Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 204 This is an extremely sad person

It turned out that Jin Pingzhi, who was at the side, became angry and threw his fist at him.

"Step aside!"

Li Qiuya also shouted in surprise.


However, what happened next surprised both women.

However, Chen Jufei was not hit. Instead, he kicked Jin Pingzhi directly in the abdomen with a sharp back kick. He kicked him to the base of the wall and fell heavily to the ground.

"Bastard, you dare to hit me, you're in trouble!" Jin Pingzhi yelled sadly.

"what happened?"

Zhao Shanhe, who happened to see this scene, couldn't help asking.

"Mountains and rivers!"

After seeing Zhao Shanhe appearing, Li Qiuya hurried over, briefly explained what happened here, and raised her hands.

"This Chen Ju was originally Qiu Ying's classmate, but later he went to serve in the army, and now he has just returned from the army. You have to speak for him in this matter, and don't let him be framed by Jin Pingzhi."

"Who? What did you say his name was?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise.

"My name is Chen Ju."

Chen Ju also saw Zhao Shanhe, and he knew who Zhao Shanhe was, but even so, he didn't show any restraint or timidity, and declared himself to be neither humble nor overbearing.

"You said your name is Chen Ju?" Zhao Shanhe asked closely.

"Yes, I am Chen Ju."

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's surprised appearance, Chen Ju frowned slightly.

"Do we know each other?"

do you know it?Of course not, but I do know who you are.

Zhao Shanhe said that after seeing Chen Ju, he felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but he remembered it suddenly after hearing the name.

Isn't this the hero who was called the saddest by the media in later generations?

Zhao Shanhe knew him because he was from Zhenghe County.

Speaking of Chen Ju, his life is indeed desolate enough.

His parents died young, leaving only him and his sister to depend on each other.

He was a soldier, and the reason why he retired early was because when he was on a mission, seeing his comrades killed by drug lords, he resolutely disregarded orders and executed all the captured drug lords. As a result, he was ordered to discharge from the army.

After retiring from the army, he lived in the old housekeeper and the county town, and lived with his younger sister.

But later, he offended someone because of his righteousness, and his younger sister was hit and killed by the other party's revenge. In anger, he directly killed the other party's whole family, and finally committed suicide in grief.

This is a very sad person.

He was originally a hero, but who would want his life to be extremely gloomy.

When Zhao Shanhe knew about it, he thought about helping Chen Ju, but there was no time to do anything.

Let him meet here now, so naturally he can't just miss it.

"Let me handle it."

Zhao Shanhe patted the back of Li Qiuya's hand, smiled at Chen Ju and said, "Brother, thank you just now."

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Chen Ju said frankly.

"Okay, you gangsters dare to make trouble here, don't even try to leave, don't even try to escape!"

At this time, Jin Pingzhi struggled to stand up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted loudly.

"I'm going to call the police!"

"You want to call the police?"

Zhao Shanhe strode over, looked at Jin Pingzhi, whose face was covered in blood, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his hand to pat Jin Pingzhi's face, and raised his hand violently under his embarrassing eyes.


A clean and big slap was slapped hard, which made Jin Pingzhi stare at his eyes and buzz in his ears.


Covering his face, Jin Pingzhi looked at the murderous Zhao Shanhe, feeling inexplicably terrified.

"What did you just say? You want to call the police, don't you? Okay, you go to the police. When the police come, let them find me."

"Do you know who I am? It doesn't matter if you don't know. I can tell you that my name is Zhao Shanhe. I am Zhao Shanhe, the factory director of Shanqiu Foods and Zhao Shanhe, the factory director of Hetu Manufacturing!"

Hearing this, Jin Pingzhi's pupils suddenly shrank.

He turned out to be Zhao Shanhe?

Before that, Jin Pingzhi really didn't know who Zhao Shanhe was, but not knowing him didn't mean he hadn't heard his name.

Thinking that because of Zhao Shanhe, Liu Wenqiang, the deputy director of the textile factory, was not only taken down, but also imprisoned, he was a little scared.

This is someone who even Liu Wenqiang can deal with, let alone himself?

"Zhao Shanhe, what are you going to do?"

Thinking of this, he suppressed the panic in his heart, stared at Zhao Shanhe, and shouted sternly.

"What to do? Of course, do what I should do. Listen carefully to me. This slap is a lesson for you. You'd better submit your resignation report tomorrow and get out of this school, otherwise, All consequences are at your own risk.”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe turned to Li Qiuya and said, "Qiuya, let's go, if I stay here again, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist beating him to death."

"Well, Qiu Ying, let's go!"

Li Qiuya pulled Qiu Ying to follow.

Seeing that Chen Ju was still standing there, Zhao Shanhe stopped again, waved at him and said, "Chen Ju, if you're okay, let's go together, I happen to have something to tell you."


Chen Ju hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed up.

After all the people had left, Jin Pingzhi covered his swollen right cheek and roared ferociously: "Zhao Shanhe, I will leave if you tell me to leave. Who do you think you are? I just won't leave. See what you can do to me?"

On the road outside the night school.

"Director, thank you for what happened just now." Qiu Ying said gratefully.

She is also a member of Shanqiu Foods now, so she is also used to being called Director Zhao Shanhe.

"Why are you thanking me? The person you should thank most is Chen Ju. If it wasn't for him, you would be at a disadvantage."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and said to Chen Ju: "Chen Ju, do you think so?"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. I can't just watch that bastard bully Qiu Ying." Chen Ju waved his hands repeatedly.

"Chen Ju, I'm really sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't lose your job." Qiu Ying said apologetically.

"It's okay. If I had known that Jin Pingzhi was such a person, I wouldn't have come to work here even if I was invited by eight sedan chairs."

Chen Ju said disapprovingly.

"How can it be irrelevant." Qiu Ying couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Okay, Qiu Ying, don't worry, no one is to blame for this matter, if you want to blame, you can blame Jin Pingzhi for not being a good person, and he actually set the abacus on us."

"Don't blame yourself too much about Chen Ju. Let's talk to the principal about it tomorrow. I still don't believe it. Principal An will ignore this matter and let this guy behave like this."

Li Qiuya pulled Qiu Ying's arm to persuade her.

"Yes, Qiu Ying, it's a big deal to change jobs." Chen Ju followed with a smile.


Qiu Ying wanted to say something else, but Zhao Shanhe raised his arms with a smile and said unhurriedly.

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