Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 206 1 red heart and 2 hands ready

"Xiangyang, our great opportunity has come, immediately notify the management to come to the conference room for a meeting."

Zhao Shanhe said loudly.


Li Xiangyang left in a hurry.

Looking at Li Xiangyang's back, Zhao Shanhe scratched his head and suddenly felt that he should have a secretary.

After all, Li Xiangyang is also the deputy director of the factory, and usually manages a lot of things. If he is required to do such a small matter as informing people of a meeting, it would be a bit overkill.

Conference room in 10 minutes.

All the cadres in the factory were present as counted.

After Zhao Shanhe entered, he scanned the audience and said loudly, "Do you know the reason why you all came here?"

"Director, I don't know."

Yang E shook her head.

"Director, are you going to announce some important order?"

"That's right, now I'm officially announcing an order to everyone, and I'm going to buy Jiuquan Hardware." Zhao Shanhe said with great momentum.

"What, you want to buy Jiuquan Hardware?"

"Really? The scale of the factory is not small?"

"Yes, and Jiuquan Hardware is a state-owned enterprise, how can it be acquired so easily? Factory manager, we have to be careful about this."

After a short period of stupefaction, several people all started to discuss enthusiastically. This is also the corporate atmosphere created by Zhao Shanhe.

During a meeting, everyone can speak freely, and the speaker is innocent.

But as long as he makes a decision, no matter what ideas you have, you must obey me obediently, go all out, and implement without compromise.

"I know what you said, but this is not a reason not to buy Jiuquan Hardware. I believe that I don't need to say, you all know the benefits of eating Jiuquan Hardware."

"In the past, the time hadn't come yet, but now that Wu Liande was taken away by the county disciplinary committee and the factory lost its backbone, our chance has come.

"I guess our county should carry out a restructuring of Jiuquan Hardware. If this is the case, I hope that Hetu Manufacturing can win the opportunity of this restructuring!"

"Of course, we are prepared with one heart and two hands. There are a few things that you need to do right now."

Zhao Shanhe said with high spirits: "First, Deputy Director Li, you are in charge of contacting the technicians of Jiuquan Hardware and telling them that as long as they are willing to come to our Hetu for manufacturing, the conditions and treatment will be absolutely favorable."

"Understood!" Li Xiangyang said respectfully.

"Second, Yang E, you came from Jiuquan Hardware, so you know the situation of Jiuquan Hardware the best. You are responsible for contacting those skilled and capable workers and telling them that if anyone is willing to come to Hetu to manufacture, the treatment will be the same as ours. workers."

"Okay!" Yang E respectfully accepted the order.

"Of course, you have to be aware of it. I believe that Jiuquan Hardware does not mean that everyone has real talents and learning. Those who enter through nepotism and have no real skills will not be used." Zhao Shanhe reminded.

"Changzi, I know." Yang E smiled.

"Thirdly, the rest of you should mobilize me, mobilize all your relationships, and keep an eye on Jiuquan Hardware. If there is any disturbance over there, you must report to me immediately." Zhao Shanhe then explained.


"Comrades, I believe you all understand what I mean by the arrangements I made just now. If we say that we can get this opportunity for restructuring, these arrangements will be the icing on the cake."

"If we can't get this opportunity, we have to dig out the technical strength of Jiuquan Hardware. After all, it is the only hardware factory in our county. There are still many technical backbones, which are what we are lacking now. resource."

Zhao Shanhe pressed his hands on the table and stood up slowly.

"Did everyone hear clearly?"

"Listen clearly."

Everyone stood up and said loudly.

"Then act!"

Soon, the two machines of Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing started to spin up, and everyone started to make a fuss about Jiuquan Hardware.

Because they all knew that what Zhao Shanhe did was not wrong.With the current scale of Hetu Manufacturing, if we want to meet the production capacity, we must recruit new employees no matter what.

That being the case, why not go to those ready-made technical forces?

And Jiuquan Hardware is indeed a fryer now, and the whole factory is in a state of chaos.

"This wicked Wu Liande has done so many unconscionable things behind our backs. Our hardware factory used to be very profitable, but since he came to power, it has become worse day by day."

"Who says it's not, if it wasn't for the money given to us by the county government this year, how could we have wages!"

"I said, Lao Liu, don't mention this matter. When did it happen? From that time when the salary was paid to now, let alone the new year, it was not paid last month, last month. , this owes us another two months?"

"Yeah, I guess this month is enough. If we don't pay a penny for three months, what shall we eat and drink?"

"This bastard tortoise eats sea delicacies all day long, but he's screwed us to death!"

"Look at the manufacture of Hetu, with a monthly salary of 400 yuan, I'm so envious!"

The whole Jiuquan Hardware has been paralyzed for a long time, and people from all workshops are discussing together, and they become excited when they talk.

Some people even clamored to go to the county government to petition, asking the county government to be the master, to make Wu Liande spit out all the money embezzled over the years, and bring him to justice.

There are still many people who have already started playing their own little nines, wanting to take advantage of the chaos to get some back first.

At this moment, someone stood up.

He didn't have any extra words, he just stopped at the gate of the factory, and all those who wanted to petition turned off their lights.

The eyes of everyone looking over are full of awe.

"Old factory manager, why are you here?"

"Master, hello!"

"Old factory manager, you are getting old, come and sit quickly."

There is only one person in Jiuquan Hardware who possesses such a respectable prestige and can intimidate the audience at critical moments, and he is the old factory director Chen Jiguo.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Jiuquan Hardware was founded by Chen Jiguo alone. Without him, there would be no Jiuquan Hardware at all.

All the capable masters in the factory are apprentices trained by Chen Jiguo.

These days, when a disciple sees his master, who would dare to show his teeth?

"I already know what happened in the factory. You all listen to me. Don't make trouble, don't cause trouble, and believe that our government can handle it well."

Chen Jiguo said in a deep voice after scanning the audience.

"Old factory manager, Wu Liande is really not a thing. He has embezzled so much. It's all our hard-earned money. If it weren't for him, our hardware factory would not be like this."

"I know what you said, but I still say that, you have to trust the government."

"The government will definitely give us Jiuquan Hardware an explanation. What you have to do now is to tell me everyone, and wait for the news with peace of mind, so as not to make the factory a mess!" Yang Jiguo waved his hand and said loudly.

"Okay, let's just listen to the old factory manager and wait for the news."

After the crowd dispersed, Yang Jiguo called Yang Dapao who was following him over, and then asked questions.

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