Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 208 Everything Has Priorities

Chen Jiguo's home is in the northwest corner of the county, which is a dilapidated urban village.

The alleys are like spider webs, spreading everywhere in the village.

I just saw a video studio at the entrance of this alley, and before I had time to look carefully at the posters with red lanterns hanging high on the wall, I turned to another alley after a few steps, and there was a barber shop at the entrance of the alley.

Although it was already dark, the business in the barber shop was still booming.

"With a half-drunk and tired face, I linger in the twilight, whistling the north wind, do you know how to find her?"

Amidst the sound of the music, the little kids were not too tired, rubbing against the lights outside the door, playing hopscotch.

"Dad, what is the master looking for me for?" Yang E asked curiously.

"Where do I know, I'll know when I arrive in a while."

"You have to remember what I told you just now, don't talk nonsense after seeing the master, don't be big or small." Yang Dapao turned his head and warned.


A few minutes later, the father and daughter sat in front of Chen Jiguo.

"I really didn't expect that the yellow-haired girl back then has become a big girl now."

Chen Jiguo smiled and exchanged pleasantries, then went straight to the point and said, "Yang E, do you know why I want to see you?"

"I don't know." Yang E shook her head.

"I want to hear you talk about Zhao Shanhe." Chen Jiguo said calmly.

"Zhao Shanhe?"

After Yang E heard this, she immediately showed a thoughtful expression, and quickly began to say, "Master, Zhao Shanhe and I used to be classmates in high school."

"Now I'm working under him again. If it is said who knows him best, I dare not say that he is ranked first, but he is definitely in the forefront."

"Zhao Shanhe is a person who is very courageous in doing things, but he will not act recklessly. For example, he won the ice factory back then."

"I heard Zhao Shanhe talk about his dream. He said that he wants to make the company bigger and stronger, and let the whole world know how powerful Huaxia is."

"Master, this is the Zhao Shanhe I know." Yang E said with a smile.

"Hearing what you said, I think Zhao Shanhe is really good, at least he has ideals and means." Chen Jiguo nodded slightly and pondered.

"You said that if I hand over Jiuquan Hardware to him, would he be willing to accept it?" Chen Jiguo asked suddenly.


Even though she had guessed this just now, Yang E was still shocked when she heard Chen Jiguo say it in person. She stood up from the chair immediately, and asked with surprise in her eyes: "Master, are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious, otherwise why would you think I would come here for you. Yang E, Yang E, don't think that I'm getting old and confused when I get older. I'm more sober than anyone else."

"I know that Zhao Shanhe is not thinking about Jiuquan Hardware for a day or two. He should dream of eating Jiuquan Hardware and merging it into Hetu Manufacturing."

"Since the bankruptcy of Jiuquan Hardware is inevitable, I naturally want to find a good way out for my disciples and grandchildren."

"Ask him after you go back, and say that I asked you to ask. If he, Zhao Shanhe, says he is willing to take over everyone from Jiuquan Hardware, I will say a few words for him."

"If it is said that he only wants the Jiuquan Hardware factory and doesn't care about the lives of the workers, then I will definitely not agree to this matter. Just tell the truth." Chen Jiguo said calmly.

"Yes, master, I understand."

Next, Yang E talked with Chen Jiguo for a while, and when she saw that Chen Jiguo was getting tired, she took the initiative to get up and leave.After coming outside, Yang E asked Yang Dapao to go home first.

"where are you going?"

"I'm going to the factory, tell the factory manager about this, and listen to his opinion." Yang E said.

"Then go, remember, your master is very prestigious in Jiuquan Hardware, if he says he is willing to help, Zhao Shanhe will save a lot of trouble." Yang Dapao reminded.

"Yes, I understand!"

Yang E quickly returned to Hetu Manufacturing.

She immediately dialed Zhao Shanhe's eldest brother. At this time, Zhao Shanhe and Du Jingming had already left, and when she received a call from Yang E, after hearing her general idea, she immediately asked Chen Ju to drive back to the factory.

In the office of the director of Hetu Manufacturing.

After receiving the notice, Li Xiangyang also rushed over.

After Yang E told what happened tonight, Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile: "So you mean, as long as you agree to Mr. Chen Jiguo, then there is no need to implement the arrangements we made before?"


Yang E nodded and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen has a very high status in Jiuquan Hardware, and now those senior technicians are all brought out by him."

"The workers below are all his disciples. A word from him is much more effective than Wu Liande. If he says he is willing to help, then it will definitely be done."

"Mr. Chen is really a smart person, not confused at all. He must also think that Jiuquan Hardware is terminally ill and there is no possibility of bringing him back to life, so he just asked us to take everyone away."

"Then this matter has become easier now. The county government intends to allow us to take over Jiuquan Hardware for the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, and Mr. Chen is also willing to support us. Then there is only one remaining question, whether to take over all the workers."

Li Xiangyang said with a solemn expression: "I dare say that not all workers are good. There must be fake ones here. If we really accept all of them, I'm afraid."

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe waved his hand decisively and said bluntly: "The most important thing we have to do now is to eat Jiuquan Hardware. As for the quality of workers, we will talk about it later."

"Know that everything has priorities, and the most important ones should be dealt with first, and the unimportant ones can be dealt with at any time."

"Then I'll reply to Mr. Chen like this?" Yang E asked, blinking.

"Yes, just reply him like this, just say that I said it, and I agreed to his conditions, but you have to tell him clearly, if there is someone who wants to fool around, I will not be vague." Zhao Shanhe said.

"it is good!"

After the meeting, Zhao Shanhe went home by car. Now that Chen Ju is here, he can save him a lot of trouble.

"Chen Ju, I heard from Qiu Ying that your sister is in the first grade of junior high this year, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked casually.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, in the first grade of junior high school, he was in Mahe Middle School in our county." Chen Ju replied immediately.

"Mahe Middle School?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said slowly: "You are in the county town, and she is in Mahe Middle School, which is a bit far away, and it is inconvenient to take care of her. Besides, the quality of teaching in Mahe Middle School is just the same, isn't it good?"

"So, make preparations and transfer your sister to our County No. [-] Middle School. The campus environment and teaching quality of County No. [-] Middle School are top-notch."

"Mr. Zhao, I also want to transfer her to another school, but" Chen Ju showed a bit of embarrassment.


Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and interrupted him with a smile: "Do you remember what I asked you to do two days ago?"

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