Hetu Manufacturing Office Building.

After Zhao Shanhe came back, he called Li Qiucheng over, took out a portfolio from the drawer, put it on the table and asked, "Are you sure Dong Siyuan is okay? Evening News dares to report this news?"

"Of course I dare!"

Li Qiucheng said without hesitation: "Brother-in-law, in fact, the Evening News is not as cautious as you think."

"Because the Evening News in Zhenghe County was suppressed by several other newspapers and was on the verge of bankruptcy. If the people in the newspaper hadn't said that they all have public status, they would have been unable to expose the blame."

"But even so, their life is not easy."

"Recently there is news that the county is planning to adjust the leadership team of the Evening News because of the sluggish performance of the Evening News."

"Under such circumstances, Dong Siyuan patted his chest and assured me that as long as you nod, he will immediately publicize the matter in the newspaper."

"And this matter, the president of the Evening News also supports it, because he doesn't want to sit still."

This is quite frank.

This is about to be adjusted to the position under the buttocks and refrigerated, who can remain indifferent?

Now that I have this opportunity, of course I have to take a gamble.

If you win the bet, you will continue to sit firmly on the president's throne.Losing a bet is nothing more than moving a cold bench.

"Then you can make arrangements and tell Dong Siyuan that as long as this matter is done well, even if he is fired from the Evening News, I, Hetu Manufacturing, will reserve a place for him." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.


Half an hour later, in a teahouse in Zhenghe County, Li Qiucheng saw Dong Siyuan. He handed over the file bag, patted it lightly, and said in a low voice, "Old Dong, all the information is in here, and I will see it later." Yours."

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter well." Dong Siyuan caressed the file bag, his face full of excitement.

As a reporter, what he is most afraid of is not that the news reported is too shocking, but that there are no shocking news reports, because that means he will lose his job.

How could he miss the opportunity now?

As for the authenticity of the information, he did some research.

According to his investigation, although no conclusive evidence was found, it can also prove that Sifang Industrial's butt is not clean.

It is enough to know this.

What's more, Zhao Shanhe instructed him to do the whole thing, so he still wants to believe in Zhao Shanhe's character.

"Old Dong, my brother-in-law asked me to pass a message to you." Li Qiucheng said with a smile.

"What?" Dong Siyuan looked up curiously.

"My brother-in-law said, let you do this with confidence and boldness. Even if you are fired, Hetu Manufacturing will have a place for you." Li Qiucheng said slowly.

Dong Siyuan looked slightly startled, and then laughed.

"Mr. Zhao's courage is really big enough, then you can also help me to send a message to Mr. Zhao."

"Which sentence?" Li Qiucheng asked curiously.

"If I can't do this well, I won't see him."

Dong Siyuan picked up the teacup in front of him, drank it all in one gulp, picked up the file bag and went out.

Silent all night.

The headlines on the front page of the next day's Zhenghe Evening News suddenly published an article with a very directional title: On the Five Deadly Sins of Sifang Industry!

Just this title will attract you to watch, and when you take a first glance, you will find that you can't stop.

The whole article is wonderfully written. Although the style of writing is not gorgeous at all, it is the most simple language that releases a kind of gunpowder atmosphere of gold and iron horses.

"I heard that Sifang Industry recently came to our Zhenghe County, saying that they want to buy Jiuquan Hardware Factory, and they want to help this state-owned enterprise come back to life. Unemployed workers have jobs again."

"Is it really so?"

"If they were really so kind, I would welcome them with my hands up, and I would even be willing to kneel down and kowtow to welcome me."

"But Sifang Industry is not like this. They are a group of greedy hungry wolves. They came to our Zhenghe County not to solve our problems, but to embezzle state-owned assets and search for the people's favor."

"The first crime I want to sue Sifang Industry is deception. They have not only deceived our government and enterprises in Zhenghe County, they have also deceived many enterprises in other places. Deception has been integrated into their bones."

"You may think I'm talking nonsense, but don't worry, I have evidence. I have a list here, which is a statement issued by some companies that have been deceived by them"

"The second crime is to take advantage of legal loopholes. Sifang Industry is wearing a high-sounding signboard, but what it does is to play around the edges of the law and cover up its illegal purpose in a legal form."

"Do you know how they operate? They make profits by manipulating capital leverage. Simply put, the routine is like this"

"The third deadly sin is poisoning. Sifang Industries, after making profits, will only do two things to the acquired companies, either pack them up and sell them, or hoard them and wait for the land price to rise."

"No matter what it is, it is our Zhenghe County that will be poisoned in the end. It will undoubtedly make things worse for Jiuquan Hardware, and all workers will be displaced."

"The fourth deadly sin is disrupting the economic order"

"The fifth deadly sin is fooling the people. In their eyes, we are the objects of their fooling."

"They know very well that even if their operation is questioned, they can find reasons to explain it."

"But no matter how they explain it, they are fooling the people of Zhenghe County, insulting our IQ, and trampling on our dignity."

"The last thing I want to say is, Sifang Industry, if you sincerely come to our Zhenghe County to invest in construction and really want to help Jiuquan Hardware achieve a reversal, then don't play that game with us again."

"Because everyone in our Zhenghe County will stare at you, as long as you dare to act recklessly, we dare to report it."

"Finally, I also ask the banks in Zhenghe County to keep their eyes open, and don't be deceived by Sifang Industrial's tricks."

"That's it, let's do it for yourself."

And when such an article was published in the newspaper, it immediately set off an upsurge of discussion in Zhenghe County.

After all, the county is so big, and the restructuring of Jiuquan Hardware is well known to everyone, and it is impossible to know.

"Didn't this Jiuquan Hardware be acquired by Hetu Manufacturing? Why did Sifang Industry pop up again?"

"Is this Sifang Industry too nonsense?"

"If what the newspaper said is true, then Sifang Industry came to Zhenghe County empty-handed. Companies like this must be resolutely boycotted."

"What I said at the beginning, I said that this matter should be handed over to Hetu Manufacturing. After all, it is a home-grown enterprise, which we can see and feel. Now that it is done like this, I will see how some people end up. "

"Do you think this matter was exposed by Hetu Manufacturing?"

Just when there was a lot of discussion in the streets and alleys, this evening paper was also placed on Du Jingming's desk.

Gu Changbei stood quietly in front.

Du Jingming's face was gloomy.

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