formula so brazenly?If you don't sell it, you will make threats. Is this what a serious businessman should do?

And when you do this, have you ever thought about how I feel?I am the introducer, if this happens, what will you make Zhao Shanhe think of me?

"Ha ha!"

Luo Qian'an immediately burst into laughter, raised the wine glass in front of him and said, "Mayor Yang, I was just joking with Mr. Zhao just now, and I can't take it seriously."

"Didn't you say that there is no righteousness in buying and selling, and Mr. Zhao and I are now in the presence of benevolence and righteousness."

"Mr. Zhao, do you think so? Come on, let's toast Mayor Yang together."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe slowly raised his wine glass.

The three drank it all in one gulp.

After the next three people said something nonchalantly, Luo Qian'an got up to leave.

Seeing him walk away without any scruples like this, Zhao Shanhe's expression was a little surprised.

"Mayor Yang, isn't this Luo Qian'an going too far?"

"You are still here, how dare he go there? He obviously doesn't pay attention to you."

"Luo Qian'an is this kind of person, don't worry about him."

Yang Shoucheng felt cold in his heart, but he said calmly, "Mr. Zhao, I'm to blame for today's incident. I didn't think carefully. I didn't expect that Luo Qian'an came to you for this matter." .”

"It's too serious, Mayor Yang, you are too polite, I understand, I understand." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

It was nothing more than the fact that Yang Shoucheng couldn't get rid of the person behind Luo Qian'an, so he did this.

If he had known that Luo Qian'an would act so recklessly, Yang Shoucheng might not have agreed.

"Mr. Zhao, you have to be mentally prepared for this matter. Since Luo Qian'an said so, it means that he is eyeing the chewing gum. If you don't agree, he will think of other ways." Yang Shoucheng reminded .

"Thank you, Mayor Yang, for reminding me. I will keep this in mind."

Zhao Shanhe is also aware of this, if he is not afraid of thieves stealing, he is afraid of thieves thinking about him.

Since Luo Qian'an has his eyes on this matter, it is impossible to say that he will give up casually.

That being said, I should take advantage of the present to fuel Yile Chewing Gum and try to make Yile even more prosperous.

As long as Yile blossoms everywhere in the country, I won't be afraid even if Luo Qian'an has any tricks.

Who let me have formed a brand effect!

Yes, just do it!

The two chatted for a few more words and then separated. Zhao Shanhe called Chen Ju and was about to return to Zhenghe County. Unexpectedly, he received an unexpected call just as he got in the car.

"What did you say? Say it again, are you sure it's true?"

Zhao Shanhe's tone was startled.

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